Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1043 Two Jedi in the back

Chapter 1043
"Ahem, cough, damn it, I..."

"How did I die here?"

Before he finished speaking, the barefoot boy's forehead was opened, and Yuanying appeared and collapsed instantly, and the Guizang sword had already killed him.

Chen Xinghe was slightly taken aback, so he died?

Died so abruptly that he died without even struggling a bit before dying?There will be no fraud here, right?
Soon, he dismissed the idea.

The sound of the sword roared loudly.

Guizang Sword has successfully crossed the catastrophe, commanding the sword shadows of the heavens to be promoted to the Lingbao class, and luck accounted for most of them.

The appearance of the spirit treasure overwhelms the past and the present, and the Guizang sword is at its most invincible, so it took the enemy's life in a blink of an eye!

Speaking of which, the biggest turning point for Chen Xinghe to win against the opponent was to let Jinsuo and Xianshen go, making them fight for freedom.

So he is not fighting alone, there is also Jin Suo, the top magic weapon, and the immortal ginseng, which is also not weak.

The monk regards chance as his life, look at the elites of the Clean Clothes Sect, who would not be moved by it?Regardless of the invasion of the demon army, they all tried their best to track it down, and their dreams will skyrocket once they are treasured.

Chen Xinghe took back the hidden sword, released the former disciples of the Clean Clothes Sect, and told him while cleaning the battlefield: "Hurry up and run for your life! This place will soon become a war zone, and the good days of the Clean Clothes Sect are coming to an end!"


"Let's go! What did senior say!" Although these Jingyi Sect disciples didn't know what happened along the way, they were able to bring them back to the sect without a sound. If you don't go fast, when will you wait?
The Lingbao Tribulation gradually subsided, and the vision of the stars above his head gradually disappeared. Chen Xinghe swept away a large number of monster corpses and looked at the lyre.

This piano is not simple, and there are many causes and effects behind it. If it is kept by your side, people in Yinchuan can lock the position at any time.

Now his flying sword is also a spiritual treasure, and a great situation is waiting ahead. If he covets the spiritual treasure and takes it for himself, it will be a disaster rather than a blessing!
That being the case, when you give up, you might as well give Yinchuan some trouble.

Suddenly, three figures rushed over, and the elders of Jingyi sent out of the customs. Hearing that there was something wrong with the devil's cave, they rushed here in a hurry.

At this moment, the sound of a zither spread out, leaving a voice on the spot: "I seem to have accidentally stabbed a huge hole, let's use this zither to make up for it before leaving! I hope that all Taoist friends of the Jingyi Sect can work together Against evil."

"Who is this son?" The three elders didn't understand the situation, and were a little confused.

The disciples hurriedly sent voice transmissions: "He is the young emperor of the Qingtian Sect, Chen Xinghe, who is famous all over the world! Several elders hurriedly stopped him. Our Clean Clothes Sect is in trouble, and it's all caused by this traitor."

"Idiot, why didn't you tell me earlier?" The three elders searched for traces, they could only faintly feel Chen Xinghe's whereabouts, but they couldn't pinpoint the exact location.

Chen Xinghe turned around and returned to Juntian City. He teleported directly into the secret vault of the bank, released the person he met with, Chen Sanjin, and said, "Don't worry about it for now, rest here with me for a night. You said earlier The Jingyi School has four locations. The first cave was not opened by monks, but a cold cave that has been frozen for tens of thousands of years. There are several kinds of powerful poisons lurking in the dark. The monks of the Jingyi faction have suffered a lot in it, so they wait for the disciples to avoid them. This second place is infested with monsters, and it has now become a battlefield. Some of the Jingyi faction annoyed."

"Yes, Master Uncle's merit is immeasurable." Chen Sanjin was in the human race bag, and Chen Xinghe had not banned him, so he was more or less aware of those things outside.

"Don't mention this, I'm afraid you have to return to the sect by yourself, and those enemies will not let it go, most of them will invite more powerful experts, so I want to find an excellent place to retreat."

"Understood!" Chen Sanjin hurriedly told what he knew.

"This third place is an ancient Buddhist temple that has been abandoned for a long time. I don't know how many caves have been integrated into it. The inside is terrifyingly large. No one from the Jingyi Sect has yet reached the edge."

"This treasure land, if it was that simple, the Jingyi faction would have set it up as a hall or even the main rudder. The reason why it has not been able to do so is because there are many monsters inside, and after entering, no matter how high their cultivation level is, they will suppress them. To the golden core stage."

"Over time, many fugitives hid in it to avoid powerful enemies."

Chen Xinghe patted his forehead, and smiled wryly: "There is such a place. The enemy came too fast before and didn't let you finish talking. Otherwise, why should I go to that devil's cave to ask for trouble? Maybe this is because people are not as good as God, and the difference A little bit, bothering Baal, almost died."

"Hehe, Master Uncle is blessed in the sky." The old man glanced left and right, this is the secret room of the bank!There are a lot of treasures on display, and they can come in easily. How capable is this little uncle?How rich is the net worth?

"Continue talking." Chen Xinghe wanted to listen carefully this time.

"The fourth place is the most mysterious place. I had a drink with the second generation ancestor of the Jingyi Sect. Only then did I find out about it. It is an extremely remote small canyon."

The old man solemnly said: "The 14 monks of the transformation stage never appeared again after entering. Before these [-] people, it is said that hundreds of monks of the Nascent Soul stage were missing. An important person from the Clean Clothes Sect went in and disappeared, and they went to hunt for someone but put themselves in, so the uncle can watch from afar, and don't take the risk himself."

"It's so dangerous?" Chen Xinghe nodded, showing that he knew it well, and said casually: "There is a big formation around here, don't worry about those flashy things, I will give you a chance! You may be able to use it to enter the Nascent Soul in the future."

After Chen Xinghe finished speaking, he slapped Chen Sanjin's forehead with a "slap", and passed the piano score and bone forging method to him.

He is too busy with several major exercises now, alchemy and talisman making are enough to meet his daily needs, and he will be exhausted to refine tools.

So the "chance" that the right hand was stripped from the lyre was given to Chen Sanjin.

Both of them are surnamed Chen, this is fate, at such an old age, the uncle called the uncle before the uncle, and felt a little embarrassed in his heart, so he empowered the piano score and the refining technique together.

Chen Sanjin's body trembled, and he said emotionally, "Thank you, Master Uncle, for bestowing this opportunity on this disciple."

"No need to be like this, I will send you another corpse of a cultivator in the transformation stage. I have cut off the cause and effect behind it, as long as you are careful, there should be no mistakes." Chen Xinghe cut the cause and effect with the Guizang sword, naturally he has this confidence.

Chen Sanjin knew that his identity had probably been exposed, and what his uncle did was to protect him on his return journey and prevent accidents from happening.

When the barefoot boy was alive, he would not have imagined that he held a dragon head stick day and night, and stored a lyre made of Mahayana bones in it, and he would be treated the same after his death.

Chen Xinghe took away all the Dao blood from this guy, and refined it into a bloody marrow from the magic pot. After using it, he suddenly felt that the strength of his punches had increased steadily.

Such enemies are naturally rich, and they are embarrassed to take them out in front of Chen Sanjin to check them carefully, but those ingots are so cute, they have been sent into the dragon veins to increase the dragon energy.

(End of this chapter)

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