Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1028 Crash Screen

Chapter 1028 Crash Screen
"My uncle's name is Chen Sanjin, and he has a decent skill in making talismans."

Chen Xinghe wanted to hang out with other sects, so he naturally needed an identity as an entry point, like before when he was suddenly teleported to the Jintianzong, and he almost couldn't come back because of his reckless behavior.

So if you trust the sect, at least it can give you a reasonable identity.

"It turned out to be him!" The young man said with a smile, "Old Migan, he loves to drink a lot, and spreads the word "Dun Dun Sanjin", so he is called Chen Sanjin."

"Oh? Fellow Daoist knows my uncle?"

"Know? Why don't you know? Old Miyan's skill in talisman making is good, but he is too drunk to make mistakes, and he still owes me a batch of talismans!"

"Great, I finally got a message from my uncle. He hasn't been there for many years, but he still doesn't know how to post a letter home."

Several people around the young man laughed, and one of them said: "It's normal to have no correspondence. Old Migan often said that there are only four days in a year for him, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Sometimes it's not even four days. Because when he raised his head, it was spring, and when he raised his head again when he was conscious, it might be autumn, and even he himself couldn’t remember when he came to our place to make a living.”

"This..." Chen Xinghe was a little dumbfounded.

Everyone laughed again: "It just so happens that your nephew is also good at making talismans. The first thing you do when you see your uncle is to help him draw the talismans that are in arrears. For wine, I don’t know how much money was paid on credit, fellow daoist, you’d better pay back the money, otherwise it will be a lot of fun! There are too many creditors, hahaha.”

Chen Xinghe did not expect the identity provided by the sect to be so "characteristic". It is not difficult for him to make talismans and pay for the wine. He thanked these few for their enthusiasm and then calmly waited for the team to set off.

There are a total of thirteen disciples of the Clean Clothes Sect. They are both merchants and mission teams. If there are more places on the return trip, they can bring a few travelers with them and escort them along the way to earn some bodyguard money.

The clean clothes school is booming, and the benefits are quite good.

This kind of team is full of 20 people. If it is not full, it will be calculated as full when going back for reimbursement of travel expenses.

Chen Xinghe became one of the seven travelers. After embarking on the journey, he lived in the open, traveling between towns with teleportation arrays.

Obviously, these disciples of the Clean Clothes Sect are very budget-conscious. Sometimes they would rather travel for an extra day, just to use the teleportation array to go to a more remote town, which can save a lot of money.

On the tenth day, the team came to a small place called Bianfeng Town.

From a distance, the building looks dilapidated.

When it was approaching, I was surprised to find that it was even more dilapidated than watching from a distance. Chihuangtian was so rich that it was the first time I saw such a poor place.

Chen Xinghe followed the team these days, and with his cultivation, he could monitor Baili with a little concentration, so he was doing his own thing on the road.

The saint's double pupil has seen through the essence of heaven and earth, and it's time to take it to increase his combat power.

After entering the Scarlet Emperor Heaven, he not only provoked the big figures of the Demonic Dao, but also provoked the Jintianzong.With the deterrence of these two enemies, Xin Weiran will stand aside.

Don't look at mixing with the crowd now, but there are countless capable people and strangers in the world, what if someone can find the trace and come to the door, what should I do if I suddenly encounter danger?
It's good that the book of life and death can detect the crisis in advance. If it can't warn in advance, it means that the crisis is boundless.

Therefore, any method of prediction is not as important as one's own strength, especially the opportunity to approach the stage of transformation in advance, which cannot be missed.

When the team entered the town, several Jindan monks from the Jingyi Sect relaxed and laughed loudly: "This is Brother Yan's territory. There is a kind of snow clam that is very delicious. You might as well taste it tonight. The teleportation array will be opened at noon the day after tomorrow. During this period, you can eat it." Rest your feet."

"Yeah!" The travelers with broken legs cheered.

Chen Xinghe showed joy, others were celebrating that he could stop and rest his feet, and he was celebrating that he could take the essence of heaven and earth, and hoped that the process would go smoothly and nothing would happen.

The town is not big, and there are only a few places where people can live. Chen Xinghe chose an inn and ordered stewed snow clams and good wine to taste.

It was really delicious, and it could be seen that those disciples of the Clean Clothes Sect purposely came here to take care of Senior Brother Yan's territory and bring some extra gains to the town.

They didn't hide this thought, but they were open and aboveboard.

Chen Xinghe ordered someone to pack a few snow clams, and then bought a few barrels of good wine. For this inn, it was a rare high-roller in the past few months, because snow clams are not cheap, and only wealthy monks can afford them.

After swiping back the buddy, he raised his head and swallowed the energy of the pitch-black world, and the energy veins in his body were immediately impacted, with waves stronger than waves.

There is no good way to deal with this situation, but to rely on strong body training and cultivation to support it. The garden of Ganoderma lucidum in Yuanjiang Cave Mansion is not free.

Two hours later, Chen Xinghe's face was pale, he couldn't move his body, he fell sideways on the bed, his mind was suddenly pulled away, and he was immersed in the energy of heaven and earth.

"Huh? The essence of heaven and earth is too strong, so I was assimilated?"

"Is this a fugue that can only be used in the transformation stage?"

"Mind leap, being with the heaven and the earth? No, I can't feel myself. It's not a mind wandering. It's a shock to the mind and it's already in a state of being scattered. I don't know how many days it will take to recover. I hope I don't miss the schedule."

Chen Xinghe had no better way, the energy channels in his body were being broken and then erected, but the energy of this group of heaven and earth essence was too strong, his mind was suffering from a catastrophe, as if it had become the heaven and earth essence dispersed outside.

Bored, Chen Xinghe raised his head and counted the stars, hoping to get some enlightenment and deepen his practice of the Xingjun God Table.

Unexpectedly, he saw images of the past.

In this state, it seems more conducive to go back in time and watch what happened a long time ago.

It's a pity that the picture is only limited to the local area.

The reason why the town is impoverished is that many unhappy people come to settle down. They have ordinary qualifications, but they gather together to continue the blood, so that there are fewer and fewer newborns with cultivation qualifications.

Senior Brother Yan from the Clean Clothes Sect has been a rare genius in the town for a hundred years, but he has also stopped at the middle stage of Jindan and has not made any progress.

Going back in time, I found that the surrounding scenery became more and more primitive, and soon the small town disappeared, and this place became a majestic river.

Continuing to trace back, Chen Xinghe saw a wild man drinking blood.

One of the savages was very heroic and led the tribe to become stronger little by little. The warriors of the tribe repeatedly praised his name, and it seemed to be calling "Fuxi" from the shape of his mouth.

Chen Xinghe was a little surprised, Fuxi?

"Why Fuxi? Chihuangtian has a long history, why did you see such an ancient time all of a sudden?"

He continued to trace forward, and suddenly a group of brilliant lights appeared above his head.

Before the light all time is invisible!

Chen Xinghe found it inconceivable: "Is this what happened when the fairy world collapsed? The heavens are chaotic, why do I feel that this bright light is an attack? Who destroys the 33rd heaven with one punch?"

(End of this chapter)

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