Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1027 Half Monk, Half Way

Chapter 1027 Half Monk, Half Way
A layer of cyan mist swept towards Chen Xinghe, followed by another layer.

When this layer of mist passed through the Datong shop, those monks at the bottom who were experiencing the big dream began to twitch, and black sweat instantly oozes out.

Chen Xinghe quickly shifted shape, this place is obviously not suitable for cultivation.

I randomly found an uninhabited house, sat down cross-legged to sense the world, and saw layers of blue mist gathering rapidly.

The small pagoda of talisman treasure hangs high, Chen Xinghe pinched his fingers, and the mirror light was refracted immediately, as if hooks and locks moved all directions.

The bright light swayed, pulling out more cyan mist, turning this residence into a deep cyan pool.

Chen Xinghe watched it for a while, then nodded and said: "This green mist is the essence of heaven and earth, and it has the ability to cleanse the marrow and cut down the hair, but it has no effect on me. It can only be piled up to an incredible level, changing from a big medicine to a big poison. The body fights against it and slowly adapts to its unique toxicity, only then will it be possible to take that step.”

About half an hour later, the blue mist had gradually turned into liquid, circling and circling above Chen Xinghe's head.

The Fu Bao Pagoda could hardly bear it any longer, and made a buzzing sound.

The golden shuttle slowly lifted into the air, emitting golden light to stabilize the green liquid, and at the same time formed a huge pressure to continue to concentrate the green mist.

After another half an hour, the blue liquid gradually turned into black liquid, leaving only a mass the size of a human head, the big sun mirror and the golden shuttle kept away, unwilling to get any closer.

No one has ever cultivated like this, and has a way to attract the essence of heaven and earth, but does not use the essence of heaven and earth to wash the marrow, but transforms it into poison.

In fact, the essence of heaven and earth has not changed, but the effect is too much, the energy of washing the marrow and cutting the hair is continuously superimposed, forming a destructive force that purifies everything.

As the saying goes, if you can't break it, you can't stand it. If you can endure this kind of poisonous damage, if you can persevere, you will definitely turn decay into magic.

Suddenly, Chen Xinghe triggered the black liquid to hit the sun mirror, frightened the sun mirror exploded on the spot, and shot mirror light with all his strength.

There was a crackling sound in the air, and each drop of black liquid weighed more than a hundred catties. After being decomposed and irradiated by the mirror light, instead of becoming lighter, it became heavier.

At this moment, the black liquid has become extremely dangerous, causing great damage to the surrounding things. If the big sun mirror has not produced a little aura, nailed here, the house may collapse in an instant.


Dayang Jing groaned sadly, feeling that if he didn't surrender again, this bastard might really do something to destroy the mirror, sending out an aura out of desperation.

"Huh?" Chen Xinghe didn't expect this guy to give in so easily, is it so terrible to bear the impact of this ball of black liquid?It seems to be more cautious and not careless.

"Boom boom boom..." After the Great Sun Realm compromised, with the blessing of Chen Xinghe's mana, he could withstand the cleaning of the black liquid.

After the impact, the black liquid the size of a human head was only the size of an adult's fist. If the sunglasses were not a top-level magic weapon, they would have been destroyed by smoke.

Just as Chen Xinghe wanted to drive Jin Shuo to bear the second blow, Jin Shuo was so frightened that he yelled: "I succumbed, and I will never mention independence again. Our previous agreement is immediately void."

"Come on! Believe me, the hard part is already taken care of by the sunglasses."

"It's a ghost to believe in you. Since the sun mirror can withstand it once, it can definitely withstand the second time. From now on, Ben Jinsuo will serve his master honestly, and will never mention independence again."

Da Yangjing was furious and said: "Po Shuozi, do you know how much energy I have consumed? It almost collapsed just now, and there is absolutely no way I can bear it again."

Chen Xinghe looked at the black liquid floating in front of him, shook his head and said, "The two of you cooperate closely once, and only in this way can part of the toxicity be reduced, otherwise whoever uses this thing will die."

Jin Shuo and Dayang Jing knew that Chen Xinghe was determined to deal with this horrific cloud of heaven and earth energy, so they had no choice but to work together to vibrate the body, bursting out the power of hyperglycemic metal and the divine light of the sun.

At this moment, the magic power poured out like a pour, and the group of heaven and earth essence shrank again, from the size of a fist to the size of a walnut, and black columns of air burst out all the time, with incredible power.

Chen Xinghe saw sweat on his forehead, he hastily opened the dragon veins to quickly recover his mana, which was about to bottom out, and at the same time released 27 flying swords in a formation to cover up the vision.

If it is not covered up, it may alarm the monks in the city. Even now, those more sensitive Nascent Soul monks may have sensed it.

Fortunately, the black liquid vented a dozen breaths crazily, and quickly declined after passing the peak of its strength. This was exactly the result Chen Xinghe wanted to see.

"It's booming and it's declining, you can take black liquid to practice."

"Take it?" Jin Shuo and Da Yangjing felt that the master was really crazy, and they had better go crazy and hang up, so that they would be free.

The difficult part has been offset by the second treasure. Chen Xinghe took the black liquid and did not take it immediately. He still needs to observe for a period of time to increase his confidence.

The matter here is over, and the monks in the city are still wondering. He has already turned back to Tongshan, and got a reply at the small counter that received Jindan monks.

"The guest officer has come back, and the team of monks will leave in three days. It is a long way to Juntian City. Before leaving, we must make preparations, and we must not be careless."

"Thank you shopkeeper." Chen Xinghe took out three talismans as a thank you gift.

"Hehe, the guest officer is so proud, just take the guest officer to say hello to the team leader tomorrow at six o'clock."

"Okay." Chen Xinghe went back to the temporary cave to rest, as far as he could go to Juntian City, if he couldn't, quit immediately, the key was to collect ingots.

As long as [-] ingots are collected, the current bottleneck of assistance can be broken, and the dragon vein can be promoted to the corresponding category of the transformation stage.

If you can really gather all these creations, you will be able to reach the Great Consummation of the Nascent Soul Stage in less than two months.

It's just that collecting [-] ingots is so thrilling, what kind of concept is [-]?I am afraid that even a hundred years of hard work may not lead to success, the road is long!

Chen Xinghe is very good at planning ahead, thinking: "Yuanying stage can't be counted on, at least we need to lay a good foundation for Huashen stage, [-] ingots can only be used as a foundation, since there is an order from above to toss the Jingyi faction, The remaining vacancies of nearly [-] ingots will naturally fall to his family..."

The idea is good, but as for whether it can be realized, the school is flourishing, and there must be something unique, it is not something he can do whatever he wants.

At si o'clock the next day, Chen Xinghe met the leader of the trip.

The other party happened to be a disciple of the Jingyi Sect. Judging from his appearance, he was half monk and half Daoist.

The young man in front of him was wearing a yellow cloth monk's robe, but tied in a bun, which gave people a sense of nondescript, but the saint's double pupil could see that the other party was the head of two families, and he paid equal attention to body training and Taoism.

Chen Xinghe scratched the back of his head, wondering why this sect is so similar to him?

"Could it be that today's age is suitable for mixing the two? Or is it suitable for both sides? Survival ability is stronger? I don't know, I thought I was the heir of the Jingyi School!"

Chen Xinghe Jishou said: "I have met fellow Taoist, let me call me Aji, Chen Aji."

The half-monk, half-dao youth looked at Chen Xinghe and asked: "I heard that your uncle is begging for a living in Juntian City, where does he end up?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Xinghe knew that the other party was a safe person, and would not go with a stranger without being checked.

(End of this chapter)

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