Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1029 Beauty Snake

Chapter 1029 Beauty Snake

Chen Xinghe was shocked, his mind drifted away, seeing Chi Huangtian's past.

The fairyland collapsed and the sky and the earth tilted. This scene was not a natural disaster, but man-made.

The bright light fell like a big sun, and there was an indescribable fist in it. Could it be the attack launched by the immortal?Why destroy the 33rd heaven that all living beings yearn for?

"The aftermath of this punch shattered the void, and the way of heaven was scattered by him, as if returning to chaos."

"The sage's double pupils cannot be looked directly at, and the artistic conception is unfathomable. Perhaps some things can be realized, such as the destruction of space and time by fist strength."

"I understand a little bit. The way of heaven became extremely chaotic after this punch, and it re-evolved into the ancient times in the later years, so that Fuxi appeared."

"Actually, this Fuxi is the incarnation of Dao. He deduced the Dao of Heaven with the Dao of Humanity as a breakthrough, reshaped the four poles in the process, and re-established the world. This is how the Scarlet Emperor Heaven is today."


Chen Xinghe suddenly touched on a deeper topic in his practice, that is the understanding of the Dao.

At this moment, seeing the re-evolution of the Dao after being broken up, the cognition of the Dao is rapidly increasing.

Some kind of strings seem to be plucked in the dark, listening to the mysterious sound on this long road, I suddenly feel that everything is the way.

The sky has its way, the earth has its way, even the flowers, plants, insects and beasts have their way.

He imagined himself as flowers and plants, and found that he was affected by the law of heaven, exposed to wind and sun, lightning and thunder, and was taking risks every day.

In order to adapt to the way of heaven, changes need to be made, so the rhizomes become tough, poisonous thorns grow on the branches, and each flower and plant has its own development direction. How is this similar to spiritual practice?
Flowers and plants are all practicing, but the changes are slow. As the primates of the universe, human beings can cause more variables.

The Dao encloses the Dao of Heaven, the Dao of Heaven encloses the Dao of Humanity, and the Dao of Humanity encloses the Dao of Heavenly Creation, the Dao of Practice, etc., just like a big trap trapping a small circle.

After understanding these, many difficulties in practice suddenly became clear.

Turning around, examining my mind in a state of dissociation, I found that the way of mind is strange and unpredictable, and my mind is born and disillusioned every moment.

"Wonderful!" Chen Xinghe sighed at the same time, as if he had fallen in a dream, and when he came back to his senses, he had returned to his normal position. The heaven and earth essence that was raging in his body disappeared, and the energy veins became extraordinarily tough, with a feeling of rebirth. sense.

After counting, it took no more than half an hour before and after, how could it be so fast?
This practice is very mysterious, faintly touching a level that has never been heard of.

The blow that destroyed the immortal world seemed to be imprinted in my heart, but I couldn't figure it out after careful consideration. I don't know if there will be such an opportunity in the future, maybe I can see it more clearly.

Da Yangjing and Jinsuo were shocked, why did this new owner who didn't take them seriously wake up so quickly?Has he already finished training?

Chen Xinghe seemed to know what they were thinking, and said with a chuckle: "How can it be so easy? It's just that we have overcome a major difficulty, and we will spend a lot of time practicing in the future. It is a blessing to be able to reach the ideal level within half a year."

Er Bao heaved a sigh of relief, fortunately this guy is still within the range of normal people, otherwise he would be treated as a reincarnated god and Buddha.

The essence of heaven and earth makes the qi channel stand up after breaking, so that it can withstand a stronger impact, but the body is still injured and needs time to recuperate.

During this period, I'm afraid I won't be able to store up my energy to use the Broken Star and other punches. Fortunately, these moves are trump cards, and I won't use them easily. Once the energy channels and the body are in harmony, I can immediately raise my level to reach the realm of transforming spirits.

Chen Xinghe estimated that with his level of internal energy, it would not be a problem to explode six to seven heavy punches. In this way, he would have a short-term attack power in the early stage of transforming the gods, and when he met Ji Hongtian and other chaotic Taoist bodies, he would be able to fight fiercely. It's the last ride.

Stayed in the town for a day and two nights.

For others, eating and drinking during this time is wasted in a blink of an eye.

For Chen Xinghe, getting rid of the monks of the same level for another three months is equivalent to following the rules and retreating to practice once, which further proves the importance of dragon veins.

In fact, if he had time on the road, Chen Xinghe would practice in secret, but he couldn't get enough of it piecemeal, taking a day off in the middle to get some results.

Waiting to get on the road again will be even harder.

The Jindan stage monks are placed in Chen Xinghe's hometown, they are great ancestors of the sect, and they are young offspring running around in Chihuangtian.

The thirteen disciples of the Clean Clothes Sect are all young, and they are full of vitality. They are very forthright in dealing with people, most of the time they are straightforward, and they pay attention to efficiency in doing things.

Thinking about the intrigue among the Qingtian sects, Chen Xinghe sighed, the collapse of the building was not achieved in a day, nor was it the fault of one person, no snowflake was innocent in the avalanche.

Although the Clean Clothes School has problems of one kind or another, you have to admit that those problems are sesame seeds and mung beans, while the problems of Qingtian Sect are the long-standing disadvantages, serious problems, and even many cancers.

Chen Xinghe got along well with these disciples, and immediately lost the intention of looting.

There was no psychological burden for him to roll up his sleeves to engage in the Heavenly Heaven Sect, but the Clean Clothes Sect did not harm the practitioners, nor did they call for beatings and killings.

After all, he separates himself from the sect, and some decisions of the sect may not be able to influence him.

Chen Xinghe thought to himself: "Let's take one step at a time! If there are people in the Clean Clothes Sect who are rich and unkind, I will go to the door, but will doing so help the Clean Clothes Sect to purge the team instead?"

Just as he was cultivating in secret and taking time to think about his thoughts, the disciple of the Jingyi Sect who was in charge of playing the front station blew his whistle.

"Be careful, there is a situation ahead."

Daoji youth introduced: "This place is called Guijianshou. Because there used to be a powerful monk fighting between Dafeng Town and Zhudi City, the teleportation array couldn't work normally for 200 years, so I have to go through this place every time I return. But in the past few years, it has been very safe, and there has not been a single incident. Could it be that those ghosts in the mountain have come out to make trouble again?"

"Hiss..." There was a sound in front, and the scout retreated back, cursing: "Donkey, it's over! It's a beauty snake, and they ran out to make trouble again, and there are a lot of little snakes around, it seems The disappearance of the past few years is incubating eggs and making babies."

"Damn it! These ghosts were difficult to deal with before, but now they have grown stronger?"

"What should I do? Are we going to embark on the return journey?"

Chen Xinghe secretly said: "Do you still want to embark on the return journey? The back is blocked, and the encirclement is shrinking layer by layer. It is unknown whether you will survive until tomorrow if I don't take action."

"No, hurry up and set up the formation." The disciples of the Jingyi faction did not react slowly, flying copper coins and red ropes through the air, and instantly set up a security formation around the periphery of the team, and took out the blue tokens in the circle, and let them fly above their heads for traction air machine.

As soon as they finished the arrangement, they saw the copper coins on the red string hitting each other, making a pleasant bell sound.

Suddenly, figures appeared from the red rope, they were two big boa constrictors with beautiful heads.

(End of this chapter)

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