Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1031 My Past Life?

Chapter 1031 My Past Life?

When Juntian City arrived, there was an endless stream of caravans, all businesses were prosperous, and the environment was pleasant.

The Clean Clothes Sect is kind to people and creates a good business environment. Just looking at this atmosphere is different from Qingtian Sect.

All the pits that Qingtianzong can occupy have been occupied by others, the upper and lower are working together, the class is basically solidified, not to mention the narrow space for advancement, and the involution is extremely serious, so it may not be profitable for many years.

This place is different, and there is a huge room for improvement. Businessmen are chasing profits, so they naturally have to sharpen their heads to drill here, so it is getting more and more prosperous.

People have YC City and luck. When Yuntong, they are making progress every day.

Juntian City was a magnificent city a long time ago, but it fell down a thousand years ago, and its re-prosperity is only a matter of the last 1000 years.

Chen Xinghe has been to many cities, and at a glance, he can tell that this place gathers a large number of people every moment, and it is on the rise.

Although many conditions in the city are not as good as those established cities under Qingtianzong's rule, it cannot sustain the rapid development, and I believe it will be surpassed in less than a hundred years!

As the saying goes, the cloud follows the dragon, the wind follows the tiger, and the weather rises, you can see it.

"Brother Dao, what do you think? It shouldn't be too bad to settle in this city!" The person who spoke was Sha Laneng, a beautiful woman who was almost exactly the same as Luo Chan'er. The difference was that there was a difference in personality.

The gauze lamp was very straight, did not hide his closeness, acted swiftly and decisively, and spoke straight to the point, even telling Chen Xinghe to himself, he was really afraid that the child would be sold one day and would still be counting the money.

Her common surname is Kuang, and she was reincarnated from a lampshade in Buddhism, so she got the name Shashadeng in the Jingyi School, known as Senior Sister Shade.

The dozen or so disciples of the Clean Clothes Sect next to her were a little jealous, Senior Sister Sha was so kind to this person surnamed Chen, that she actually asked this guy to call her Shasha.

How close is this?Could it be that foreign monks are good at chanting scriptures?
There are so many outstanding disciples in the sect, why don't they look down on any of them, but why do they like this outsider who doesn't know their roots and bottoms?
They were arguing about grievances, but Chen Xinghe was thinking about something on his mind, Luo Chan'er was related to the reincarnation of Zhidie, this Kuang Shasha was also a reincarnated person?
If there is no connection between the two, he will not believe it at first.

The key is what kind of connection makes them so similar?Fortunately, their personalities are different, otherwise they would not be able to tell who is who, just like dreaming.

"Brother Dao, follow me to our residence. Speaking of which, our family is considered to be a landowner in Juntian City. It almost fell into decline many years ago. Who would have thought that Juntian City would suddenly turn around, and our land and shops would become valuable. Plus a few people Uncle knows how to manage things, and the family has gradually prospered, so the house that was given to me is not bad."

When Chen Xinghe saw the house, he thought to himself: "Can this be described as not bad? Is it noisy?"

This is a huge house, built at the foot of the blue mountain, a large bamboo forest is planted in the house, with whip-like bamboo knots hanging down from the walls.

After taking a closer look, I realized that this is not an ordinary bamboo, but a purple-gold Longevity Bamboo. The whole body is full of treasures, and the bamboo shoots can also be used as medicine.

This bamboo forest alone is worth a lot, not to mention that the family also raises many spiritual birds, peacocks, cranes, parrots and so on.

Waterside bamboo buildings are indispensable. Several terraced fields have been opened on the mountain, and windmills and pagodas have been built, which are both elegant and profitable.

Many small sects may not be able to achieve this level with all their efforts, and this is just a house given to her by Kuang Shasha's family.

Chen Xinghe hastily said: "I'm a rough person, how can I afford to rent such a mansion? Friends of the Taoist heart, I really appreciate it, really..."

Just when he refused, the sound of breaking through the air suddenly came to him, two middle-aged monks looked Chen Xinghe up and down, and said: "This is the person who is destined for Shasha."

"Oh! Fourth Uncle, Fifth Uncle, what are you rushing here for?" Kuang Shasha stomped her feet angrily.

"Hahaha, we have been waiting for many years, and we almost thought that you would not be able to get married. Our ancestors have always been vague in their speech, so it is the first time that we are so sure to guide you to find someone!"

As soon as Chen Xinghe heard this, he immediately knew that Kuang Shasha did not want to save any junior, but ran after him from the very beginning.

"If you do this, it will make people feel very awkward. Go back, go back to me." Kuang Shasha pushed the two uncles.

"It's already so obtrusive, why bother to hide it? Listen carefully, boy, you are the reincarnation of the Buddhist magic lamp, and you should be a pair with our Shasha."

"Ahhh, I can't stand you." Kuang Shasha blushed and ran into the courtyard, and left Chen Xinghe hanging in front of the door to be entertained by two uncles.

"Me? The magic lamp? Reincarnation? What the hell? They say sweeping the floor won't hurt the lives of ants, and cherish the moth gauze lamp. Did it come from me?"

"Tongtou, that Buddhist allusion is about you and Shasha. She is the lampshade, and you are the lamp. You are born with merit and virtue."

Chen Xinghe was a little dizzy, what is this?Is this how Lalangpei works in the realm of comprehension?

"You two! You can't take things for granted, forcibly twisted melons are not sweet."

"To be honest, I have a wife, so I can't be that Chen Shimei."

"The theory of reincarnation is illusory. I don't feel like I'm a lamp at all. I'm not good enough for fellow Daoist Kuang because I'm blunt by nature. Please find another cause and effect!"

The two were dumbfounded when they heard this, and murmured: "That's not right! Since the ancestors spread the specific gatha, it indicates that good things are coming!"

"Little brother, wait for a while." Seeing Chen Xinghe turned to leave, the two hurriedly stopped them: "Love and righteousness are the best. You haven't lost Yuanyang, so how did you become a married man?"

Chen Xinghe looked embarrassed, he and Luo Chan'er lived separately, the Moon Moth Sect had a huge mountain between them, he thought the bridal chamber would not give him a chance!
"That's my own business!" He grimaced, rather displeased, making the two middle-aged men laugh.

"Stinky boy, let us help you figure it out, do you have a predestined relationship with Buddhism?"

"Yes!" Chen Xinghe nodded, he could not deny this point, before joining the Taoist sect, he first entered the Buddhist sect, and he also became a monk for a few days.

If it is unconscionable to say that I have no destiny with Buddhism, and later I get a human race bag, find Zhenyu Dzi, and get a Zen master to teach Zen skills, all kinds of opportunities add up, and I have already surpassed many Buddhist eminent monks.

However, Chen Xinghe believes that in the pursuit of strength, there is no need to distinguish between Buddhism and Taoism.

Different routes lead to the same goal!Which of the two roads is the faster to go, the Jingyi faction coincides with him on this point.

"That's right!" The two living treasure uncles continued to persuade: "Aren't you practicing Buddhist skills very quickly, and you comprehend them very quickly?"

"Yes!" Chen Xinghe nodded, but there is a premise, that is, the Zixiao Foundation Establishment Magical Art, which can be practiced quickly and quickly, and the meditation mantra can also boost Zen skills, so it is also frighteningly fast.

"Cultivating Buddhism in the world is like walking a mountain road. Why are you so fast? Isn't this obvious? In the previous life, I listened to the Buddha's teachings in front of the Buddha, and this life is like a divine help."

Chen Xinghe didn't believe these two guys, he laughed and said: "Then I should become a monk! Why bother to be obsessed with love and love, I hope you two fellow Taoists will open up more and go to the temple to get ordained."

(End of this chapter)

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