Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1026 Mysterious Opportunity

Chapter 1026 Mysterious Opportunity
Chen Xinghe discovered that in this fairy sword world, every time he kills a few enemies, Heaven and Earth will immediately give feedback, similar to the book of life and death to prove the way by killing.

After killing the enemy, you can quickly occupy the enemy's luck.

At the beginning, it was very easy to improve, but it was difficult to improve later, and it required a huge opportunity to accumulate.

The key is not here, the key lies in the transformation of the body by heaven and earth, just like a master helping a junior to empower, which is quite mysterious.

This transformation method can be described as the most precious experience, and it can gradually enhance the cultivation of a Qi refiner.

In fact, the fairy sword world itself is very ancient, and its cultivation methods are different from those of today's cultivators, and are closer to ancient qi refiners. Therefore, after experiencing the beauty of upgrading, you may be able to push up the rank of qi refiners without using chaos stones.

These thoughts quickly flashed through his mind, Chen Xinghe didn't hold back, and continued to exterminate the demons.

Although the upgrade speed has slowed down, it is still better than nothing. I believe that if you kill more than a dozen people, you can always push it up.

"What are you doing?" There was a thunder on the ground, and the manager came.

Chen Xinghe fell to the ground, panting from exhaustion.

It's not fake tiredness, it's real tiredness.

Li Yan is only a 14 years old boy with very poor physical strength.

"My lord, my lord Fatian, this kid..." All the devils looked embarrassed, saying that this kid bullied a large group of them?What do adults think?No, can't tell the truth.

"Hahaha, is it okay? We were learning martial arts with this little brother, and we thought that the adults had found a brat, and only after trying it did we know that the little brother is very skilled."

"Is that so?" Fatian looked at Chen Xinghe.

"Yes, everyone thought I was useless, so they took the lead in warming up."

There are many corpses lying around, I am not blind, I can see them!But he doesn't need trash.

This half-devil kid is so fierce at this age, and he has the hope of becoming his right-hand man in the future. It is really a blessing to stand out today.

"Go, ask the kitchen to prepare wine and meat, and help me entertain my little brother with heart."

"Yes!" All the demon leaders responded immediately, preparing to get close to the half-devil little brother, and they knew from Lord Fatian's tone that they should focus on nurturing this child.

Chen Xinghe didn't care, he really wanted to find some enemies to increase his strength, and later asked if there was any suitable place nearby, not for upgrading, but just to feel the mystery of the moment when the energy of heaven and earth merged into his body.

In this camp, strong fists are the last word, Chen Xinghe was a little arrogant, threatening that whoever refuses to accept will come to fight, regardless of life or death.

I didn't expect these guys to follow this pattern, the more arrogant you are, the more important you feel, but no devil comes to challenge, making Chen Xinghe suffocate and have nowhere to go.

After asking, I found out that the nearby mountainous area has been plagued by these demons, and the villages and towns have long since disappeared. They use villagers and livestock as rations, and they just don’t know where to go to eat.

Hearing this way, Chen Xinghe took the initiative to ask Ying: "I'm fast, I'll call a dozen or so brothers to go with me tomorrow, and go to the distant mountains to hunt wolves, tigers and leopards. Make sure you eat well and sleep soundly."

"That's daring."

This group of devils are very lazy, some people voluntarily engage in blood food, Meidi is very happy.

Chen Xinghe smiled, seemingly simple and honest, but his eyes were cold.

In this way, the next day he set off with a dozen little devils to help the camp solve the "food and grass" problem.

What an enthusiastic boy!
What an industrious half-devil!
Master Dao has foresight, but the future of the little brother is limitless.

In the next few days, Chen Xinghe proved that he was really fast enough with practical actions, and he wiped out all wolves, tigers and leopards within a radius of [-] miles.

The demon bosses were very happy, but there were also complaints, you got a few living people to beat their teeth for a sacrifice!What's the taste of just eating these beasts?
"Brother, I have never eaten human brains just by looking at you. Take a sip of that soft lump, oh! It's delicious! It's useless to talk about it, you have to get a few living people to open it on the spot, eat fresh, eat... eat……"

The devil was talking vigorously, when he suddenly realized something was wrong, his mouth twitched, and his saliva flowed all over the floor.

The surrounding demons laughed when they saw him like this, thinking that the demon was out of shape because of his greed.

As a result, I couldn't stop laughing, and felt my brain twitch crazily. What's going on?
what happened?
Naturally, it was poisoned, and it was a master-level technique. Unbeknownst to anyone, the toxin had penetrated into the spinal cord, and even strangled the source of magic.

Chen Xinghe stood at the same spot, every ten breaths, he felt the thrill of rushing to the top of the experience, and the mighty power of heaven and earth competing for empowerment.

Killing these monsters with poison will also give him the credit.Then again, even if he has no experience in killing, he can still kill these monsters, big and small, who smell like corpses.

There was sudden silence inside and outside the camp, and there were still twitching corpses everywhere. Ninety-nine percent of the demons had eaten poisonous meat with seasonings, so they died cleanly. .

Chen Xinghe felt relieved, he finally grasped the mystery of the upgrade, it felt like heaven and earth forcibly endowed him with the ability to refine qi, and if he followed this line of thought, there might be a way to break through the bottleneck without using the Chaos Stone.

When he was feeling the harvest, Moyun came over the camp and suddenly roared: "What's going on?"

Don't ask, Fatian is back.

Chen Xinghe took out thirteen red-tasseled knives and threw them out without a word. There were a large number of tiger power charms tied to the handle of the knife, which were drawn from the blood of tigers collected in the past few days.

"Roar..." A roar jumped out, and a strong sword light rose in the air, and the magic cloud burst instantly due to mental calculations or unintentional calculations.

"You wait for me, this is just a clone of me." Fatian was furious, never expecting to bring back a white-eyed wolf.

Chen Xinghe's brows were beaming with joy, killing Fatian's avatar allowed him to advance two more levels.

Although he already felt the mysterious opportunity and didn't care about this little improvement, it was always a good thing for the half-devil boy.

The experience of the "big dream" ended here, Chen Xinghe didn't want to delay too long, turned around and ran out of the camp, disappeared after a few moments.

After a quarter of an hour, another demon cloud descended, but the little ghost ran so quickly that no trace could be found.

Fa Tian was very mad, but he was also suspicious, maybe this Fang Tiandao had noticed something, so he used this half-devil boy as a trap.

He thought a lot, but in the end he had no choice but to admit it, and acted cautiously again...

Chen Xinghe withdrew from the Immortal Sword World, time passed slowly inside, it has been nearly [-] days outside, and he still has to go to the Clean Clothes Sect to make trouble!
The moment the mind returned to its original position, the cognition of the essence of heaven and earth was refreshed.

He took out Ji Hongtian's big sun mirror. On the surface, it was just a tower-shaped talisman, and it was difficult to connect it with the mirror.

"What a magic weapon! I'll use you instead of the Chaos Stone, and perhaps add the magic weapon, the Golden Shuttle, so that the double insurance can hold the energy of heaven and earth equivalent to the early stage of transformation into a god."

(End of this chapter)

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