Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1012 Fight Again

Chapter 1012 Fight Again
"Damn! The texture and breath of time and space contained in the right hand are hundreds of times that of the Enlightened Seal."

"No, I can only roughly see a few hundred times. In fact, this is a very general range. Maybe its complexity is thousands of times or tens of thousands of times that of the Kaiming Seal."

Chen Xinghe withdrew his gaze and took a heavy breath.Before his strength improved, he didn't plan to look at his right hand anymore, because spying on the details of his right hand could easily blind his eyes, and it was really blind, and it was not worthwhile to make himself so embarrassed.

Although I haven't seen the root cause, I have some specific understanding of the body training of the right hand. In actual combat, the strength can be increased by [-] to [-]%. This kind of improvement is not a problem at all.

His eyes bloomed again, this time looking at the Mahayana bones.

Staring at it is also dazzling, but it is much easier than looking at the right hand, and the persistence time is longer. I can't help showing a wry smile on my face, secretly thinking that I rely on gold and silver but don't know how to spend money.

The Mahayana Dharma Bone cannot be used as before, it needs to be stimulated by the power of the five elements, it cannot be used as a hammer and sword, but as a staff.The addition of spells must be earth-shattering, and it is simply the biggest joke in the world to use it to chop and smash people.

It seems that the cognition is not in place, even if you have a good thing in your hand, you can't use it, and you still complain about your own weakness.

Chen Xinghe didn't give up, he took out the large net of ashes and watched it carefully, this time he didn't encounter any difficulties, but he still sighed and muttered to himself: "I underestimated this net, it was a coincidence that it laid a peerless foundation , Ordinary enemies can attack as they want."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Xinghe stood up, looked around, and suddenly released a large net of ashes, and saw layers of ripples concentrating on the net, about twenty breaths later, the restriction and the formation here disappeared not see.

Ji Hongtian was a little surprised when he saw this scene, but he didn't have time to delve into it right now, so he shot directly.

Chen Xinghe was not too polite, shaking the Ashes net was a burst of anger.

"Crack..." Ji Hongtian stepped back three steps, a little in disbelief that this was true, and he looked like a different person in comparison.

Chen Xinghe smiled slightly and said: "You Daoist Ji can fight again later. I have collected the large formation and restriction here. Although it is not as powerful as in the original place, it is still [-]% to [-]% powerful. Wait for a few hours, the large formation and restriction Automatically return to the original position, you don't have to play so hard."

"Good method, since I have already unlocked the seal on the sunglass, why should I be afraid?" Ji Hongtian erupted suddenly, raising eighteen arms on both sides of his body, spinning them like thousands of hands, and moving towards Chen Xinghe prints his palm prints.

Chen Xinghe could tell at a glance that the thousands of palm prints were not pressed down randomly, but were divided into seven layers in an orderly manner. Each layer was a powerful array of palm prints, and the seven layers were stacked together like a pagoda.

The doorway here is quite extraordinary. If it was changed before, it could only be a superficial look, and it was completely impossible to grasp the inner meaning of this seven-story palm print pagoda.

"Good time!" Chen Xinghe laughed, and quickly adjusted the large net of Ashes, only to see the ripples go up wildly, instantly shooting out a hundred bursts of anger.

"Boom, boom, boom..." The fluctuations continued, and most of the formations and restrictions in the Ganoderma lucidum garden were shattered, which shows how powerful this set of palm prints is.

At this time, Ji Hongtian frowned and said: "You didn't collect the large formation and restriction here at all, but relied on this large net to disrupt the spatial order. I was deceived and took the initiative to attack the large formation and restriction, while you stood aside and watched the joke .”

"Haha!" Chen Xinghe waved his hand and said, "Small skills are hard to achieve in the hall of elegance. It seems that Ji Daoyou perceives the truth with his body sensation. He is worthy of the Chaos Dao Body, which is enviable."

"Okay, today is really an eye-opener for me. The Qingtian Sect has found a treasure. If Fellow Daoist Chen can go back, given time, he will surely leap and leap, and there is no limit."

"Ahaha, borrow a good word from fellow daoist."

Ji Hongtian said solemnly, "You can't go back."

As he said that, bright mirror lights appeared, one, two, three, and there were actually three big sun mirrors. The three mirror lights superimposed, and the power was beyond the limit of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Chen Xinghe had been prepared for a long time, his eyes are now considered to be good, when he observes Ji Hongtian, he can see that he is hiding something.

Who would have thought that the ultimate magic weapon such as a sunglass has not one side, but three sides!

Simultaneously manipulating the three precious mirrors to show off its might is an extremely heavy burden, but Ji Hongtian's cultivation is too solid and he can afford it.

The large formation and the restriction in front of it were instantly shattered, and the mirror light set off a terrible haze, trying to destroy everything here.

Ji Hongtian is serious. Few people know that the big sunglasses are not one side, but three sides.

Right now, he reveals that these trump cards are for the purpose of killing Chen Xinghe quickly, and he never wants to drag things around and let the battle become an old lady's foot wraps that are smelly and long.

Chen Xinghe wished for a quick battle, but it was a quick battle according to his rhythm, rather than entering the enemy's rhythm and dying away from home.

At this critical moment, a roar rose from the ground, and a huge door was revealed, and the top of the door stood above the clouds.

This gate is too magnificent, magnificent beyond imagination, and at the same time broken beyond imagination, with cracks and scars all over it.

Ji Hongtian didn't think that this ruined wall could stop the three-faced sunglass from bursting out with all its strength, but reality taught him a lesson.

The bright light wave pushed to the front of the door and stalemate for a moment, then...

Then it disappeared without a trace, without causing any damage to the gate, as if Guanglan was just an insignificant breeze.

He immediately looked up and thought, "What is this? It's not a Lingbao? It can withstand the extreme damage of the three-sided sunglass."

Chen Xinghe quickly waved the Enlightenment Seal, and the gate disappeared in an instant.

The origin of this gate is mysterious, and it is faintly consistent with the rumored Nantian Gate of Heavenly Court. The biggest function of the Enlightenment Seal is to store this incredible gate.

When Chong Tong was still alive, even if he put the Seal of Enlightenment in front of Chen Xinghe's eyes, he still couldn't see the details, and thought it was just a special magic weapon!

It is very different now, seeing life at the first glance, seeing death at the same time, facing a master like Ji Hongtian, where is the vitality?If unfortunately die in battle, how will you die?Everything is imprinted in the bottom of the eye.

Chen Xinghe saw that 190 died seven times, and he couldn't die together until the 190th time, and each time after that was easier.

Therefore, standing here against the enemy, he still has a lot of confidence.

But you can't trust your eyes, because a small part of Ji Hongtian's body is hidden behind the heavy curtains, and you can't really see it.

Naturally, Ji Hongtian didn't believe that Chen Xinghe had just "fumbled" out these unexpected methods, and only thought that he had hidden them too deeply.

Since it is so powerful, if you want to kill the opponent, you must use a unique move...

(End of this chapter)

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