Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1025 Monster Killing Upgrade

Chapter 1025 Monster Killing Upgrade

Chen Xinghe woke up suddenly, his mind was filled with layers of light and shadow, it was the memory from birth to 14 years old.

At this moment, he merged with the half-devil boy.

This is not seizing the house, but just creating a node to follow. It is said that no change can be made. The half-demon boy was hunted down before, and he will also suffer after possessing a body.

Being with him can make the rookie feel the fighting atmosphere, and can comprehend magic skills and Taoism in the battle. Therefore, whoever gets this role can get the experience of fighting with people and highlighting the encirclement. Overall, it's not bad.

But this is useless to Chen Xinghe, it's too low level.

Since the book of life and death was strong enough, he did not lose his mind.Chen Xinghe knew that his master, Tan Tiantong, could also maintain his mind, but that was by relying on his tyrannical cultivation, he didn't have such ability at present.

It's just that people like Tan Tiantong dare not make major changes. If he suddenly let a little half-demon affect the main line, he might be hit and retreated immediately.

"Although major changes can't be made, piecemeal efforts shouldn't be considered overstepping, right?" Chen Xinghe walked out of the dilapidated temple, which was Li Yan's shelter.

Under the sun, Li Yan has messy long hair, dark red hair, and unhealthy bluish-white skin. First of all, this appearance is different from ordinary people, and it is normal to attract attention.

Chen Xinghe slowly raised his arms and stretched his waist, secretly moving a force around his body.

After stretching the lazy waist, I heard the body sound like popping beans, all the acupoints on the whole body were opened, and there was a high-pitched dragon chant from the back.

"The dragon's spine has been opened, and all the acupoints have been opened. The actual combat power has not improved much, and the ability to resist attacks has been mainly improved."

"By the way, this red hair is dyed black first, so that it is convenient to walk around and look around."

Just as Chen Xinghe was about to make a move, he heard a sound of breaking through the air, and three figures rushed towards him on the grass leaves, and he couldn't help but feel angry.

"The panic is like a bereaved dog. I almost forgot that there are people hunting and killing half-demons, and one of them seems to be a Shushan monk."

"Although Li Yan hated the human race, he didn't do anything harmful to the world. How much destructive power can a 14-year-old child have? But with such persecution, the hostility is getting worse and worse. It will be difficult to say in the future."

Chen Xinghe dodged and drifted back, disappearing without a trace before the sound of piercing the sky.

After all, Li Yan is not an important character, even if he has a little bit of aura, he is definitely not a son of destiny like Li Xiaoyao, and he is not under the strict monitoring of Fang Tiandi.

I took a small circle in the mountains, picked herbs, dyed my hair black, and neutralized my skin tone a little bit. When I left the mountains and entered the nearby towns, I looked like a handsome young man except for the poor clothes.

Chen Xinghe found a pharmacy, threw a few sticks of wild ginseng at random, and exchanged it for five taels of silver seemingly ignorant.

One tael of silver and one ginseng, the pharmacy is like picking up for nothing, so naturally I am full of joy.

People rely on clothes, horses rely on saddles, when Chen Xinghe came out of the tailor shop, he had already turned into a handsome young man, not the half-demon Li Yan who was hunted down by a group of people.

Looking at the scenery on the street, I couldn't help but feel emotional: "I only found out that it has been eight years since the trip to Xiaoyao Miaojiang after asking the date, and the little girl in his family should be eight years old. Jiang Wan'er managed the Xianxia School well, even here It has its reputation spread, do you want to go to Mount Emei?"

Just as Chen Xinghe was thinking, a wave of devilish energy suddenly appeared.

"Huh? Are you a half-demon?"

Inexplicably, the devilish energy swept across and forcibly swept Li Yan over.

"What's going on?" Chen Xinghe was dumbfounded, Li Yan had the strength to be around anyway, why was he so unpopular?It's okay to be chased and killed by the righteous way, even the demon way will not let him go.

"I'm Fatian, the son of the Demon Lord, and I'm gathering the old troops. Half-devil kid, follow me to wreak havoc on the world! Build the Demon Kingdom with me."

Chen Xinghe used the saint's heavy pupils to look around, and saw an aura hidden in the layers of light and shadow, his heart skipped a beat, the secret channel was broken.

"The Demon Realm doesn't even let go of these trial worlds, and has begun to exert influence and assimilate them. Should I fight against them?"

Chen Xinghe quickly gave up this idea, because Li Yan's body is too weak, so he is by no means a match for this sky-defying opponent?
Not long after, Moyun brought Chen Xinghe into a mountain depression.

I saw demonic clouds coming from different directions, and a large number of demonic figures gathered in the small mountain col. It seemed that they were going to gather people to do great things.

Fatian has countless clones, and he is trying every means to gather demons.

Mo Yun put Chen Xinghe down, and then went looking for other people without stopping.

The big camp was in chaos, Chen Xinghe had just walked a few steps forward when he heard someone laughing: "Come and see! It's a half-demon."

"Really, it's strange to see a bastard."

"Ahahaha, yes, it's a bastard."

This is really a group of demons dancing wildly, Chen Xinghe blinked, and suddenly thought that the characters in the fairy sword world seem to have monster killing upgrades, and the upgrade speed should not be slow.

Of course, the problem is still there, Li Yan is 14 years old, too weak!

So you must make a move, but you must pay attention to the level and rhythm. The best way is to pick the persimmon first and pinch it softly.

Chen Xinghe glanced around, and he had a panoramic view of what these cats and dogs are capable of, even their dead spots and traps can be clearly seen.

The next moment, the fist blasted out.

"Crack..." The sword went straight in, and the fist hit the throat of an eagle-billed demon, causing heavy damage in an instant.

The eagle-beaked demon threw the body on the spot before it could utter a scream, which aroused the fury of several demon heads nearby.

This was just the beginning, Chen Xinghe's second punch followed closely behind, attacking the blue bear demon who was stronger than the eagle-beaked demon.

"Boom..." It was another lightning strike at the death spot, dealing several times the damage, but this blue bear demon was very strong, and he insisted on holding on to his stump.

"Bang..." Chen Xinghe punched, and Lan Xiong was completely out of breath.

At this time, he was slightly taken aback, and found that Li Yan seemed to have upgraded, a warm current appeared in his lower abdomen and flowed to his limbs and bones, not to mention a little improvement in energy and spirit, and his own aptitude was also improved.

"It's kind of like a gas refiner!"

"Not bad, I need to feel it a few more times."

Taking advantage of Fatian not coming to intervene, Chen Xinghe hastily punched and punched. The nearby demons saw that he was not pleasing to the eye, and jumped up to attack.

After a while, Li Yan had already upgraded for the second time, and he automatically got the items from the enemy.

"So good? No wonder Li Xiaoyao has improved so quickly."

"Since the demonic forces have started to interfere with the trial world, it's not too much for me to go too far, right?"

After making up his mind, he watched Liu Lu wandering away, fighting with these big and small monsters, and killed a few power-up upgrades when he saw the opportunity.

In this way, in less than a quarter of an hour, the character of Li Yan was promoted seven times under Chen Xinghe's control, his muscles were bulging, his energy was bursting, and his condition couldn't be better.

"It's so interesting. I'm about to master the secret of superficial level promotion. Go on, don't stop, come at me!" Chen Xinghe was full of confidence, and every time he punched, he would kill, making the hearts of the group of demons tremble violently, giving birth Fear.

(End of this chapter)

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