Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1035 The Recognized Scourge Chen Xinghe

Chapter 1035 The Recognized Scourge Chen Xinghe
A series of magic words neighed, and several dragons rushed out, getting closer and closer to Chen Xinghe.

The demon head sat on the neck of the demon dragon, and the saint's double pupil felt stinging when he looked at it, which showed that his strength was terrifying.

Chen Xinghe secretly said: "When I was struck by lightning when I was a child, I honestly lay on the bed. Maybe it was because I was too quiet during that time, so when I grow up, I have to do everything I didn't do when I was a child. The point is that I don't want to either! Mommy , how can there be a demon army here?"

Indeed, his ability to poke a hornet's nest is better than ever.

Originally, Chen Xinghe wanted to find a few devils to disrupt the situation, but whoever wants to uncover the mystery of this place is no longer a problem with the devils, but the official start of the invasion of the devil world.

Firecrackers are not like this, you don't need to look to know that the depths of the cave are connected to the demon world, and the Jingyi faction is probably asking for more blessings.

Chen Xinghe knew that he had already overfulfilled the task.

In the next few years, is there anything better for the Clean Clothes School?In order to block the army of the demon world, he must pay the price of blood. If he wants to surpass Qingtianzong and replace him, let's wait until the big battle!

"Roar..." The magic dragon's body was like a spring, and it came to Chen Xinghe with a single impact, scaring him so that he rushed straight towards the barefoot boy.

In front of the devil, the monks of the human race are all enemies.

Now that you have knocked out the demon army, let's fight side by side together!Unless the chaser doesn't want to live anymore.

The barefoot boy was so cultivated, he suddenly fixed his figure and looked at it, and said with a sneer, "Want to drive away tigers and devour wolves? Who told you that I am a wolf?"

Soon, he found that tigers and wolves are not important anymore, the magic dragon is just the vanguard, and there are still a lot of magic energy following behind, how can there be so many big monsters here?
Chen Xinghe fled to the vicinity, summoned a flying sword and shouted: "Jian Dun!"

His speed immediately climbed to the extreme, narrowly dodging the black thorn that came from behind him.

The barefoot boy was exposed, and naturally he was treated with a high standard, and the black thorn was in front of his eyes with a slight turn.

"Boom..." He forcibly pulled a long tail off. The tip of the tail was the dangerous black thorn. It was still vibrating after falling off. To be able to do this with bare hands is definitely a rare group of people in Chihuangtian. .

"There is an entrance to the demon world here?" The barefoot boy drifted back, and in a moment he was miraculous, pulling himself and Chen Xinghe within a hundred feet.

Chen Xinghe noticed something, and said in his heart: "Er Di Niang! This guy is too fast, even faster than me, it's really beyond the sky!"

In the blink of an eye, the barefoot boy had surpassed Chen Xinghe, waved the dragon head staff in his hand and said: "Go back!"

"Peng..." Bihai Shengyan snail almost shattered, and its mana was reduced by [-]% in an instant.

"What a powerful dragon-head staff." Chen Xinghe spun around and threw out hundreds of talismans and three pieces of talisman treasures. He kept making articulations with his hands, forming a magic zone five miles wide. little time.

After a while, the magic dragon rushed to the front through layers of obstacles, and Chen Xinghe had already arranged the formation, still to buy time.

In just ten breaths, the array disk and the simple array pillars fell apart.

"It's now, teleportation!" Spiritual light spewed out like a Baotu spring, Chen Xinghe had calibrated his coordinates, and returned to the first cave in an instant, not far from where he left the substitute amulet.

He didn't stop, turned around and walked out of the cave. The Jingyi Sect sect's formation was very sharp, and immediately took aim, blocking all aspects of the space in an airtight manner.

When Chen Xinghe drew his sword, it caused ear-piercing ringing sounds, and his chopping indiscriminately caused the alarm tower bell to ring loudly.

The guardian monk immediately boarded the high platform, locked on the target and asked, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that the demon army is ambushing in the cave. Hurry up and call for an expert. There aren't dozens of cultivators at the stage of transforming gods to hold the formation. You just wait for the whole family to be filled with inscriptions, right?"

"Where did the devil come from, dare to deceive the crowd here with evil words."

Chen Xinghe directly retorted: "You demon mother! Hurry up and get your hands together for the imminent matter, if it is too late, it will be too late."

"You..." The tower guard cultivator lost his morale.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a high-pitched dragon chant.

The cry of the magic dragon is naturally different from that of the dragon, it sounds straight to the soul, triggering a lot of magic thoughts.

Immediately, a disciple of the Jingyi Sect fainted from the shock, and the monks guarding the pagoda knew that something serious had happened, and hurriedly sent a message to the nearby temples.

Chen Xinghe sighed secretly, the disciples of the Jingyi Sect were not testers after all, and their sense of crisis was relatively low. If everything was dealt with by Ke Ding Kemao, the demon army would definitely not be able to catch up before the army sent out.

Just as he thought, the time was short, and the sound was getting closer and closer, followed by a loud roar that shook the sky.

Two figures broke through the air, ignoring the big formation around them, they made the mountains and rivers tremble, and even the clouds were affected and dispersed.

When Chen Xinghe saw it, his face was full of joy, it was the barefoot boy, he was quite good at killing the devil with him, every time he attacked, the void would shatter.

The saint's heavy pupil was terrified when he saw it: "This demon is far away in the demon world, and has not yet broken through the barrier of the Scarlet Emperor. Just the demon's thoughts descending on a demon is worthy of a high-level monk in the stage of transforming gods. It is extremely terrifying."

Can it be scary?With such a high level of cultivation, such fast speed, and such strong means, the barefoot boy was severely suppressed and beaten by the opponent.

"Boom boom boom..." The dragon head staff kept attacking, and he was able to maintain his invincibility. It was extremely difficult to come back against the wind, depending on how determined he was.

Chen Xinghe was moving into the formation, and he didn't know who was too idle, and shouted: "I see, he is the young emperor of Qingtian Sect."

"Is there any grudge? Are your eyes so poisonous?" Chen Xinghe was very depressed. He was easily overwhelmed before, but after running away, he didn't pay attention to maintaining his disguise, so his face was clear.

The key here is the Clean Clothes School, so far away from the guard tower, can this be seen?

This is why Chen Xinghe doesn't know anymore, now his name is known all over the world, not to mention everyone has a copy of Huaying Graphics, it is also a high alert.

Just last month, the various sects reached a consensus that this Chen Xinghe died, and it is an odd number that he can live to this day.

No, it's more appropriate to call it a shit stirrer!

As long as he goes, there will be bad luck.

Counting his past in detail, it really looks like this.

Fate is very hard, not to mention how many people were killed during the trial, the father-in-law of Bansu Mountain accepted some benefits from him, what happened?
Qingmutang had some feuds with him, and as a result, those monks who had feuds with him all died in front of the two armies, and sacrificed their lives for the sect.

This is nothing, when he was in front of the battle, the Demon Cult was terribly restrained, and he insisted on defeating the nobles of the real demons, which attracted the venerables of the Demon Realm to come in person, and he searched for a long time before giving up.

If you don't believe in evil, then look at Qingtianzong's operation, which brought this disaster to Jintianzong.

How about Ji Hongtian, such a famous monk?After death, the body dies and the dao disappears, maybe even reincarnation is saved.

Outsiders didn't know that Chen Xinghe wandered to Jintianzong to gain benefits by himself. It was only because the senior officials of Qingtianzong found a magic weapon to defeat the enemy.

The clean clothes faction is on guard against this move!

Who would have thought that those old men really let the vicious dog Qingtianzong Shaodi come over, is this the prelude to bad luck?
(End of this chapter)

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