Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1032 Mysterious Enemy

Chapter 1032 Mysterious Enemy
Chen Xinghe is going to shave or become a monk?
Just kidding, he just made an excuse to leave.

In less than half an hour, under the watchful eye of the sage, he successfully found the connector, Chen Sanjin.

The old man was staying at the Jingyipai Gaopeng Pavilion and was so drunk that it took him a lot of trouble to wake him up.

"Wake up, old Chen, wake up..." He clapped his hands up and down more than a dozen times to help Chen Sanjin unblock his meridians, and then he opened his dizzy old eyes.


"Someone from home is here to help you."

"Home? Home?" Chen Sanjin stretched out his hand and shot a bright light, which happened to shine on Chen Xinghe's forehead, and the Yingluo pattern flashed out.

"Hiss, you are the young emperor?" He was shocked, what is Zongmen going to do?To send such an important person to Juntian City.

Standing with his hands behind his back, Chen Xinghe first asked about the Kuang family.

"The Kuang family? You are talking about the Kuang family of Juntian City? The young emperor came from afar, so why would he be interested in this family?" When the old man asked this sentence, he immediately realized that the person in front of him was the young emperor of the sect. Are you qualified to ask about your intention?Hastily replied: "The Kuang family has a lot of contacts in Juntian City. The family fell for many years before, and it rose because of the rise of the Jingyi School. In particular, a woman in their family is said to be a reincarnated soul boy. The upper echelons valued it highly, so the Kuang family has become more and more prosperous in the past few hundred years."

"Have you heard that their family has an ancestor?" The person Chen Xinghe was really interested in was the ancestor of the Kuang family.

"This subordinate has never heard of it. If there is really a hermit in the Kuang family, they will always hear the news after a hundred years."

"Oh? Tell me everything you know." Chen Xinghe immediately elevated the level of the ancestor of the Kuang family, hiding it so deeply, it shows that Chen Sanjin is not qualified to receive such information.

"Yes!" Chen Sanjin hurriedly accepted the order. This young emperor was not angry and pretentious. On the surface, he only had a mid-term golden core cultivation, but his real cultivation was absolutely superior, otherwise the sect would not have sent such a precious lump out to do things. .

The young emperor seldom died, because he was not allowed to leave the sect because he did not reach the Yuanying.

Chen Sanjin rubbed his rosy nose, and began to tell various rumors about Kuang's family.

Chen Xinghe listened for half an hour and understood the general idea.

This Kuang Shasha is really the reincarnation of the Buddha, there have been such rumors 200 years ago, and the Jingyi Sect even competed with several Buddhist eminent monks in order to accept this female disciple.

There are three battles between Wen and Wu. If the Jingyi Sect hadn't made three Buddhist verses that even eminent monks would feel ashamed of, Kuang Shasha might be chanting sutras in a nunnery now!
It is true that the Clean Clothes School has a connection with Buddhism, but it is not made of mud. It often intercepts outstanding talents that the Hoover School likes to pry into the corners of the Buddhist School.

In addition to Kuang Shasha, the Jingyi Sect also has four reincarnated soul boys, not to mention the strongest among the monks of the same level, they are also commendable and tyrannical figures.

"So much?" Chen Xinghe was a little surprised. The theory of reincarnation is illusory, but it seems to be commonplace in the Jingyi School, and it is a routine operation.

Here comes the question, since Kuang Shasha and Luo Chan'er are both reincarnations, what about Chen Xinghe?Is it really the reincarnation of the Buddha lamp?is it possible?

"Take care of the moth gauze lamp, the Chrysalis sect split into the Lunar Moth Sect and the Sun Moth Sect, Chan'er is inseparable from the Chrysalis reincarnation, this..."

"Assuming that I am really the reincarnation of the Buddha lamp, the moth that flies to the flame is Chan'er, and the light veil that the moth cherishes to prevent her from approaching is Kuang Shasha. People say that there is a love triangle. I would never have imagined it in my dreams. It happened to me, and it was so bizarre."

Suddenly, someone said on the top of the head: "How is it? Have you asked clearly? Little girls never lie, especially for important people like Chen Daoxiong."

"Huh?" Chen Xinghe was taken aback, when did Kuang Shasha come over?Why is there no response from the always keen spiritual sense?If this is the enemy, we will be in big trouble.

"Greetings to Palace Master Kuang." The old man hurriedly saluted, and secretly thought about whether he had shown his feet just now.

After thinking about it, he immediately felt relieved, and secretly said: "It shouldn't be a problem, I am the young emperor of Qingtian Sect, here, if I really say something that shouldn't be said, I will definitely get off topic and prevent me from continuing."

How did he know that Chen Xinghe is now in a daze, unable to figure out why he is defenseless against this Kuang Shasha.

Kuang Shasha is in charge of the Mani Palace in the Jingyi School, so outsiders are called the palace master.

Chen Xinghe saw her falling gently, nodded and said: "Understood, take me to meet your ancestors, and ask some things face to face, then we will see for ourselves."

"You stubborn guy, he's suspicious about the pie falling from the sky." Kuang Shasha smiled dimpled and didn't express her anger.

She has a good temper, and her eyes are full of longing.

Chen Xinghe still doesn't believe it, what the hell?There is no mark on his body, nothing abnormal, even his strength is fought for and killed. If he really has a strong background, how can he suffer so much?
"Do you want to ask Chordie?" Kuang Shasha's words made Chen Xinghe stand in a daze.

"It's really like this! You like the enchantingness of Modie, but you don't care whether it will hurt her or not! Some fates are not blessed, so let's let sister Modie go!"

Chen Xinghe had a firm mind, and said with a smile: "Why are you so sure that I am a Buddha lamp? Could it be that the monk who left allusions and cherished moths?"

"What monk? That's the Buddha, okay? He jumped out of the three realms, not in the five elements, spotless, and all worries are empty. Sweeping the floor is afraid of hurting the lives of ants, cherishing the lamps covered with moths, not fishing when there are fishhooks in the pool, and buying birds in cages. Free life, come to the mountains to watch the tigers fight, listen to the birdsong in the forest without any worries, no worries and troubles, and see clearly the fickleness and coldness of the world."

"We have been together for thousands of years, and we can have today's predestined relationship because the Buddha cherishes it and is equal to his disciples. Who knows that something went wrong in the reincarnation, and we have the opportunity to reunite after spending many years together."

"However, sister Chidie found you before I did, and her preconceived ideas have exerted a huge influence, so that we are strangers to each other."

As she spoke, tears welled up in Kuang Shasha's eyes.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xinghe suddenly drew out his sword and swiped past Kuang Shasha at an incredible speed.

"Boom..." Huge ripples appeared, and Kuang Shasha's head spun in the air while asking, "How did you see that?"

"I didn't notice it, but you were too impatient to approach me silently with this level of cultivation."

After a pause, Chen Xinghe clenched his right hand and said, "I think my mind is not bad, but you can make me let go of my guard. Since you can do this, it shouldn't be difficult to pry into the secrets of your heart and create a spiritual illusion. Show your real body! Tell me to see your true face in Mount Lu."

"Boom..." Massive ripples appeared, condensing into a huge face, opening its mouth to swallow the whole world.

Chen Xinghe sneered: "You are still playing with me, it seems that you are so good at it! If you have the guts, go and spy on my right hand, you seem to like to spy on secrets and make up stories! Don't you wonder what the biggest thing on my body is? Puzzle?"

Chen Xinghe's move was too bad, he almost lost his right hand when he looked at it with the saint's double pupil, now when he encountered a strange enemy, he would draw the opponent's attention to his right hand.

This trick really worked, there was a wailing sound from the sky and the earth, the scene changed rapidly, and he returned to the mountain where he met the beauty snake in an instant.

It turned out that Chen Xinghe had been in a state of confusion these days, and Chen Xinghe almost believed him.

(End of this chapter)

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