Chapter 1022
Chen Xinghe stepped into a large city and fled straight towards the teleportation array.

There happened to be a dozen or so monks who were going to explore the spiritual objects in the distance, and they were surprised that there was one more person in the crowd.

Seeing a pile of spirit stones falling to the ground, Chen Xinghe changed the coordinates of the formation while saying: "If you don't want to go far away with me, leave quickly."

"Who are you? We have taken care of this teleportation array." The speaker was very tough, and he didn't think he was in a weak position.

Chen Xinghe's heart was beating wildly, and he said, "You guys have the chance, let's go!"

With a cry, he quickly punched out.

Ripples swayed around this punch, and at almost the same moment, a huge beam of light struck.

"Boom..." The teleportation array shattered in an instant, and the attack was so violent that it was a mess, but the teleportation aura had already ascended to the sky.

It's really thrilling, Chen Xinghe almost didn't want to leave, but so many monks teleported with him, it was very exhausting.

The monks couldn't believe it. They couldn't move during the teleportation, but this young man could not only move, but also punched the void from time to time, feeling that the aura of teleportation was speeding up.

"Could it be a senior in the transformation stage?"

Chen Xinghe laughed, and slapped these monks casually. No matter how well-hidden their belongings were, they changed hands in an instant.

After consuming so many spirit stones, the wool will naturally come from the sheep.

After searching around, I found that these monks are so poor, because only two ingots were found.

None of the other things caught my eye, so I shook my head and threw it back, and then kept punching to speed up.

When Chen Xinghe left, Jin Tianzong was completely furious.

Ji Hongtian is a baby bump, and he is very likely to become the next generation suzerain, so he died for no reason, it would be strange not to be angry!
Jin Tianjing was even angrier, he didn't expect such a trouble at all, the key is that he ran away!

His grandma's, ran away.

How do you run so fast?
Burning with anger, he immediately ordered to join forces with several other major sects to put pressure on Qing Tianzong to hand over the son. It was too late to block the news.

Chen Xinghe showed his face this time, and single-handedly entered the Heavenly Sect, killing the first disciple Ji Hongtian, and several other important disciples of the Nascent Soul.

Even if the person was not killed by him, it is now counted on him to aggravate his "sin".

No matter what kind of impact this kind of reputation will cause, anyway, Chen Xinghe has no intention of returning to the sect in the near future.

What are you going to do?Jintianzong has even repaired the teleportation array to Sleeping Moon City. Can you imagine the scale of the infiltration of Qingtianzong?

Maybe an elder figure has already taken refuge in the past, and when he receives an order to kill him, won't he hit the sword when he goes back?
So he walks away, don't make trouble for himself.

This teleportation path is really far away, even if he kept pumping his fists to speed up, it still took a day and a night to reach it.

To be honest, this speed is already miraculous, even if a cultivator in the transformation stage does not have the ability to break through the sky with his right hand, he still has to wait for a while.

"Boom..." arrived at the destination.

Chen Xinghe glanced around and said: "This is the Qingtian Sect facing the battlefield of the Demon Cult. Since you all want to teleport with me, it is really fate."

More than a dozen people in the company almost fainted. They would never have dreamed that an ordinary teleportation would run so far.

"Hahaha, I hope you will fight against the devil more. Let's just say goodbye and see you again." The voice fell, and the figure disappeared.

The war is still going on, and it is in full swing. Qingtianzong has put all its strength into it, hoping to turn things around.

Chen Xinghe didn't look for the bad luck of those demon bosses, he ran to another city and teleported away, bid farewell to the war zone and came to a big city named Baidi City.

There was once an emperor in this city, and after his death, the ever-burning lamp and tablet were stationed in the Zongmen's reception hall.

This is a great honor. It is said that after entering the Great Hall of Reincarnation, there is a certain chance to guide the "hero" to return to the clan after reincarnation, but it is not known whether it is true or not.

The White Emperor City is huge!The monks who come and go are sweating like rain, which is very suitable for hiding their whereabouts.

Chen Xinghe planned to stay honestly for a while, and take a look at Ji Hongtian and others' belongings by the way, wouldn't they be as poor as ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators?

With the dragon's veins in his body, this is the big picture, and it is difficult for the world to compare.

"By the way, the book of life and death, is my blessing super high?" Chen Xinghe felt it carefully, his heart beating wildly.

Killing Zhenmo and Ji Hongtian successively, the two great enemies of luck and prosperity, even if you put a discount on him, it should be very impressive.

This is exactly the fact, Chen Xinghe found out that the position of blessing is stuck at 99, which means that he already has the luck to cultivate to the stage of Dzogchen.

This kind of hidden gain is much more useful than getting one or two magic weapons, which means that you won't get stuck in a certain realm and fail to rise.

Baidi City is very vast, and there are 81 spiritual mountains standing in the city, some of which are private gardens, and some are inn-style caves.

Tongshan, the most prestigious "inn" in the city, where you can rent higher-grade caves.

Chen Xinghe did not reveal the mana of the Nascent Soul Stage, and anyone who released his consciousness could only see that he was in the Golden Core Stage, so he did not receive a warm reception when he came to Tongshan.

This is normal, even the waiters are Jindan stage monks, and all contacts are Yuanying stage, who would care about such a "low-level" guest?

Chen Xinghe deliberately concealed his identity, so he didn't care about the store's attitude.

He asked for a cave that matched his rank, and after entering, he opened the cave's own large formation, and then raised his hand to release two formation disks.

The mansion was suddenly filled with smoke, making the monks who paid attention to him frown, knowing that this guy is not a rookie, and he is very vigilant when he goes out.

"The inn is fine, but those monks living on the bottom floor of the inn have dirty hands and feet." Chen Xinghe didn't care about this, he took out the trophies and placed them on the ground, and began to count them one by one.

There is a sage with double pupils to see the mystery, and a broken star in his right hand to break through the face. The restrictions on the storage ring and storage bracelet can't stop him.

In less than three hours, the inventory was completed.

In fact, half an hour is enough!The reason why it took six times as long was because I was afraid that the breath would leak out and reveal the direction.

He was very careful, he suppressed it first before cracking it, and did it only after making sure it was safe. He was very happy to see the pile of ingots.

"Okay! They are all rich, and they didn't do it for nothing. There are ten thousand ingots and treasures."

One must know that Chen Xinghe still has a "silver ticket" that has not been exchanged!That's ten thousand ingots, and more than a thousand ingots. Naturally, he was rejoicing, knowing that his own good time had come.

81 times the speed of practice!

What is this concept?One day of your practice is equal to others' 81 days of practice, and one year of your practice is equivalent to others' 81 years of practice. It is not difficult to advance to the middle stage of Nascent Soul within half a year.

Before, Chen Xinghe thought that even with 81 times the speed of cultivation, it would take two years to enter the middle stage of Nascent Soul, but Master Zhenyu reminded him that after completing an epiphany, this process can be compressed into half a year.

"Okay, that's great, within 50 years it is expected to enter the realm of transformation!"

(End of this chapter)

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