Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1011 Seeing is Different

Chapter 1011 Seeing is Different
Giant Lingzhi is to die for!
It was swallowed whole by the bastard Qingtianzong Shaodi.

With its medicinal power, not to mention the mere Nascent Soul stage, even the Transformation Stage would not dare to devour it directly.

But the bastard in front of him dared.

Not only did he dare to swallow, but he swallowed it so thoroughly!
The giant Ganoderma lucidum only has a soft skin, and the other parts have disappeared.

Chen Xinghe couldn't help it, his eyes were too demanding, he was just a porter.

There was a sea of ​​hard work before, but those scenes were short-lived and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Until now, there is not a single drop of hard work left.

The roar was right beside him, and there was a tiny Ganoderma lucidum floating here, which was unremarkable a moment ago, but now it is blooming with fairy spirit.

Chen Xinghe once owned half of a fairy stone, so he is no stranger to fairy spirit.

It's just that the half of the immortal stone absorbed the profound energy of the heavens and the earth before, and the immortal spirit produced by it is incomparable to the immortal spirit contained in this Ganoderma lucidum.

The difference between the two is too great, the fairy aura created by the fairy stone is like a horse-drawn cart, and the fairy aura created by this Ganoderma lucidum is like a golden chariot drawn by sixteen horses, it is almost impossible to regard them as the same thing.

Chen Xinghe laughed out loud, picked up the Ganoderma lucidum and ate it!

Before he devoured the giant Ganoderma lucidum, it was called a waste of nature, but now swallowing this Xianzhi plant is no longer a waste of life, it is ruining the seedlings of the fairy family, if the owner of the cave knows that someone has done this, he must kick this little bastard to death .

The huge immortal energy finally counteracted the demands of the eyes.

One eye is for life, one eye is for death, the double pupil seems to be in motion.

The field of vision is divided into several levels in one breath, and the understanding of light and darkness, life and death suddenly rises upwards, and then rises again...

Your perception of the world depends on how the world appears in your eyes.

Before Chen Xinghe saw mountains as mountains and water as water, what he heard and saw was no different from that of ordinary people.

At this moment, a shocking change has taken place. Mountains are not mountains, and water is not water. Especially Ji Hongtian, who is waiting outside the formation, has hundreds of layers of light and shadows on his body. After careful consideration, it seems that most of his past cultivation progress and what kind of death he has suffered harm.

"Wonderful!" Chen Xinghe sighed, and at the same time, he found that this Ganoderma lucidum produced a drop of golden blood, and then another drop.

A drop of this painstaking effort is worth a fairy stone, which is beyond words.

However, thirteen drops would reach the limit, and Xianzhi could no longer sustain it.

Chen Xinghe patted his forehead and said: "The opportunity is rare, and the eyes are still unrestrained to ask for it. If you stop at this time, don't you want my life?"

In desperation, he took out the Ganoderma lucidum picked from the Ganoderma lucidum garden, and continued to chew and eat along with some elixir from the loot to support his claim.

With the help of external forces, Xianzhi came back to life, instinctively cared for life, and began to save herself in the most drastic way.

A large amount of medicine gas was extracted and turned into Zhilan Qi exclusively for Xianzhi to satisfy Chen Xinghe's extraction.

In fact, Chen Xinghe does not need such a huge help, it is the sage Double Eye who is building the foundation, building some kind of inviolable law, the Heart Talisman and the Book of Life and Death will never be taken back, just like planting seeds into fertile soil, starting to move in an unpredictable direction growing up.

Although it is impossible to measure, Chen Xinghe has a deep connection with the Heart Talisman and this page of the book of life and death. He roughly knows that these changes are beneficial and harmless, so don't worry about making mistakes.

So he fully supported and urged the golden core in his whole body to send power to achieve this pair of saints with double pupils.

In fact, since ancient times, there are not a few people who are born with double pupils, and among them, those who have achieved success are rare.The reason why he has such a great reputation is because he was born weird and spread rumors, and finally came up with the title of an image of a saint.

You must know that a good horse matches a good saddle, and a good boat matches a good sail.

Double pupils are equivalent to good saddles and good sails, which can indeed play a more outstanding optimization and driving role, but how much magic can the rationing of poor horses and bad boats play?

Double pupils also need good fortune, and today this good fortune came, and immediately rose with the wind, leaping to a high place in one fell swoop.

When Chen Xinghe ate the whole garden of ganoderma at an extremely fast speed, and took all the tonics such as Peiyuan Dan and Yunchen Dan, he finally felt a sense of satisfaction from the double pupil.

The golden blood was also consumed, and it was also short-lived, which made Chen Xinghe feel a pity.

If these golden painstaking efforts are still there, it is absolutely possible to make a step forward in body refinement.If the quantity is large enough, enough to store one drop in each acupuncture point, then it will be even more powerful.

However, Chongtong "planted" the Heart Talisman and the Book of Life and Death needed nourishment, and now it will only meet the minimum needs. It is hard for Chen Xinghe to imagine what kind of foundation this is.

When he looked outside again, his left eye was full of light and his right eye was full of darkness.

Light and darkness are like wheels, which bite and turn with each other.

Everything shows a different appearance, and the understanding of the heaven, earth, qi, yin and yang and five elements has suddenly deepened. Although it is only limited to observation, it has brought about earth-shaking changes in the cognitive level.

How powerful a person is, in fact, is inseparable from cognition, especially for cultivators, sometimes cognition, strength will naturally arrive.

Chen Xinghe nodded secretly.

Although after eating the Ganoderma lucidum, the boost produced was very different from what I thought, but after all, the work was not in vain, and I had some confidence in the next battle.

At this moment, the strength in the body exploded.

Xianzhi was shattered, and the last burst of fairy spirit was particularly strong.

The eyes immediately absorbed it. Just barely reached the standard for offering double pupils. Now, it has made great progress, and finally stabilized the Speed ​​Talisman and the Book of Life and Death, declaring that the "planting" was officially successful.

"Boom..." Chen Xinghe's field of vision changed again, and he saw a series of numbers above Ji Hongtian's head.

"The combat power is [-] courts? How do you refer to this?"

He hurriedly reflected on himself, only to see a string of numbers above his head.

"The combat strength is 130 and [-] courts."

Chen Xinghe's heart beat wildly: "Is this the confirmation of a saint with double pupils? Compared with this guy, there is a six-fold difference between me and this guy. However, compared with the Yuanying stage and the Yuanying peak, the six-fold difference is still small, a difference of more than ten Times or even dozens of times is normal."

"The key is how do I bridge this gap?"

Suddenly, the line of sight is full of lines.

Chen Xinghe only felt that by grasping some of these lines, he would have the opportunity to quickly increase his combat power.

Searching carefully for the source of the lines, he took out the enlightened seal obtained from the central formation from the ethnic bag, and saw countless mysterious textures carved inside the small seal.

"This Enlightenment Seal can help me improve my combat power in a short period of time?" Chen Xinghe used his eyesight to dig out the internal causes, and the more he looked, the more shocked he became.

After about thirty breaths, he held the Enlightenment Seal in his palm and never intended to let it go.

However, having this seal was not enough, so he glanced again, this time landing on his right hand.

The pupils stabbed immediately, but fortunately they were still within the tolerance range, and when I looked in to the maximum, my body couldn't help but tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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