Chapter 1018
Chen Xinghe woke up from an epiphany, feeling clearer and clearer in his heart.

At this moment, his understanding of his own skills soared, he gathered a thunderball the size of a baby's fist in his hand, turned it over and over for a while, and then scattered it away.

After dissipating the Thunder Beads, he took out the Seal of Enlightenment, looked at it carefully for a moment and said: "Good baby, this Tianmen is the greatest fairy fate, and the important treasures have already been collected. If you go to the ruins of the fairy palace to look for those opportunities, you will be hit hard!" Can't flow."

Kaiming Yinjiejie laughed strangely: "Boy, it's okay! This kind of eyesight is not weak, knowing who is the most important thing."

"Stop bragging! You are just a special storage ring. The Kaiming Seal itself only has the attribute of storing huge objects. If it can be retracted freely, it is indeed a treasure. The key is that summoning the Heavenly Gate is too laborious, so I am going to use some The method is to summon the phantom of the Heavenly Gate."

"You are so beautiful..." Kai Mingyin's voice froze, because he found that the new master had indeed summoned the phantom of the Heavenly Gate.

The gate of heaven is clearly visible, hanging in the world.

"How is it possible? How did you do it? Only I can control Tianmen."

Chen Xinghe withdrew his "Prajna", and said indifferently: "With great strength, miracles can be achieved, all you need is a skillful energy that can break through the limitation of space."

"Qiaojiner? No, it's not that simple, it's very complicated..." Kaiming Yin scratched his head and couldn't figure out how this little guy who was only at the Nascent Soul stage did it.

Suddenly, Master Zhenyu praised: "It's not difficult for those who meet, but not for those who are difficult. Xinghe, you have realized it."

As soon as Chen Xinghe heard this, he knew that what Master Zhenyu was talking about was "enlightenment", not "enlightenment". One is the effect and the other is the cause, and they are not the same.

"Yes, I have realized it! The mind of Zen is very mysterious. It can turn decay into magic every time. It is very capable and can exert twelve points or more strength. My right hand is already magical enough to support the Shattered Void. Refining Qi The route of the scholar is not purely straight, there can be straight in the straight, and there can be curved in the straight. I have learned a lot of methods in the past, and if I gather them together, I can’t completely turn it around, but it will be much better than before.”

"Wonderful, wonderful, the beauty of the human heart lies in ingenious thinking, comprehension, and accumulation. You have stepped out of the gate of the empty image of Zen."

"It's still far away." Chen Xinghe hastily saluted humbly. In fact, he has now completely transformed the meditation mantra into a Zen mind, and then transformed the Zen mind into the even rarer Alaya awareness mind.

There are eight consciousnesses in the human world, eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, consciousness and mind, which are collectively called the first seven consciousnesses or the seven revolutions.

The eighth consciousness is the Alaya consciousness.

The heart of the Alaya Consciousness is the root of all dharmas, the root of the Three Vehicles of Buddhism, and the only mind that enables people to achieve the true nature of Buddhahood. Therefore, the non-exhaustive dharmas of the world are also hidden in the heart of the Alaya Consciousness, and become a Buddha. The merits and virtues are also hidden in the heart of Alaya consciousness.

To put it bluntly, it is the manifestation of the most powerful mind of all living beings. Mind means the cognition of oneself. When this cognition is improved, the control of oneself is like a divine aid.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Xinghe has become his own god. According to Taoism, every movement is natural.

It is the best embodiment of the footsteps, the body like the rhyme, and the light above the head.

Not to mention the Taoist school of Buddhism, the two come to the same goal by different routes here, and the goal is the same, to open up the limit cognition of oneself and to control oneself.

Chen Xinghe shook his robe and said goodbye to Master Zhenyu.

There are still enemies outside. I don't know if they have entered the Immortal Palace. The escape is only temporary. He wants to go out to find out the situation.

Now Chen Xinghe has improved one step further compared to before. It is true that there is no rainbow without going through wind and rain. It can be said that he is getting stronger and stronger because he is forced.

Every time he goes through the test of life and death, he will not give up easily, and his desire to survive is extremely strong.

First there was the real demon, and then there was the first disciple of Jintianzong. Under the double test, he surpassed himself three times. He has repaired his right arm, opened the saint's double pupil, and realized the Zen mind. His combat power has skyrocketed. Deserved.

In a blink of an eye, Chen Xinghe left the human race bag and glanced in the direction of the Immortal Palace.

With just one glance, he knew that five masters had come outside, and two of them were already dead.

Physical death is physical death, and the Nascent Soul is still there.Going out to look for a suitable physical body to seize the house, in the future, it will only be a heavier calamity when you go through the catastrophe, which is nothing to this top Nascent Soul cultivator.

But this also proves that Asgard is dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will fall into it.

Chen Xinghe praised: "As expected of the ruins of the Immortal Family, my eyes still can't see clearly, I only read a few paragraphs of numbers, and I know there are living people in the Immortal Palace, so I dare not approach."

While he was watching from a distance, Ji Hongtian's big sunglasses trembled slightly, and he was able to lock onto Chen Xinghe again.

"He is not in the ruins of Asgard Palace, he has been hiding outside the ruins until now."

"Ah? That kid really could bear it. He actually resisted the opportunity to spy on Xianyuan. Did he use me as a questioning stone?"

"What should we do now? Xianyuan is right in front of us, we..."

Ji Hongtian sneered: "Those who achieve great things can bend and stretch. For the sake of the sect, we must kill the young emperor of the Qingtian sect today. We can't wait for a moment."

"Ah!" The four felt that it was a pity that they had to pay a huge price to break through several difficulties. If they left like this, they would have to face the test again according to their past experience in exploring the ancient fairy palace.

In that case, wouldn't it be impossible to recover any interest on the previous losses?It's really hateful.

"Huh?" The four of them noticed that Chen Xinghe moved, and they went to the northwest corner of the fairy palace. Are they going to play hide-and-seek with them?
The moment Chen Xinghe entered the Immortal Palace, he sat cross-legged on the spot, his aura restrained to the extreme, like a hard stone exposed to the sun and rain, completely natural.

He became a part of the Immortal Palace, and he didn't go to the fairy fate, and he didn't look for treasures. He just sat down and closed the five senses and six consciousnesses, only keeping the seventh and eighth consciousness, and went to practice.

Could it be that Chen Xinghe is just waiting to die?

The location he chose was very tricky. If the five people came from the Immortal Palace, they would definitely encounter the "hermit" hiding here on the way.

Although I don't know if there will be sparks between the two sides, there is always a possibility of it. Chen Xinghe's strategy is to wait for work with ease.

No matter how he got here, even if he jumped out of the Immortal Palace and flew over from the air, the road would not be without danger, otherwise why didn't Chen Xinghe go to other places, but chose this place as his foothold?In fact, a lot of holes were dug inside waiting for the enemy.

Ji Hongtian was very wise. He asked those four people to kill them from the fairy palace, while he jumped out of the fairy palace and chased them quickly from the air.

This kind of coping was very good, without any mistakes or omissions, and it also took care of the emotions of the four people in the same company. However, sometimes luck is very important, and maybe drinking cold water will make you lose your teeth.

Chen Xinghe was there to respond to all changes without change, Ji Hongtian and the other four had just separated, and the moment he flew away from the Immortal Palace, he was viciously attacked.

"Crack..." One of the big sunglasses was actually damaged, which made him, the first disciple of the Jintian Sect, unable to react.

Suddenly, a voice said in surprise: "It's not dead?"

Immediately afterwards, Ji Hongtian became angry. The damage to the sunglasses was no small matter. Who would dare to sneak attack him?Kill without mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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