Chapter 1030
"Be careful of the poison, these are gold-thread and silver-thread beauty snakes." The disciples of the Jingyi School yelled to remind them, and then cast spells to fight the two beauty snakes.

Chen Xinghe turned his head and looked towards the mountain. These two little snakes were just trailblazers, and the really powerful beauty snake was hiding in the dark.

With the weight of this team of Jingyi disciples, it is not enough to fight against the snakes, and there will definitely be damage. It would be good if one or two monks broke through the encirclement and escaped in the end.

"Retreat, retreat while fighting." The leading disciple made a correct judgment.

The others were calm and coordinated, which was a plus. Chen Xinghe nodded secretly, admiring the quality of this team of monks.

"Hiss..." The two beautiful snakes intertwined and moved forward, spouting poisonous gas from their mouths.

There were rustling sounds all around, and the group of snakes was moving with the movement of the team.

Chen Xinghe was very interested in the poisonous gas emitted by these beautiful snakes, is it poisonous?This is clearly musk, but it has condensed to a certain extent and deteriorated. It is very smelly and fishy. It needs to be refined and diluted to become a panacea.

Walking well on the road, who would want to encounter such a small snake blocking the way, Chen Xinghe thought to himself: "I have to do my best, and I can't just sit and watch my fellow travelers encounter danger."

Thinking of this, he put out the human seed bag, clasped his hands together and said: "There will be no dual interpretations in all dharmas, and all Buddhist dharmas will appear quickly."


The human race bag bloomed with golden light, and the two beautiful snakes in the formation had disappeared.The more serious scene was in the back. I saw the golden Buddha light circling around and forcibly taking away most of the snakes, leaving both sides stunned.

The young man in charge came to his senses and hurriedly saluted: "I don't know which monastery you are a brother from? You are often rude on weekdays, and you still look at Haihan."

Chen Xinghe knew that the Clothes Sect had a long history with Buddhism, and said with a light smile, "I was once taught by an old monk, so I can be regarded as a half-disciple."

He was referring to the old monk of Tianbao Temple, Master Yichan.

The old monk really wanted to accept him as a disciple and pull him into the Buddhist camp, but the boy already had a family, but he still taught him meditation skills and formed a good relationship.

Shanyuan is very challenging!Later Chen Xinghe met the monk of Tianbao Temple, thinking of this friendship, can he not take care of him?
So the old monk didn't lose money, maybe he even made money?But it also became a shield.

Such as human race bag and Buddhist methods can be pushed on his old man, Chen Xinghe didn't show his merits and Buddha's light, if he showed it, he would scare the disciples of the Clean Clothes School to death.

Even if it was like this, the disciples were moved, and they saw that the human race bag was connected with Tianbao Temple.

The Baolian Sect is equivalent to the lower branch of Tianbao Temple, just like the Moon Moth Sect was founded by the disciples of the Hantian Sect, there is consistency in inheritance.

The human race bag is the symbol of subduing demons, which can be seen at a glance.

Chen Xinghe felt that these little snakes were useful, so he charged more. This action immediately enraged the old snakes in the mountain, and more beautiful snakes rushed towards the team.

The disciples of the Clean Clothes Sect got Chen Xinghe's help, and after overjoyed, they immediately reversed their defense and rushed towards the snakes. They advanced and retreated quite methodically, and quickly withstood the pressure to slay demons.

"Roar..." Suddenly the mountain shook and the ground shook, and a gust of wind blew up.

"Be vigilant, the old snake has come out."

"Boom boom boom..." The disciples of the Jingyi Sect hurriedly changed their formation, and took the initiative to kill the huge figure, withstood [-]% of the pressure, and fought fiercely.

Chen Xinghe pointed at the human seed bag, and the little snakes that ran around disappeared immediately. The demons and heretics were very afraid of the Buddha's light, so they didn't dare to approach it.

At this moment, the sound of "ding ding ding ding" came from the sky, and only a voice came: "I will help you all to eradicate this demon."

As soon as the words fell, a lampshade fell from the sky, and immediately there was a wave of air in the mountains like an earthquake.

Chen Xinghe clicked his tongue in admiration, knowing that these beautiful snakes were going to be in trouble.

A master from the Clean Clothes Sect arrived, and half an hour later the dust fell to the ground, and all the disciples were walking around a woman, talking and laughing.

The woman came to pay respects and said: "Thank you, Senior Brother Chen, for your help. I'm going to send you a clean clothes and a gauze lamp. The elders in the door calculated that the junior brother and others will be doomed, so they sent me to help."

Chen Xinghe stood there in surprise, until the disciple of the Clean Clothes Sect next to him coughed lightly, and then he reacted and replied: "I'm sorry, Fellow Daoist is very similar to a relative of mine."

Under the double pupil of the saint, seeing this girl's true face, she was [-]% similar to Luo Chan'er, like twins.

How can there be a woman in the world who is so consistent with Chan'er?Will there be some kind of connection and origin?
"Hehe, is it very similar? Is she like me?" Sha Deng blinked and smiled sweetly.

"This?" Chen Xinghe was startled, he didn't think the other party's words were unintentional, it seemed to mean something, it's really strange, could someone from the Jingyi Sect come to him as an outlier?
The shawl lamp carefully looked at the person in front of him, with curiosity and a hint of inexplicable affection in his eyes, and he ordered his colleagues: "Go, speed up and return to the door. It's not peaceful recently, and many demons have come out to do things. Don't try to hide after you go back." .”

This woman is capable in handling things, and this is similar to Luo Chan'er, Chen Xinghe finds it inconceivable, how could there be someone so similar to Chan'er?This is unreasonable.

"When will Sister Sha be promoted to Nascent Soul?"

"Hehe, it's almost time, don't you want to rush to call me uncle?"

"It's a matter of course, senior sister can definitely be promoted to Nascent Soul."

At this time, the woman glanced at Chen Xinghe intentionally or unintentionally, and said meaningfully: "Yes! It will happen naturally, some things are predestined."

"Hiss?" Chen Xinghe gasped, knowing that there was a big karma behind this woman's arrival, and he felt inexplicable and unclear.

"Does Chen Daoyou want to settle down in Juntian City? I happen to have a house in the city, and I can rent it to you cheaply, how about it?"

The disciples nearby were amazed: "Senior sister, your house..."

"Shut up, keep your head down and move forward, Fellow Daoist Chen saved you guys, please treat them seriously."

"Yes, yes, if it wasn't for Brother Chen, we would definitely look ugly now." A dozen or so disciples nodded their heads, obviously shy of Senior Sister Shadeng's majesty.

Chen Xinghe could feel that this woman definitely didn't come here to save the dozen or so disciples, but most likely came here for him.

This is strange!As the young emperor of the Qingtian Sect, he was exposed to the Clean Clothes Sect before he set foot on the Clean Clothes Sect's territory?is it possible?
If this is the case, the Jingyi Sect is even more terrifying than the Jintian Sect.

The Shade Lantern was extremely sure: "It's not wrong! This is the person I've been in love with for three lifetimes, and he finally appeared. Huh? Will we get married, have a baby, watch the sunset together? Cultivate and become a fairy together? God! What am I thinking, I'm so shameless."

Chen Xinghe was a little dazed, the woman's eyes were getting hotter and hotter, what's going on?Why do you feel that in the dark, it seems very familiar and very reassuring?

"Forget it, take a step, take a step, I have worked hard to this day, is it still afraid that a mere Jindan stage female cultivator will not succeed?"

The woman was very excited, and she was screaming in her heart: "My husband seems to be very powerful!"

(End of this chapter)

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