Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1010 One Eye, One Dark Eye

Chapter 1010 One look, one look
Chen Xinghe could temporarily draw with Ji Hongtian, or even have a slight upper hand, but the consumption was huge, and it was difficult to maintain this momentum.

The two fought for more than a dozen face-to-face encounters, and their mana was about to bottom out. If it weren't for the support of the dragon veins, they would not be able to control several high-grade magic weapons at the same time.

"Boom..." The flying sword collided with the fist, generating a powerful thrust that pushed them backward.

Chen Xinghe just retreated to the center of the Ganoderma lucidum garden, and saw that the formation protecting the giant Ganoderma lucidum was recovering rapidly.

"Opportunity!" He immediately teleported into the formation, and released 27 sword shadows.

The formation was destroyed, showing a ferocious side, but Chen Xinghe had already crashed into the giant Ganoderma lucidum and bit it with his mouth open.

His body is quite special, each acupoint is guarded by a golden elixir, under the combined force of the golden elixir, it can not only effectively decompose the medicine, but also transport the poison to Shangyang acupoint.

Chen Xinghe was also in a hurry, he swallowed this huge Ganoderma lucidum that had grown for many years, and absorbed the medicinal power with his powerful digestion ability.

Ganoderma lucidum is sweet in taste and calm in nature. When entering the heart meridian, it can nourish the blood of the heart, benefit the heart, and calm the mind.Entering the lung meridian can invigorate lung qi, relieve cough and reduce phlegm and relieve asthma.

However, the huge red and purple Ganoderma lucidum in front of me has only one medicinal effect, and that is to cultivate blood.

The heart governs the blood vessels, hides the gods, and its flowers are on the face and open to the tongue. The yin and yang, qi and blood of the heart are the basis for the heart to move.

Swallowing it raw like Chen Xinghe's is simply wasteful, and it must be refined into elixir in order to exert the maximum value of these spiritual plants.

It's just that there is a strong enemy by his side, how can he have the kung fu to make alchemy and serve alchemy?Don't talk about the maximum value, even if you can play one-tenth of the value, you will be satisfied.

Ji Hongtian attacked the big formation, took three shots and was blocked three times. He had to admit that the kid was quite unique in teleporting nearby.

Chen Xinghe sat cross-legged, sucked and chewed fiercely with his mouth open, and felt a warm liquid enter his throat, wondering how could there be a bloody smell?

Soon, he noticed that Ganqing Ganoderma lucidum was about to mature.

This Ganoderma lucidum is between completion and failure, perhaps because it lives in the cave and cannot accept the catastrophe, so there is no abnormality, but the Ganoderma itself has been transformed and produces blood essence.

This blood essence has a fishy sweetness in the throat, due to the accumulation of too much medicinal power, the extreme will reverse, and the great medicine will become a great poison.

The toxin entered the body, even though Chen Xinghe had managed to refine his body, and the golden core had the ability to carry it, he was poisoned enough, and his whole body turned reddish purple from the inside out, which looked very strange.

Fortunately, the Ganoderma lucidum produced a huge effort, which was continuous and endless, Chen Xinghe insisted on relying on this kind of help to resist the toxin, and suddenly felt his heart flutter.

"Is it Xinlian? It's also a speed talisman, and what else? The book of life and death?"

The powerful painstaking efforts have filled the gaps in his heart, and he began to repeatedly hit the speed talisman and the book of life and death.

The blood vessels are like the roots of an old tree, infecting the Heart Talisman and the Book of Life and Death again and again.

The real book of life and death is with Suzaku, and there is only one page left in Chen Xinghe's hand.

Huge painstaking efforts are like a spring, turning this page of life and death book into blood.

At the beginning, it was only light red, but soon it turned into bright red, and then turned into dark red, which looked vicissitudes.

"Boom..." Chen Xinghe gasped, unable to believe that the book of life and death had been melted away by his heart.

"Disappeared? Just like an ice cube meeting a fire, it melted and evaporated?"

Soon, Chen Xinghe covered his right eye, feeling the burning pain.

Blood vessels sprouted around the eye sockets, and the blood was expanding everywhere. When he noticed that the eyes were weird, he immediately washed them over.

The saint's double pupils revealed strangeness, as if he was leading some kind of major change, both pupils turned red, bringing Chen Xinghe a strange charm, he looked so strange and handsome.

The benefits of qi and blood have just begun. This giant Ganoderma lucidum is the key protection object, and its roots are beyond imagination, and have been grafted by an expert.

The giant Ganoderma lucidum outside is the base, and its function is only to cultivate a Purple Soul Qiongyuan Xianzhi.

It is the real seedling of Xianzhi. In the past, the 33rd floor tilted and the fairy world collapsed. This seedling just fell into the snow peak and was lucky to be preserved in the ice layer. However, it was found to be seriously injured and considered impossible. The glow of life is blooming again.

Or the owner of Yuanjiang Cave Mansion had a solution, he even found a giant Ganoderma lucidum with a long history for grafting, and raised a garden of Ganoderma lucidum to accumulate the spirit of Zhilan, fortunately, he saved this Ganoderma lucidum.

Xianzhi has grown to a certain degree today, but the original source is damaged after all, and it is impossible to give birth to wisdom.

On the contrary, the giant Ganoderma lucidum that was used to cultivate Xianzhi took every step of the way. Affected by the breath, he felt that after being reborn, Xianzhi would be of great significance to the rise of Xianzhi in the future.

Who would want to be in a cave where the weather is smooth and the weather is smooth and there is no disease or disaster, and suddenly a young emperor of the Qingtian sect who is causing trouble comes, and he is also a very rare oddity.

If a giant Ganoderma lucidum had a mouth and self-awareness, it would have to swear.

Now he has contributed all his medicinal power, and his natural spirituality is trembling, so he has no choice but to connect with Xianzhi, frantically asking for the Qi of Zhilan to restore the damage.

"Huh?" Chen Xinghe was a little surprised, the power of this Ganoderma lucidum is too strong, right?It's almost breeding a sea of ​​blood.

Noticing something was wrong, he carefully searched for the source of the abnormality, and immediately found that there was a small ganoderma inside the giant ganoderma.

On the surface, there is nothing unusual about this small ganoderma, but growing inside a giant ganoderma itself is the biggest difference, okay?

"It doesn't matter, eat it dry and wipe it clean, with a strong heart, you should be able to withstand a few more shocks, right?"

Chen Xinghe continued to swallow with his mouth wide open. The reason why he was so eager was because he found that the Book of Life and Death hadn't disappeared. It seemed that he was attracted by the death energy and was moving toward his eyes.

These eyes are indeed no different from living eyes when he activates them, but they come from zombies after all, and no matter how thoroughly the yang energy is washed away, they can't hide their true colors.

Suddenly, my heart was empty, and I never expected that the heart talisman would also be melted away by the blood, and it also flew towards the eyes.

"What's going on here? Why did the book of life and death and the amulet recognize both eyes at the same time?"

"No, it's not that they recognize the double pupils, but the double pupils recognize them. It can be called the image of a saint, and it has an extraordinary side."

"Bang..." The book of life and death manifested in the right eye, and a large amount of death aura suddenly gathered, turning the pupil into pure black.

When the amulet enters the left eye, one can vaguely see the flow of light, and at the same time receive the life force rejected by the right eye.

One glance at the death of the Lord, you can see Jiuyou.

One eye is the main life, and the eyes are bright.

In order to lock the book of life and death and the amulet of magic, the eyes began to draw painstaking efforts to brand and block them.

Chen Xinghe couldn't believe it, his painstaking efforts had already made a vast ocean, who would have thought that every bit of it was consumed in the blink of an eye, so there is no need to be so desperate, right?
"I suck!"

He didn't want to be turned into a human by his eyes, so he asked Lingzhi for it.

At this time, the left eye becomes brighter, the right eye becomes darker, the blood vessels around the eye sockets become thicker, and the eyesight begins to improve.

(End of this chapter)

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