Chapter 1020
Chen Xinghe patted his chest and panted heavily, thinking: "I am an old lady! This place is so dangerous, and escape is restricted. I hope that Fellow Daoist Ji can sweep away thousands of troops and fight against the enemy."

As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend never dies a poor one, Ji Hongtian's combat power is extremely strong, and he is very suitable for attracting firepower.

The fifth hermit launched an offensive in order to avoid long nights and dreams.

"You guys are so bold." Ji Hongtian opened his eyes wide, and the chaotic Taoist body erupted in an all-round way, and at the same time, a ball of flames was drawn from the big sun mirror.

"Not good! It's Promise True Fire."

"How is it possible, hasn't this fire been extinct long ago?"

The two cultivators of Transformation God were taken aback, and quickly drifted back, but it was too late.

The fire suddenly trembled, and then the two spontaneously ignited out of thin air.

No matter what treasure defenses they have on them, they are useless in the face of such real fire.

Ji Hongtian knew that Wuji True Fire alone would not be enough to reverse the situation, so he shouted: "The disciple is willing to sacrifice a hundred years of life, and I invite Zu Jing to come here."

The voice was still echoing, the big sunglasses behind him had been stacked together, the buzzing sound was sprayed out with the mirror light, faintly reflecting a huge eyeball.

The souls of the two cultivators at the transformation stage were terrified, their hearts were beating wildly, and before they could think of a way to escape, their figures were already fixed in the mirror light, and then the flames blazed loudly.

An unbelievable scene appeared, the two men had unattainable cultivation bases, they fell into the mirror light and were unable to fight back. All traces of their existence were burned away in a blink of an eye, leaving only their clothes and belongings falling to the ground.

Chen Xinghe saw this scene from a distance and couldn't believe his eyes. He never thought that Ji Hongtian had such a killer weapon hidden.

This kind of power is too much beyond cognition!

Those are cultivators in the transformation stage, especially No. 5 hermits, they are by no means comparable to ordinary cultivators, and their cultivation and methods are unfathomable.

However, in front of the power Ji Hongtian summoned, no matter how high his cultivation base was, it would turn into ashes.

Chen Xinghe was terrified. This kind of power is completely superior to Huashen. It must be the fusion period or even the tribulation period. Ji Hongtian's background is outrageous. With such a backing support, it is tantamount to being invincible.

The mirror light disappeared, and Ji Hongtian's sun mirror was dimmed. It was obviously not without price to summon such a tyrannical force.

The other three cultivators at the Transformation Stage were frightened and angry, and in a rage, they shot and killed the disciples of Jintianzong.

"Boom..." The terrifying vigor spread, and another cultivator at the stage of transformation fell.

If they all died together, how could the Heavenly Zong Yuanying take it easy?
Ji Hongtian let out a long roar, full of fighting spirit, vowing to kill the enemy.

"Let's go!" The remaining two cultivators at the transformation stage were scared. They were obviously the stronger side, how many Nascent Soul cultivators were not easy to deal with?How did you get such a field in the blink of an eye?After the death of three comrades, how difficult is it to practice today?He died without even a chance to escape.

Ji Hongtian's long hair danced wildly, allowing the two to leave, and only fixed his eyes on Chen Xinghe.

Such a huge sacrifice was all due to the young emperor of the Qingtian sect. If he couldn't get rid of it today, it would become a serious problem sooner or later.

Chen Xinghe didn't run away, there must be arrangements outside the well, let these two cultivators of the transformation stage go out to clear the mines!He wants to stay and fight with it.

Why fight?Because Chen Xinghe also regarded Ji Hongtian as a serious problem.

If the enemy does not stay overnight, he can be wiped out as soon as possible.

"Middle!" The fist broke through the distance between the two and suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Boom..." Ji Hongtian raised his fist to resist, only to feel the force of piercing through the air, making him retreat ten feet before he could barely stabilize his figure.

Chen Xinghe suddenly leaned forward, leaving a trail of lightning in the air.

The surroundings of the two of them exploded and exploded in an instant, and thousands or even tens of thousands of thunder beads with a strong meaning of thunder and calamity appeared, cleaning the surroundings.

"Bang, bang, bang..." Ji Hongtian punched the thunderball back extremely quickly. It was as if a spring had been installed all over his body, and the rebound was extremely fast. It was absolutely impossible to rely on the thunderball to hurt him.

"Brother Ji opened my eyes today, and I benefited a lot from fighting with you." Chen Xinghe pulled out a large net of ashes between his probes, his eyes were filled with black lightning, and a black dragon faintly formed.

"Jieli? Are you practicing the Nine Tribulations of the Underworld Jue?" Ji Hongtian was taken aback. No one knew better than him how powerful Qingtianzong's great taboo technique was.

"Oh? Can't you practice it? It's just tribulation power." Chen Xinghe seemed careless, but he knew that the Qingtian sect kept this exercise secret, but he opened his mouth in the world of the underworld.

"How unreasonable! The Qingtian Sect actually violated the oath and asked the disciples to practice the Nine Tribulations of the Yellow Springs Art." Ji Hongtian's fighting power was fully activated, and his killing intent boiled at a high speed. Before, he just followed orders, but now his murderous intentions were not only from orders, but from fear and anger.

Chen Xinghe laughed loudly: "You are scared! Dao heart is not stable, it is the right time to kill you."

Ji Hongtian was taken aback for a moment, and then he came back to his senses. Because the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue was too taboo, he lost his composure, and the invisible fear was indeed a sign of unstable Taoism.

You must know that the exercises are all practiced by people. In fact, the Nine Tribulations of the Underworld Jue has become a taboo in several sects because of that person, not the exercises themselves.

Chen Xinghe seemed to know what he was thinking, and laughed again: "Hahaha, you will find that this exercise is even more terrifying for me."

"Boom..." The great net of ashes moved towards Ji Hongtian, and he couldn't get rid of it with his ability. The black Jielong uttered a dragon cry and launched an impact on the body in the net.

"Crack, click, click..." The sound of cracking was horrifying.

Ji Hongtian suddenly appeared hundreds of feet away, and the net of ashes dried up, failing to strangle the enemy.

However, Chen Xinghe was very satisfied when he saw the numbers floating above Ji Hongtian's head. This guy had entered a period of weakness and could not maintain his strength in his heyday.

"How dare you practice the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue, the four major sects have an excuse to get rid of Qingtianzong." Ji Hongtian looked at his arm, and saw winding thunder patterns climbing up, which were left behind by him fighting Jielong just now. Scars, the horrors of which can only be known by personal experience.

"Brother Ji was joking, there is no way for the dead to testify." Just this one sentence is full of murderous intentions.

"Oh? You think you can kill me?" Ji Hongtian sneered.

"This is thanks to the two cultivators at the transformation stage just now. If they hadn't forced your card out, I wouldn't have dared to make a mistake."

As soon as the words fell, the great net of ashes appeared again, this time covering the sky and covering the sun, enveloping Chen Xinghe and Ji Hongtian together, and a dazzling sword light appeared, its power instantly reached an inconceivable level.

"You..." Ji Hongtian was terrified. For the first time, he realized what Chen Xinghe said, that the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue might be even more terrifying on him.

Jie Lei ran away, not for anything else, but to speed up the sword shadow.

It was such a terrible sword that almost cut off Ji Hongtian's head.

"Crack..." The mirror surface was broken, and it was the damaged side of the three large sunglasses.

Ji Hongtian was extremely heartbroken. The shattering of the mirror greatly reduced his strength. The flying sword is obviously a phantom, so why is it so powerful?Could it be because of the blessing of robbery?
Chen Xinghe's brows were beaming with joy. In fact, his purpose was to get rid of a big sunglass, so that killing Ji Hongtian would become more certain.

(End of this chapter)

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