Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1024 Big Dream 3 World

Chapter 1024 Dream Three Thousand Worlds
According to Xuan Zhenzi's information, the sect that really wants to replace Qingtian Sect is called the Jingyi Sect.

This sect has a Buddhist origin, half Buddha and half Daoist, and the staff is relatively mixed, because there have been two generations of enlightened masters, who have achieved great luck in the sky.

Any sect that grows to a certain level will be accompanied by ambition, which is inevitable.

Qingtian Sect is extremely weak. Although Fifth Sword Sect has always regarded itself as the fifth sect, no one dares to regard it as the fifth sect. Does it really need to be said that the sect is really at the bottom?
The strong advance and the weak retreat, this is the cycle of heaven.But as someone who is about to be replaced, how can he be willing to decline?You must struggle with all your strength, and don't give up until you breathe out your last breath.

The glory of the past, the dignity of the past, how can it be said that it can be thrown away?
The Qingtian Sect is like the last dynasty. It is clear that the building is about to collapse, but it hopes that a miracle will happen, and someone can turn the tide.

Chen Xinghe didn't think he had that ability. In the eyes of those masters of the transformation stage and fusion stage, the little Nascent Soul cultivator was no different from an ant?

The Jintian Sect produced Ji Hongtian, what about the other sects?Isn't there such a talented and stunning generation?

Even if there are no peers, what about the previous generation?

There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. Even if you are extraordinary, is there only one powerful person in your sect?If two jump out?
Only by keeping in awe of Chihuangtian at all times can one live a long time.

Although he was not optimistic about Qingtianzong, Chen Xinghe was not at all ambiguous when it was time to contribute.

As the young emperor of the Qingtian Sect, since he is sitting in this position, he should run for the sect. It is impossible to turn the tide, but it is always possible to do some damage.

Not much time left, Chen Xinghe came to the front desk of the inn, handed over two mid-term Jindan talismans, and said with a smile: "I think the shopkeeper's workmanship is passable?"

"Oh? Are you a talisman maker?" The shopkeeper raised his eyebrows, waiting for the next sentence.

"Exactly, I put these two talismans here to help the shopkeeper to promote them for a while, to see if there are any fellow Taoists who have gone to Juntian City? You must know that the outside is not peaceful now. My uncle went to Juntian City in the early years and wanted to join him Old man, but the journey is far away, so I want to find a fellow Taoist who is familiar with this route, and I hope the shopkeeper can help me."

"Going to Juntian City? That's too far away, you have to turn at least five times to get there. Okay, I'll help you search for a few days, and you should be able to find the cultivator heading to Juntian City."

"Thank you." Chen Xinghe sent out two talismans, which were clearly said to help him publicize, but in fact they were paid for benefits, so that the shopkeeper would take care of them.

Juntian City is on the border of the Jingyi Sect, he can't appear suddenly, he needs to go through hardships like an ordinary monk, so as not to arouse suspicion.

It's the first time I come to Baidi City, and I haven't had a good time shopping.

Now that he was in the mid-stage Nascent Soul, Chen Xinghe was in a good mood, and he took a rare day off to walk around the city.

The streets are bustling with traffic and people's voices are noisy, which is really lively.

Walking through three long streets, I found an ancient secret room full of spider webs. I grabbed it with my right hand and got two long small wooden boxes.

Inside the wooden box are the son-mother questioning heart thunder and ghost relics, which are relatively rare items. With a little processing, they can be made into thunder ghost talismans, and they can be sold for a few ingots, which is a good harvest.

The saint's double pupil continued to wait and see, but unfortunately he found nothing later.

When Chen Xinghe came to a long street covered with neon signs, he was slightly taken aback.

"Liao Zhai World!"

"Xuanyuan Sword World!"

"The world of Sword and Fairy?"

Well!Every household has posters, which are posted on the walls on both sides of the door, and the pictures of fairies and fairy palaces are vivid and yearning.

Chen Xinghe knows, this is Chihuangtian's Great Dream Three Thousand Worlds, it is said that it can help low-level monks to realize Taoism, especially before the Golden Core stage, there is a chance to increase their aptitude.

The specific situation is mostly hearsay. Now that we have met it today, Chen Xinghe plans to try it himself.

Each shop connected to a different world, Chen Xinghe missed the world of Immortal Sword, so he walked straight into a shop called Xiaoyexuan.

"Congratulations, what's your order, senior?"

This kind of shop is mostly visited by low-level monks. Those who have achieved golden alchemy usually have their own big dream couch, and rarely come to the shop to do hard work.

"Oh? I want to travel to the world of fairy sword, but I don't know how to get there?"

"Hey, senior was joking. In your capacity, you have ordered your servants to buy a couch for docking. There is only Datong shop in the small shop."

Chen Xinghe knew that he was making a fool of himself, so he simply said wrongly: "What's wrong with Datong Shop? I miss the old days very much, so I came here specially to find out how I felt back then."

When the clerk heard it, he smiled and said: "Senior is a senior, and his realm is far higher than mine. How about it! There are still vacant beds in the first and second bunks. If you don't mind, take the number plate and sleep, maybe you can find the original bed. Work hard to strengthen the years."

"Thank you." Chen Xinghe threw out a bag of high-grade spirit stones, and the clerk exclaimed in fright: "This is too much, it can be packed for 20 years."

"Send it to you."

"Thank you for the reward, senior!" The clerk was all smiles, quickly took out a straw mat, and led the way in front of him: "Senior, it is best to join the Jiangning Mansion when the role is first selected. I heard that there is a chance to meet the son of this year."

"Oh?" Chen Xinghe nodded. In fact, he didn't care about these things. He just felt the atmosphere a little bit. If he really couldn't keep his mind like the rumors said, he could only watch the video when he exited to experience all the flavors. He wouldn't come back again.

When I came to the beds, I saw the Buddhist plates inlaid on the top of each bed.

The setting is very simple, the only thing of some value is the soul-absorbing bead the size of a cherry pit in the center of the Dharma plate.

Chen Xinghe lay down on the bed, the light instantly imprinted on his eyes, and the ten-ring symbols raced around, faintly connecting with the great formation in the distance.

If the book of life and death and the speed talisman hadn't been integrated into the eyes, becoming part of the double pupil of the saint, together with the seal of the ten rings, the subject would definitely be affected.

However, the soul-absorbing light and the ten-ring talisman used the eyes as a breakthrough, and they were intercepted by the book of life and death.

Chen Xinghe concentrated a little, and found that the soul cannot be said to be completely harmless, but it can guarantee that the spirit platform will not be ignorant.

Layer upon layer of figures appeared, and before entering, there was still a little consciousness in the mind, and only five breaths of time could be used to make a choice.

Five breaths is too short for others, but it is too much for Chen Xinghe, he can already see his figure with a sweep of his mind.

These figures are the characters he can choose, most of them are weak, good characters are placed in the dark, so that you can't see or catch them.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe realized that there were not too few characters to choose from, but too many, no matter how tightly hidden they were, it was useless.

"14 years old, nicknamed Blood Hand, real name Li Yan, red-haired and half-devil, love and justice."

"Half-devil? This is a more characteristic character of mine. The key is to add a little luck."

"Loving love and righteousness will bring burdens, but it will also become powerful."

"Come on! Blend in, let me experience the life of a half-devil."

When the thought fell, Chen Xinghe saw fleeting images in front of his eyes. Layers upon layers of confusion piled up, and the saint's double pupils became blurred. His mind was instantly submerged in the huge aura, and there was no response...

(End of this chapter)

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