Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1033 Hidden River

Chapter 1033 Hidden River
The wind howled, and a woman stood in the air.

The disciples of the Jingyi Sect and travelers scattered on the surrounding ground, their bodies twitching non-stop, covering their heads with their hands, as if they were in great pain.

Chen Xinghe understood that this enemy used the minds of his companions to construct an illusion, and the reason why Juntian City looked so real was because it came from the minds of these people.

At the same time, these people's minds are mobilized, and they can also play a defensive role when they pry into the secrets. They are the first to be injured, and the injuries are not serious.

"Chen Xinghe, you are so vicious that you even killed your reincarnated lover."

"Things imposed on me are far-fetched. I only hate that I reacted too slowly and didn't make a move in the first place."

"Hmph, if you have the guts to kill my first disciple of the Heavenly Sect, you must be prepared to pay a huge price at any time. My supernatural powers are just minor tricks in front of real supernatural monks."

As soon as the voice fell, the figure disappeared. This woman is obviously not good at fighting, but only good at manipulating the mind.

Can Chen Xinghe let her escape?However, the encounter with the enemy this time was too surreptitious, and he had to be prepared to deal with emergencies. He raised his hand to capture the spiritual weapons of the disciples of the Jingyi School, and was ready to establish a channel to escape from his mind at any time.

Next, he lightly stepped on the ground and miraculously moved out, and when he reappeared, he was at the side of the beauty snake's lair, looking at the figure standing on the cliff.

"Trouble!" The woman waved her sleeves.

Immediately, dozens of figures shot towards Chen Xinghe. They were the beauty snakes in the lair. They were instantly controlled, completely ignoring how powerful the enemy was, and launched a blow that killed everything.

"Boom..." The beauty snake was torn apart, and the sword shadow rushed towards the cliff, but the sword energy swept away.

Chen Xinghe looked up, only to realize that it was an illusion again.

This kind of illusion comes from the heart. It's not that the sage has no way to recognize it, but his reaction is slow for a moment. It takes a little time to distinguish the authenticity.

So facing this kind of enemy must be killed in the first time.

Ripples appeared again under his feet, Chen Xinghe was able to see through time, so no matter how secretive this woman was, she was not without a trace when she left.

The next moment, Chen Xinghe came to the depths of the mountain forest, and he couldn't help but raise his right hand to punch him.

Although Qi Refining was breaking through the bottleneck and couldn't use the Shattering Star ultimate move, but the basic attack power was very good, and there was a scream under the shock.

The tree was shattered, revealing a beautiful face, which was [-]% similar to Luo Chan'er.

"You still dare to confuse my mind?" Chen Xinghe was furious, he swung his flying sword around, broke through layers of defenses, and killed a pool of blood.

I saw a man standing still, looking at the sword wound on his chest and saying, " will go down to accompany me soon..."

With that said, murderous intent bloomed.

This man has the terrifying supernatural ability to manipulate the mind, and only Chen Xinghe has seen such a strong mind.

At this moment, he knew that Yuanying had no hope of escaping, so he resolutely launched the baby-exploding attack, and Chen Xinghe froze in place, unable to leave.

"Let's perish together!"

The mental impact suddenly increased by a thousand times, this is not a killing that Nascent Soul monks can undertake, even if you are in the stage of transformation, you will lose a lot if you encounter such an impact, and you may even die directly.

A series of hallucinations appeared in Chen Xinghe's mind.

Some illusions are so real that you can't tell the real from the fake, and when you break through, it will be another illusion, which goes round and round without end, while reality is just a moment.

Who can bear such a shock?

Suddenly, Chen Xinghe fell to the ground without a sound.

In the distance, a disciple of the Jingyi Sect slowly got up, and said with lingering fear: "It's so dangerous! It's the first time I saw this kind of exploding baby. Neither the Bihai Shengyan Conch nor the Guizang Sword can block it, because there is no real damage. The mind caused a shock, if it wasn't for an extra mind to establish a channel to seize the house, I would probably have died at this moment! The background of the Jintian Sect should not be underestimated, and it can lock me in such a short period of time."

While sighing, Chen Xinghe sighed again, just as he thought before, there are countless capable people in the world, he almost hid in the sky, and finally found him so quickly.

Where there is the first, there is the second, and most likely one is more powerful than the other.

This time, he was lucky enough to break the barrier of mind and spirit, so he could no longer maintain the original journey, but the Clean Clothes Sect still wanted to go, and it had to be fast, and he had to seize the time to find the Cave of the Great Hermit as a barrier to fight against the ensuing troubles.

"Let's go!" Chen Xinghe returned to his body, waved away the disciples and travelers of the Clean Clothes Sect, they are very fragile now, if they are allowed to lie in the wilderness, they will surely die.

Of course, there is also the mysterious enemy who just died, who took the body away to erase the traces, so as to cut off the clues of the latecomers.

Two quarters of an hour after Chen Xinghe left, the sky suddenly changed color, and the Huoshaoyun spun rapidly and turned into two figures. His majestic eyes fell to the ground, and they landed near the beauty snake's lair for a moment.

"Here, Yan Ji failed."

"This young emperor of the Qingtian Sect is not simple! I don't know Ji Hongtian, but I am very familiar with Yanji. He always has a way to make the enemy believe everything in the illusion, and then live, grow old, sick and die in the illusion, and quickly walk through his life. Euthanasia, very few people Can escape the murderous intent intertwined with happiness and happiness."

"No, Yanji's real brilliance lies in making up stories. Life in the illusion also has shortcomings, so that it is real enough, using secondary happiness and happiness as a bridge to guide the subject through life. His failure is that he is too fond of himself. Confidence, never cooperate with others, if you allow us to help, you have already cut off the head of Qingtianzong Shaodi."

"Not necessarily. It's not for nothing that the young emperor of Qingtianzong can live to this day. In addition, Yanji is constantly strengthening his mind, so he will inevitably make trade-offs and sacrifices. He does his own way and does not cooperate with others, most likely because he is afraid of venting his old self."

"It's useless to talk about it now. The key is how to pursue it. Although you and I are not weak together, we still don't have the strength to transform into a god."

"That's right! At least two or three cultivators at the stage of transforming spirits must be recruited to encircle and suppress this young emperor of the Qingtian Sect, or..."

The two suddenly looked at each other, nodded in unison and said, "That's the only way to go, ask Yinchuan for help."

"Yanji, as a member of Yinchuan's outskirts, died at the hands of the young emperor Qingtianzong. They will not remain indifferent! It's just that using this line will damage the layout of the sect."

"I can't care about that much anymore, Chen Xinghe is already too big to lose, so he must get rid of this son no matter what."

The two reached an agreement to act immediately, and Chihuangtian's most mysterious Yinchuan opened the door rumblingly.

On the other side, after Chen Xinghe dealt with the mysterious enemy's corpse, he knew that he had gotten into trouble this time. A token with the word Yinchuan engraved on it floated in front of him.

Leaving aside the fact that these two characters were engraved by an expert, and locked in the dark, the key is that the evil spirit lingering on the token is almost equal to those top-grade evil points.

How many master lives would it take to reach this level?This token is obviously inherited in an orderly manner, and there are terrible forces standing behind it.

(End of this chapter)

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