Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1007 Shouldn't be bad, right?

Chapter 1007 Shouldn't be bad, right?
Ji Hongtian, the first disciple of Jintianzong, is so angry!He said in his heart: "You are so arrogant because you have a way to break into the big formation. Do you really think that I can't get in? With the big sunglass in hand, what kind of formation can hardly defeat me?"

Without any interval, the brilliant mirror light and roar appeared at the same time.

The first disciple of Jintian Sect started to attack the Ganoderma lucidum garden formation, since he came, there is absolutely no reason to stop here.

The ground shook, and wind, frost, rain and snow appeared. This large formation was mainly composed of five elements, and it exploded with all its strength against the mirror light to prevent intruders from entering.

After Chen Xinghe uttered nonsense, he quickly hammered his right arm. Naturally, these days have not been in vain, but the arm bone is still bent, which greatly affects his shots.

In desperation, he took out the Guishui elite, secretly called out "absorb", and opened all the acupuncture points on his right arm to absorb the blue light entering.

As the best medium for creating magic weapons, Guishui elites can increase the flexibility of the metal and thus accept more intense forging. It seems right for Chen Xinghe to use them to shape his arms.

You must know that his arm is comparable to a magic weapon, especially after absorbing a large amount of blood essence, the space attribute faintly grows, which is even more extraordinary.

If you want to complete bone setting quickly, it is suitable to use Guishui Elite!
But it's too painful. The Guishui elite is not harmless. It impacts the meridians all the time, and generates a coolness that goes straight to the dantian and the heart. It has incredible dyeing power.

Fortunately, the Mahayana dharma bone was blocked in time, otherwise the body would transform towards the yin water attribute.

The result of the transformation should not be underestimated. Firstly, the golden spirit root will become no longer pure, and then all the powers under its control will become feminine.

Chen Xinghe, a big man, trembled in his heart when he thought that he would become a twat when he made a move.

This kind of thing can never happen to him, so when using the Guishui elite, it is necessary to block such negative effects.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Continuous hammering consumes a lot of mana, but in order to complete the bone setting before the enemy arrives, he doesn't care so much.

The mirror light rotates, and the speed of cracking the large array is quite fast. Ji Hongtian walked slowly, and when he stopped, he had already made a passage along the mirror light and entered the Ganoderma lucidum garden.

Looking around, it is bare.

Chen Xinghe had no choice but to take the giant ganoderma in the garden. The formation guarding the giant ganoderma was very tight, and there was no place to stay when he made a big move to teleport it in, so he gave up!

But since he came in, how could the other Ganoderma lucidum in the garden escape the "poisonous hand"?
In the past few days, Chen Xinghe had already picked the ganoderma in batches. It was normal for Ji Hongtian to come in and see a bare patch, but it would be abnormal to keep the ganoderma to continue to fill the scenery.

Gossip aside, there are still some restrictions in the garden, but they are powerless to stop the first disciple of Jintian Sect.

Soon, Ji Hongtian stood in front of the large formation where Chen Xinghe was, and said with a cold smile: "How dare you compare yourself to a god or Buddha with mere scabies? Is my Heavenly Sect a place where you can come and go whenever you want?"

A few days ago, after Jin Tianjing had been busy for a while, he discovered that Chen Xinghe was not dead.

Not only did he not die, but he continued to be active in Jintianzong alive and kicking, and went to Yuanjiang Dongfu to make a fortune.

A wave of anger was stirred in his heart, so he ordered Ji Hongtian to crush these annoying little bugs to death.

The First Disciple of Heaven is quite powerful, and it is not easy to give orders if he is in seclusion or outside the sect. Coincidentally, Ji Hongtian is in the sect, and he has more time.

Giving Ji Hongtian the task of beheading Chen Xinghe is absolutely foolproof.

Therefore, after Jin Tianjing gave the order, he felt that the matter was stable, and he quickly stepped up his efforts to pay attention to the invasion of the demon world. This is the most important thing to be worried about right now, and other things must be sidelined.

For Chen Xinghe, this was really sitting behind closed doors, and the disaster came from outside.

To be honest, the pressure that this first disciple of worshiping heaven caused to him was not small.

There is a mysterious feeling among the masters, even if there is no change in the book of life and death, once they think of fighting the opponent, the book of life and death immediately becomes blurred, and the warning is unexpectedly strong.

Before Chen Xinghe sneaked into the Heavenly Heaven Sect, he did not expect that the Heavenly Heavenly Mirror was so powerful that it could detect the monks of the Qingtian Sect coming across the border.

At that time, he was thinking that after a year and a half of tossing around, Jin Tianzong would probably not be able to notice his little Nascent Soul.

Whoever wanted things to go against their wishes, was deliberately targeted in just a few days, and now they have been upgraded to become the head of the Yuanying of the two sects to kill each other.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Chen Xinghe is given 50 years to grow and truly improve his cultivation level, he will not be afraid of any Nascent Soul stage masters from the five major sects, even some cultivators at the early stage of transformation can handle it to death of.

But not now, he is in the growth stage.

In this crisis-ridden environment, a tree that has not yet grown into a towering tree that is not afraid of wind and rain can easily die prematurely in extreme situations.

Ji Hongtian started to crack the big formation, but he stopped just after cracking a few layers of restrictions, and said with displeasure: "Why are you here?"

Laughter came from afar: "Hahaha, I've said it all, if you come to see Senior Brother Ji take action at will, he won't be happy."

Another voice appeared: "Hmph, so what if he's not happy? It's been 200 years in a blink of an eye, let's see if the Chief Ji has improved? If it's still at the same level as before, quickly give up the throne of the chief apprentice, Don't occupy the latrine without shitting."

A third voice appeared, this time it was a thin female voice: "It's so disgusting, what do you mean occupying a latrine? Can this stinky mouth be changed?"

"I can't change it. I didn't expect Junior Sister Jin to join in the fun."

The shrill female voice sneered: "Could it be that you Japanese duo feel that I'm weak and not qualified to come here to see the elder brother?"

The fourth person spoke up: "Three juniors and younger sisters, don't let the young emperor Qingtianzong see a joke. We are still very united as disciples of the Yuanying stage of the Tianzong sect."

The female disciple was quite disdainful: "If we monks don't take the top spot, if we don't fight for A, B, C, D, what's the point of living?"

The implication is to say, unite ass!
At this moment, Chen Xinghe's complexion was ugly.

The cultivator who killed the big devil alone is not easy to deal with, who knows that a bunch of them ran out in a blink of an eye, thinking: "Can you, the Heavenly Sect, be a little bit more embarrassing? There are more people bullying and less people? Let me see." If there is a chance, I will deal with you like real demons, catch one or two and send them to the central formation, where there are five Guishui gods, enough for you to drink a pot."

It was lively now, first four powerful monks came, and then three more.

There are seven in total, and with Ji Hongtian added, there are eight.

Chen Xinghe felt a big headache, and muttered: "Could it be that all the disciples of Jintianzong have nothing to do? Find a reason to come to the meeting?"

Ji Hongtian glanced around, knowing that he hadn't shown his true abilities for a long time, and these guys were unwilling to be female again.

This is to use the hands of the young emperor Qingtianzong to weigh whether he has the corresponding weight of the first disciple.

That's right, time flies by, and he also wants to see how far he has reached. It is expected that the young emperor of Qingtianzong, who is so valued by Jintianjing, should not be bad, right?

(End of this chapter)

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