Chapter 1021
When the two collided again, Chen Xinghe switched from attacking to defending, his surroundings were filled with mist, and his sword light stretched left and right.

Ji Hongtian was shocked. This kid is much stronger than when we first met. His attack and defense are full of rhythm, and he often restrains him.

"How could this be? Because he doesn't intend to hide the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan anymore?"

This is the only reasonable explanation.

In fact, the battlefield is Chen Xinghe's training ground, the greater the pressure, the greater his progress.

This kind of adaptability is unmatched by anyone. Those who look at Chen Xinghe with old eyes don't know how tall the grass grows on their graves.

The dangerous contest has only just begun. It can be said that Ji Hongtian's background is too strong. Even though the young emperor of Qingtianzong gave him many surprises, the gap in cultivation is right before his eyes!Not so easy to make up for.

"Woo..." Chen Xinghe waved the Mahayana Dharma bone, and a strong light suddenly burst out between his brows.

"Nine Tribulation Seals?"

"No, you haven't made it yet, you only have eight kalpas."

Ji Hongtian felt relieved, and secretly thought that he had overestimated the other party, mainly because this taboo exercise left a deep impression on the five major sects.If that person hadn't died, the Qingtian Sect might still be stepping on the heads of the other four sects.

Chen Xinghe smiled, poured all his mana into the Mahayana bone and said, "You are my ninth calamity, but it's a pity that this bone is gone."

It was too late to say, but in an instant, the black light unfolded like a rolling curtain.

"You want to use me to forge the ninth mark?" Ji Hongtian's words proved that he knew the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan very well.

"Brother Ji is wrong, you are so powerful, it is calamity in itself, so my ninth calamity is human calamity. The next blow is the limit of calamity that can be induced in the past and future, and I hope Brother Ji will deal with it with all our strength. "

"What?" Ji Hongtian understood, this kid's ambition is not small, and he wants to forge a living person like him into the mark of the Ninth Tribulation, is he dreaming?

Soon, he discovered in horror that Chen Xinghe was not dreaming, but betting everything.

"Om..." The Mahayana Dharma Bone is amplifying the mana, and there are vast tribulation thunders in all directions, and the power of the five elements is crazy and upside down, brutally strangling.

"Break it for me!" Ji Hongtian activated the big sun mirror, but the unfavorable mirror light shattered half of the thunder and dissipated. The calamity is unfathomable.

At this moment, the Nine Tribulations of Yellow Springs is moving away from Chen Xinghe.

He was abolishing his own magical skills, and he couldn't refine Ji Hongtian into the ninth seal. What is the use of this technique?
It's that rampant, it's that decisive, you won't let me live?Then I'll smash him to the ground until he dies.

"Boom..." Chen Xinghe clearly sensed that all the connections between himself and his right hand had turned into a monstrous calamity force, and the Heavenly Dao was quite vigilant, not allowing abnormal numbers to appear, let alone cultivating such heaven-defying skills.

However, this was exactly what Chen Xinghe wanted.

Ji Hongtian felt the pressure suddenly increase. When will this continue?So he turned his heart horizontally, and his figure suddenly enlarged backwards, revealing a six-winged and four-armed Dharma body, exploding all his mana and punching the surroundings vigorously.

With a sound of "duh", countless tribulation thunders dissipated, and thousands of tribulation forces collapsed. If it weren't for the rapid expansion of the ash net, I am afraid that it would not be able to withstand this blow.

Chen Xinghe's eyes widened, he must know that this blow was just a starting move, the real target was him.

The sage Chongtong saw a series of death scenes, and it seemed that no matter how he dealt with it, he couldn't escape the blow. Could it be that the baby exploded and died together at this moment?

"No, when we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. I am fearless and fearless. I hide my sword and go out..." Chen Xinghe did not retreat but advanced, and swung his long sword to meet Ji Hongtian's brilliant blow.

All the calamity forces in the vicinity were pulled, and they were condensed in the sword in an instant, and the eight-fold mark in front of the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue was shattered.

That's not to mention, the black dragon on the arm was transferred to the sword, whether it can continue to exist depends entirely on the fortune of the black dragon, and it also depends on the fortune of Chen Xinghe.

Ji Hongtian's heart was beating wildly, secretly thinking that he missed a move.

Where is the difference?

The difference was that this blow wasn't absolute enough, the difference was that Chen Xinghe was already deciding whether to die, and he didn't use his determination to die.

It's just this layer, but it's a world of difference.

Ji Hongtian showed [-]% of his strength, while Chen Xinghe showed [-]% of his strength, let alone whether he has room for [-]% of his strength, in short, one is still one point away from a decisive death, and the other has already squeezed out All forces confront each other, and failure means death.

"Boom..." The two separated immediately after joining together.

Chen Xinghe's chest was sunken, and the Mahayana dharma bone in his hand had several cracks, which suddenly exploded and turned into crystals all over the sky.

Looking at Ji Hongtian again, his eyes were full of disbelief.

The long sword pierced one of the sunglasses and nailed it into his head. In the end, he was still too confident in himself, so the other sunglasses did not defend, but launched an offensive.

Did he lose?
No, it's just a temporary disadvantage, he still has a chance.

Ji Hongtian Yuanying jumped wildly, and was about to avoid the long sword piercing his head when he suddenly felt bad.

Why did his Nascent Soul also get hit by the sword?

One, two, three...

More and more sword lights came out from the Nascent Soul.

"This is the body of Feijian? Hiding the sword in thought?"

"Ah ah ah..."

"Disciple Ji Hongtian, is willing to sacrifice his life..." Ji Hongtian realized that he was doomed, and by one move, he lost everything!
However, he was not reconciled, he wanted to drag Chen Xinghe to die together.

"Ang..." The black Jielong appeared, opened his mouth and swallowed forcefully, and Ji Hongtian disappeared in place.

Chen Xinghe sat paralyzed on the ground in a daze, and it took him a while to regain his composure. He repeatedly checked whether Ji Hongtian had fallen. After getting the definite answer, he was overjoyed.

Fighting to the death, he succeeded in the end.

Ji Hongtian was so arrogant in his bones that he kept a point between life and death, and this point just killed him.

Of course, if it weren't for the blessing of the Mahayana Dharma bone, which expanded the power of Jieli to the extreme, and was pulled into Ji Hongtian's body by the Guizang Sword, it would be almost impossible to destroy such a formidable enemy.

Chen Xinghe took a deep breath, simply cleaned up the battlefield and flew away.

This is the No. 1 of the Yuanying generation of Jintianzong. What kind of repercussions will it cause if he kills it?I dare not even think about it!
Moreover, there is a master of Jintian Sect nearby, how can he afford to fight again with his current mana?
So run now!Run to the city teleportation array at the fastest speed, and immediately go back home.

I believe that as long as there is a moment at night, even the old monsters in the fusion period will appear.

Chen Xinghe returned to the well, raised his head and glanced outside, couldn't help being overjoyed.

Previously, the two masters of the transformation stage were frightened and ran for their lives. They had a fight with the monks guarding outside. The opponent suffered heavy casualties. It was the best time to break through.


Chen Xinghe stepped on the water in a hurry, and his soul was no longer afraid of being eroded by the power of Xuanyin, because the complete imprint of the Nine Tribulations appeared on his forehead.

Nine calamities are accomplished, but this exercise has just met the conditions for cultivation at this stage, and the real power will be displayed later.

There is no time to think too much right now, it is estimated that Jintianzong has already discovered that Ji Hongtian's soul lamp has gone out, and once this kind of thing is confirmed, it will alarm the great master.

If you don't run, you will be finished.

The figure jumped out of the well platform, and the formation had already opened.

Without hesitation, Chen Xinghe fled a hundred miles away, and immediately activated the body array to lock the coordinates.

Jin Tianzong's reaction speed was even higher than expected. The bright mirror light had penetrated through layers of obstacles and fell into the well, searching for Ji Hongtian's remnant soul to investigate the whole story.

(End of this chapter)

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