Chapter 1036
Chen Xinghe didn't know that his reputation was spreading far and wide, and compared to the devil who was fighting the barefoot boy, his appearance was actually more valued.

All of a sudden, the signal cannons were fired, and the message talismans rained like rain. Some monks of the Clean Clothes Sect even shouted: "The vicious dog is here, and we are here."

Although the yelling was harsh, Chen Xinghe had to admit that they were right, the sect asked him to come here with ill intentions, but he didn't want to make a fuss, the main purpose was to make a fortune quietly.

The army of the demon world already exists, and I believe it will be launched soon. Who knows that it was a coincidence that he kicked it out, making it seem like it was full of targeting.

Chen Xinghe couldn't explain it, there was danger all the time, so he couldn't be careless, try his best to move his figure into the big formation!

The time was short, and there was a terrible shock. The barefoot boy stepped back thirteen steps, his face livid.

As Yinchuan's killer, he doesn't like accidents, he just killed the young emperor of Qingtianzong, it's not that Yinchuan has never killed the young emperor, he didn't expect this little devil to be so cunning, he would sneak into the devil's den when he felt something was wrong.

Drilling into the Devil's Cave was enough, but it was really bad luck to encounter a large army from the devil world. The devil didn't care about Chen Xinghe, but attacked him with all his strength. Just as he said, the sky fell and the tall one took over.

Obviously, he is the tall man, in terms of aura and cultivation base, he is much stronger than the young emperor of the Qingtian sect, and he is more threatening in the eyes of the demon leaders.

"Qiang..." A magic blade suddenly appeared, and the boy turned slightly to block it with the gourd on his back, but he didn't expect that the knife was so fierce.

Accompanied by the ear-piercing noise, a hideous wound appeared on the gourd. The barefoot boy was taken aback for a moment, and then his anger rose rapidly. He raised his eyes and roared: "How dare you damage my gourd! You all go to die!"

It was too late to say it, but in an instant, the gourd mouth sprayed into the air, and a ball of flames appeared, splitting into two, splitting into four, splitting down at an extremely fast speed, filling all the empty space in front of me.

Chen Xinghe only felt that the heat was astonishing, the large formation used to hide evaporated in an instant, and the talisman floating in the air could not survive the disaster, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Roar..." The devil roared in the flames, he didn't know what kind of means the barefoot boy used, he hit the enemy hard in a few breaths.

I saw the flames gathered again and again, burning away all the clothes and hair on the devil's body, no matter how they resisted, it was useless.

"What kind of fire is this? Why is it so powerful?" Chen Xinghe used to be a fire root cultivator, and knew a lot about all kinds of flames, but he had never seen this kind of orange flame, and there was no similar description in the classics. , should be a unique means.

The demon dragons that were sweeping around wailed, turned and fled.

Just a moment ago, the devil was still in full swing, pressing down on the barefoot boy and beating him. At this moment, he was already panicking like a stray dog. He hated his old lady for not having two more legs. Staying here for a while would be a torment.

When the entrance of the cave was burned to a white ground, the young man's gaze focused on Chen Xinghe all of a sudden, and he couldn't beat his anger.

In order to stop these demons, he had to use up the fire seeds he had cultivated for many years. Even if he killed the young emperor of the Qingtian sect ten times, he might not be able to make up for the loss.

"Damn you!" The voice was still on the spot, the barefoot boy had already approached Chen Xinghe straight, but there was a chaotic noise in the air, and a large number of light streaks appeared between the two of them.

There are so many guard towers around the perimeter shining brightly, helping Chen Xinghe stop the dangerous attack.

"Hmph! Don't think that if there is a way to hide in the gap in the formation, I can't do anything with you." The boy's anger was burning to the extreme.

Chen Xinghe wasn't idle just now, he tried his best to find the most favorable position for him, he knew in his heart that this young man was powerful, and when he freed his hands, he didn't take this obstacle into consideration at all.

At the critical moment, it depends on whether the demon army is worthy or not.They were beaten back like this. Don't they have a trump card?If one person can frighten them, then the five major sects are still afraid of a ball?
Now that they have met, Chen Xinghe doesn't believe that the army of the demon world can do anything like this. He is now looking for a place where he can stop the barefoot boy, and he will be satisfied after a little delay.

"Boom boom boom..." The barefoot boy struck out in fury, and the sixth punch sank in with a "bang", only three feet away from Chen Xinghe.

"Boom..." Chen Xinghe saw the opportunity and punched. Although he absorbed the essence of heaven and earth, and his whole body was still in the process of being promoted, his right hand was not hindered, so it was okay to hit it once to test the depth.

This time the barefoot boy was caught off guard, he felt that the boy's fist was unbelievably hard, he didn't stabilize his figure, and took half a step back with his right foot.

It was this half step that made him stunned, and the expression on his face became ferocious.

A mere Nascent Soul cultivator, who was a big step behind him, raised his fist and knocked him half a step back. If this kind of thing got out, where would he put his face?
"Damn it!" The barefoot boy was about to get angry when he suddenly raised his head to look at the distant sky.

I saw a group of stars floating towards the moon, leading a few half monks and half Taoist monks sitting on the lotus throne, before they arrived, the voice had already spread to the front: "Fellow Taoists, why do you come to my Clean Clothes Sect?" ?”

These few people also didn't pay attention to Chen Xinghe, they were just a junior around him, and they just wanted to catch them later, but this barefoot boy made them feel a great sense of oppression, so they took aim.

Before the boy could reply, black devilish energy suddenly erupted from the cave, and a rather tall and muscular purple figure strode over.

The barefoot boy was shocked: "What? Is the Chihuangtian barrier already so fragile? How could it allow such a big demon to squeeze in?"

The demonic power was fierce, and the big hand grabbed the barefoot boy involuntarily.

At this time, Chen Xinghe was too hurt, he knew the speed of the barefoot boy very well, this guy was even more slippery than him.

If you want this boy who is so powerful to explode to suffer or even die, you have to help the devil once. Chen Xinghe entrusted this difficult task to Jin Shuo.

Jin Suo shouted: "Master, I won't mention independence anymore, it's too dangerous, don't put me..."

The resistance was futile, Chen Xinghe poured [-]% of his mana instantly, and raised his hand to emit a golden light.

It's a long story, but it's not even a blink of an eye.

Hearing a "click", the barefoot boy trembled slightly, and was slowed down for a moment when he was harassed by the golden shuttle. Then he widened his eyes and was caught in the hands of the devil.

"Ahhh, damn it..."

It's really abominable, anyone who suffers from this calculation at a critical moment will be furious.

Jin Suo hurriedly flew back to Chen Xinghe, cheering like a dog's leg: "Master, do you think the little one will do well?"

"It's useless to talk less, it's not safe here." Chen Xinghe hastily changed his direction through teleportation, and now he can't get off. He can neither teleport out to escape, nor can he expose himself to the barefoot boy. The only terrain he can take advantage of is the clean clothes Pai has been building rings for many years.

The masters of the Clean Clothes Sect came and gathered in one place to stare at them. Now they have to pin their hopes on the demon army. Only with an impact beyond imagination can he have a chance to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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