Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1009 Holy Pupil Vs Chaos Body

Chapter 1009 Holy Pupil Vs Chaos Body

Ganoderma lucidum burst.

The two who are duel are invincible.

They stand at the top of the monks of the same level, looking down on the past and present, and coercing the same generation.

At the beginning, the two of them were head-to-head with body training. What Ji Hongtian didn't expect was that the young emperor of Qingtianzong's right arm was so strong that he would surpass him in body training. If it wasn't for his body and right arm Out of touch, not at the same level, otherwise he would be crushed and hammered all the way.

This kid started from the very beginning, how many years has he practiced until now?It is unbelievable that it can reach such a level.

No matter how unbelievable it is, no matter how difficult it is for this son to come to this day, all these things are doomed to be in vain, because the power of Jintianzong Huanghuang cannot be damaged, and he must be rectified on the spot to consolidate his monstrous fate.

There are various competitions among the sects. If he is not as good as the other young emperor, does it mean that the sect is not as good as the other party?So there is no choice in this battle, as long as the fight starts, it will end with the death of one side, and there is absolutely no second result.

Chen Xinghe also knew that this battle was unavoidable, unless he ran back to Qingtianzong in desperation, the opponent would not let it go.

Today, one battle after another has cultivated a warlike heart. In addition to the warlike heart, there is also a proud body.

Standing at the sect level, he can't retreat!You must go head-on and kill him upside down.

On a personal level, he can't retreat either, because the opponent is not a cultivator at the transformation stage, even if he has reached the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, he has already been weakened by the central formation, and his arrogance does not allow him to retreat.

"Boom..." The sun mirror shone over, and the mirror light was like a scorching sun, which made people feel suffocated all the time.

A layer of green light was propped up behind Chen Xinghe, and the seven layers of power of the mirror light were fixed, and the remaining three layers of power were blocked by the blue sea snails.

"Mahayana dharma bones?" Ji Hongtian's pupils tightened, he never thought that the young emperor of Qingtian sect would have such a chance.

"Yes! It is the Mahayana Dharma bone. You are at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, and I have just entered the Nascent Soul Stage. If I don't have such extraordinary support, why should I fight you?"

"Okay!" Ji Hongtian didn't talk nonsense, just said hello, the four arms suddenly blurred, and turned into eighteen arms in an instant.

"Guizang Sword!" Chen Xinghe yelled loudly, his body erupted with ear-piercing sword sounds, and 27 magic weapon-level sword shadows appeared, like a peacock fighting fiercely with eighteen arms.

"Clang clang..."

"Ping ping pong pong..."

It sounded like striking iron, and it was a little harsh. When the two separated again, they looked very embarrassed.

The Guizang Sword has not completely devoured the piece of metal, but it has to be done urgently, and all subsequent promotions will be terminated immediately, and it will cooperate with the master to strangle the powerful enemy.

The 27 illusory flying swords look very real, worthy of stepping into the magic weapon level. There are two kinds of realms beyond the threshold and stepping into the threshold. The lethality has increased by 25 to [-] times, but the consumption has also increased accordingly.

Such power was unmatched in the world, making Ji Hongtian feel as if he was catching a hedgehog. Every time he stretched out his hand, he would be stabbed, and if he was not careful, he would be swept away by the sword light. It was normal for two or three arms to be swept away.

What a young emperor of the Qingtian Sect, with this good fortune and strength, he can almost be the Supreme Nascent Soul Early Stage.

Supreme is hard to find!Once achieved, entering a higher level is almost a certainty, and the bottleneck can be completely ignored.

The fact is exactly that, Chen Xinghe has paved the way for promotion to the middle stage of Fusion by taking the path of killing and killing the strong. As long as he collects enough multi-treasures, he can go all the way and practice at a high speed.

The more Ji Hongtian felt that Chen Xinghe was extraordinary, the more determined he was to get rid of this son for the sect, he raised his hand and summoned the sun mirror back with a particularly dignified expression.

He looked at Chen Xinghe again, nodded and said: "You are qualified to make me lift the seal, let me slaughter."

Chen Xinghe was terrified, the book of life and death was fading, and even the handwriting became blurred, indicating that a crisis that was too huge to deal with was brewing.

At this moment, the Zen mind was activated, and the surroundings immediately stood still, including Ji Hongtian and the formations everywhere.

In fact, the surroundings are not static, it is the speed of thinking that has reached the extreme with the help of mental power, and "enlightenment" at the snap of a finger.

What did you understand?

Nature is the way to fight the enemy, the saint's double pupils manifest, and he will definitely look at the enemy.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will be victorious in all battles. Chen Xinghe needs to see through the mystery of Ji Hongtian's power, and be sure of it first, so that he will be more confident when dealing with it later.

This kind of magic is even higher than the meditation mantra, which is the supernatural power of meditation evolved on the basis of the great success of the meditation mantra.

Meditation can penetrate the spirit, not to mention that there is no hindrance in the double pupil of the sage in the eyes. In case Li Qinyuan can't exert its effect, Chen Xinghe faintly shows the shape of a sage.

There is a Tao that forms images in the sky and takes shape on the earth.

Double pupils are like images, which can be understood as appearances, and must have a strong carrying capacity to transform them into concrete forms.

To put it bluntly, Li Qinyuan's skills, mental strength, and cognition are not enough to show the powerful power of this double pupil.

Chen Xinghe went through a lot of honing, barely enough, and with the Buddhist merits to wash away the chaotic causes and effects, he immediately became clear and clear, and a different look gradually burst out in his eyes.

Now is the time for the revelation of the Holy Sign.

"I see!" Chen Xinghe returned to normal, with only [-]% of his mental strength left, and [-]% was used up in just a short moment.

Such consumption will definitely not result in nothing.

Ji Hongtian slapped open the seal set on the sunglass, his body suddenly became extraordinarily deep, and he pushed out palm prints all over the sky as if adding fuel to the flames.

Chen Xinghe secretly admired: "It's so damn blessed, God always treats some people so favorably, it's enviable! Unexpectedly, Ji Hongtian has a chaotic Taoist body. This kind of person can enhance his cultivation even if he lies down and sleeps. Body training is even smoother.”

"Huha..." Ji Hongtian stepped forward suddenly, with lightning spouting from his nostrils, his body was like a demon god, and he stretched out eighteen giant arms like a formidable arm at lightning speed, producing eighteen terrifying and extremely heavy pressures, making a thunderous blow.

"Boom..." The smoke and dust billowed, and the area of ​​the Ganoderma lucidum garden exploded into a deep pit, and the large array guarding the giant Ganoderma lucidum was shattered layer by layer, almost annihilated.

What kind of terrible blow is this?
It's like a burial ground that breaks the sky, and its power is unmatched.

Looking at Chen Xinghe again, his complexion was pale, he narrowly avoided the eighteenth level of murder, his eyes could not conceal the double pupils, his chest heaved and he was panting violently.

"A saint with double pupils?" Ji Hongtian was relieved.

Just now he used his trump card to maximize the supernatural power of the chaotic body. Logically speaking, it is impossible for the enemy to sustain it, but the double pupil of a saint is very rare, and he can dodge it like a foresight under every heavy pressure.

What a difficult little guy!

Chen Xinghe was still in shock. Seeing the opponent's tactics clearly and resisting the opponent's tactics are two different concepts. No matter how strong you are on paper, it's useless if you don't meet the requirements.

Fortunately, his speed is fast enough, but the next step will be difficult!

This chaotic dao body is unfathomable, and implicitly possesses endless power. Ji Hongtian can fight tirelessly for days and nights, but he has already consumed most of his mana and mind, and he is almost unsustainable.

(End of this chapter)

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