Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1019 The Fifth Hermit

Chapter 1019 No.5 Hermit

Ji Hongtian felt the tyrannical aura, and he was very puzzled. The Yuanjiang Cave Mansion rejected the cultivators at the stage of transformation. This cognition was like an iron law. No monk at the stage of transformation had ever tried to enter successfully, but this monk in front of him was clearly in the stage of transformation.

Facing such a powerful enemy, the three-faced sun mirror suddenly burst out a terrifying beam of light onto Ji Hongtian.

At the same time, he showed his eighteen arms and six wings on his back, and collided with the monks of the transformation stage with full combat power.

There were roaring sounds in the air one after another, and the monks at the incarnation stage turned pale with fright, wondering why this kid was so fierce?
Ji Hongtian was really strong, and he taught this cultivator at the transformation stage a lesson in a short while.

He made the other party realize that there are some existences in the Nascent Soul stage that cannot be suppressed by the Transformation God stage.Not only can't hold it down, but it will also be backlashed.

The lights and shadows between the two were endless, and the fight was quite lively.

It is true that the transformation stage can mobilize more mana, and the control over one's own power and the understanding of the Dao are much better than those of the Nascent Soul stage, but it has to be assigned to whom.

Ji Hongtian has not set foot on Huashen for a long time, not because he is not cultivated enough, nor because he is worried about the catastrophe, but because he is worried that he has not accumulated enough to enter Mahayana in the future.

What are other people thinking?What I think is that as long as I can survive the catastrophe and obtain such a long lifespan, all problems can be easily solved.

Judgment is judged by superiority and inferiority.

Ji Hongtian's layout is here, how can it be imagined by ordinary monks in the stage of transformation?So it's normal to be dumbfounded as soon as you fight.

However, can the monks in the transformation stage who can enter the ruins of the fairy palace be ordinary transformation gods?

Certainly not, under Ji Hongtian's series of onslaughts, although the cultivator at the transformation stage was a little embarrassed, he took it completely.

When the two separated and looked at each other, there was seriousness in their eyes.

"It seems that I have underestimated you." The cultivator at the transformation stage looked at the cracked magic shield in front of him, took out a string of bells and wrapped them around his wrist.

"Is the rhyme attack?" The moment Ji Hongtian guessed, the ringtone came through his brain, and he was startled: "Assist in attacking the soul?"

At the moment when Ji Hongtian was fighting with this cultivator of the Transformation Stage, four other disciples of the Jintian Sect were also attacked, and one of them was captured by a bowl-shaped magic weapon.

At this time, do you have any questions?The enemies are all cultivators at the transformation stage, so they must have a lot to do with the owner of the cave.

They may be the disciples and grandchildren of the master of the Yuanjiang Cave Mansion, or they may be the descendants who followed the instructions to find the legacy of the predecessors!Regardless of the origin, there are masters stationed in the ruins of the Asgard Palace, and it may take a lot of effort for Jin Tianzong to obtain this piece of Asgard Palace ruins.

Chen Xinghe wondered in his heart, since these hidden figures have taken action, does it mean that they have reached a consensus to keep the secrets tightly covered and prevent the ruins of the fairy palace from being exposed to the world, and the best way to keep secrets is to turn the insiders into into the dead.

When this thought came to his mind, he immediately knew that he was no longer safe, and he must have become the target of these "hermits".

Fortunately, Ji Hongtian was fighting, and the momentum became more and more powerful, attracting a lot of attention.

The citrons that stand out rot first, no matter whether you are active or passive, as long as you show your sharpness, you will naturally be the first to come.

Even so, Chen Xinghe is still cautious, because these "hermits" start with a surprise attack, and they are definitely not the ones who follow the rules.

In this way, the war intensified, and the fight lasted for half an hour, regardless of the outcome.

Especially after Ji Hongtian erupted into the Chaos Dao Body, violence gained the upper hand, and the God Transformation Stage who was fighting against him gradually lost. This situation was completely beyond the expectations of these "hermits".

When the real fire broke out, the three Nascent Soul cultivators in the Immortal Palace roared angrily: "You are so courageous, you dare to attack the disciples of the Heavenly Heaven Sect unscrupulously, once we die, the Heavenly Heavenly Mirror will immediately produce an induction photo!" through here."

This is not wrong, the other party has such a high level of cultivation to bully the small, self-declared family to make the other party afraid, not daring to kill the killer is a routine operation.

But the opponent also has the possibility of throwing rats and breaking the jar.

I offended all of you to death, how can I keep it?Hurry up to kill and destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces. No matter how powerful the Heaven-going Mirror is, it will be difficult to penetrate the cave to shine on this place.

Obviously, it would be better not to self-declare, but this self-declaration is bad.

There was a whistling sound, and another cultivator at the transformation stage made a move.

"Ah? There are more?" The three people of Jintianzong were also decisive, they immediately scattered and fled, and suddenly broke out with extreme speed, even if Chen Xinghe chased them, they might not be able to catch up.

It's just that the cultivator at the transformation stage who had just shot was even more extraordinary, he caught up with one in an instant, and released a small mountain-shaped magic weapon to suppress it.

Since the three escaped separately, No.4 "Hermit" couldn't hide any longer, and suddenly appeared and chased after them.

Chen Xinghe took a look: "Okay, I don't care about it! Get out of the land of right and wrong quickly."

Suddenly, a ray of blue light swept over.

"Not good! There's No. 5 hermit?" These abnormalities were beyond expectation, but Chen Xinghe had been prepared for a long time. Hundreds of thunderballs suddenly appeared in front of and behind him, sparking a flash of lightning between them, and his figure was gone. Not in place.

"This is?" The visitor was taken aback, his mind was in a trance, and he secretly said: "A monk who majors in tribulation power? He can control thunder tribulation?"

Chen Xinghe didn't know how much shock he had brought to the other party. Now he had just grasped how to use the Nine Tribulations of the Underworld, otherwise how dare he stay here after leaving the human race bag?

"Let's go!" Chen Xinghe ran fast.

No.5 "Hermit" hasn't even seen the double pupil of the saint, it is very likely that it is the most powerful existence here, why don't you run away and wait for it to fall?
"Broken..." The power of Xuanyin spread under the fist attack.

Chen Xinghe had just ascended a hundred feet, when he saw a figure suddenly appear, and said lightly: "Little friend, let's stay!"

The cultivation shown by the visitor is unfathomable.

He resolutely, resolutely plunged down, rushed to the vicinity of Ji Hongtian's battlefield like lightning, and shouted: "Old Ji, hurry up and summon the Heavenly Mirror to help, or we will all die here."

Ji Hongtian's complexion changed, and he felt the pressure of a huge aura.

Chen Xinghe turned his body and held up Bihai Shengyan conch, only feeling the heavy pressure and invasion.

When the sky fell, there was a tall man holding it up, and Ji Hongtian was that tall man, but is the first disciple of the Jintian Sect so easy to use?
Facts have proved that Chen Xinghe seems to have miscalculated.

Ji Hongtian yelled and bullied him, getting closer to the fighting cultivator at the transformation stage, determined to delay the time, let him show his life-saving things, go to hell and wait!
There was a loud bang, and the big hand slapped it from top to bottom, and slapped it on the smoke wave propped up by Bihaishengyan snails with a "snap", and the force penetrated in an instant, and the roar brought Chen Xinghe into the ruins of the fairy palace, and his life and death were unknown.

Ji Hongtian was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized that the kid was playing tricks. If the young emperor Qingtianzong died so easily, he would not have chased him so far.

In this way, Ji Hongtian became the focus, facing the fifth "hermit".

(End of this chapter)

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