Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1008 Two strong meet

Chapter 1008 Two Powers Meet
Ji Hongtian didn't expect the big formation in front of him to be so tough. It took a whole hour and half of the mana was consumed by the big sun mirror before he successfully broke through.

"Young Emperor Qingtianzong, here I come!"

His voice was filled with indescribable determination and coldness.

Chen Xinghe just threw his last punch and straightened his right arm back. Although he grimaced from the pain, it was not without benefits.

Regardless of the cost, use Guishui Elite to render, the stronger the hammering force, the more hammering times, the higher the level of the arm.

The arm became extremely extraordinary. During the hammering process, I felt that its strength broke through some restrictions several times, especially the space attribute from the bloody marrow, which was more closely integrated with the arm.

Ji Hongtian squinted his eyes to look at Chen Xinghe's arm and said, "So you were injured, and you hid here to heal your injuries."

Chen Xinghe got up slowly, and said: "Soldiers on the battlefield will not receive preferential treatment from the enemy because of their injuries. A battle between you and me more or less represents the strength of the sect. With the size of the Tianzong sect today, if your Excellency Unfortunate defeat, I believe you and the people behind you will never accept it, so you must do everything! Although this battle is very difficult for me, it is also the best way to sharpen your own combat power. I will It is not necessarily what kind of tricks to use, so I would like to remind you to be careful."

"Come on!" Ji Hongtian didn't hesitate, he acted first, and immediately cast a dazzling mirror light.

"Boom..." A terrifying force rushed towards Chen Xinghe, who would have thought that a large net would suddenly rise under his feet and envelop the two of them.

This big net actually ignores the mirror light and can be called indestructible.

Chen Xinghe swung his right fist, and the whistling sound pierced through in a unique way. Ji Hongtian felt that this punch was a little scary, so he summoned a precious mirror to defend against it.

He made a mistake in judgment here, Chen Xinghe didn't launch an attack, but punched out a dark cave, and teleported out with a large net in a blink of an eye.

It was still the central formation, and this was the second time he had visited it. The Ashes Net suddenly changed shape, and Ji Hongtian roared furiously.

The sense of crisis is soaring wildly, and there are terrible enemies around.This is what the young emperor Qingtianzong said, not necessarily what kind of tricks to use?

Chen Xinghe drifted back quickly. Since the central formation was damaged last time, Shi Lin had increased his vigilance. The five Guishui gods were still awake and did not reset the seal.

Boundless water vapor gushes out, and the vast frenzy surges at an extremely fast speed. Guishui gods appear, there are still four, and one is hidden, authentic.

"Brother, wait, I'll grab a few helpers and come in to accompany you." Chen Xinghe left a sentence and quickly retreated with Ashes. I don't know if this one in front of me can deal with it.

With a sound of "bang", Chen Xinghe returned to the Ganoderma lucidum garden, appearing in a position right next to two monks, one fat and one thin.

The net of ashes swished open, and the two reacted extremely quickly, but Chen Xinghe appeared too abruptly, and was too close to them.

So these two brothers followed in Ji Hongtian's footsteps, and when they realized it, they were already in the central formation near the stone forest.

Chen Xinghe disappeared again.

The dragon veins spewed out dragon energy, and the formation immediately recovered. This time, he grabbed a female cultivator and brought him into the formation to bear the power of Guishui God's Shadow.

Chen Xinghe feels that this process is getting smoother and smoother, especially with his right arm piercing through the space for traction, the coordination with the body formation is simply amazing!In addition, the Great Net of Ashes is also very suitable for this. No matter what methods the enemy uses, the Great Net will not cause any damage, and consumes very little mana.

After all, this big net was the first remnant treasure he got. After getting it, he was eroded by his right hand, but he survived. Maybe it was destined to be harmless at that time.

Five guys were brought in in a row, and the other three ran away because of bad luck, Chen Xinghe said it was a pity.

Vibrations came from the direction of the central formation, each time getting stronger and stronger!
Chen Xinghe did not avoid the battle, but weakened the enemy first.

It is expected that these five monks will join forces, and there is still a high possibility of breaking through quickly, but this process will definitely consume, and the ups and downs are the advantages.

"Boom..." The central array was ignited with bright light, and then a series of roars came out, and a figure came out along the bright beam of light.

"So fast?" Chen Xinghe was dumbfounded. Even real demons can't break through this limit. Why is this guy who uses a mirror as a weapon so powerful?

"Guishui Shenying! Very good!" Ji Hongtian strode forward, rushing back to the Ganoderma lucidum garden at a speed only a bit slower than Chen Xinghe.

He has a way to lock Chen Xinghe, so he knows that Qingtianzong's young emperor is still waiting here, so he doesn't look like a coward.

"Your name!" Chen Xinghe became much more formal.

"Under Ji Hongtian, the technique you used just now is very interesting. You can teleport and precisely locate it by yourself, and ignore the formation and restraint. Such methods are unheard of and unseen. You are well-deserved to become the young emperor of the Qingtian Sect." Ji Hongtian Holding the precious mirror in his hand, he said, "However, you can't use the same move on me twice. I hope you can have some real skills besides the move just now."

Chen Xinghe nodded and said, "Ji Hongtian! I remembered this name, and it was far beyond my expectation to retreat completely in the face of Guishui Shenying."

"Boom..." Almost at the same time, the two performed their killing moves.

Jin Shuo appeared and spent [-]% of his magic power to nail the mirror and strike.

Ji Hongtian shook his arm and found that the mirror light could not be moved. This turned out to be a top-quality magic weapon, which faintly produced a hint of aura.

Chen Xinghe shouted: "Broken Star!"

It was a unique move just now, without any bells and whistles.

"Bang..." Ji Hongtian's figure flew out, and directly smashed into the large array in the center of the Ganoderma lucidum garden, and the frost and snow turned into fragmented blades to attack.

This was the effect Chen Xinghe deliberately created. He knew that it was impossible to take down the opponent with a full attack. This guy could quickly escape from the central formation, and he was even more dangerous than a real devil.

Of course, the previous true demon was sealed for hundreds of years, lost his true body, and consumed more than ever before. All these unfavorable factors piled up to lose his life, even if the situation was a little better, it would be another ending.

Besides, the clothes on Ji Hongtian's body were torn, and his skin suddenly turned bronze, revealing many red textures.

At the same time, the guy's ribs jumped straight, and he stretched out two golden arms, turning into a four-armed monster.

"Such a strong body training practice." Chen Xinghe couldn't help but gasped, this Ji Hongtian resisted the attack and strangulation just now with only his body training magical skills, and stood firmly at the height that all Nascent Soul cultivators could only dream of.

Chen Xinghe envied this guy very much, it's nothing more than high mana, but he can still be so strong in body training!It is simply a template for what he imagined to achieve when he reached the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage in the future.


At this time, there is no choice. When the two powerhouses meet, the only way is to fight to the death!

(End of this chapter)

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