Chapter 1044
The strong wind is blowing.

Chen Xinghe stood at the entrance of the cold cave and looked down.

Three days later, he repaired in Juntian City, sent Chen Sanjin to the long road of turning back to the sect, and then walked around to have a look.

The Jingyi Sect doesn't have such treasures as the Sky Mirror, so it is difficult to lock him in such a vast territory.After Gui Zangjian was promoted, it became very difficult for Yinchuan to stop him, so he was not in a hurry to find a place to retreat.

Chen Xinghe was very interested in the Jedi of the Clean Clothes School.

You must know that there are countless masters of this kind of sect, whether it is a cave or a historic site that has not been played for so many years, there must be something unique.

With the improvement of his cultivation base and vision, Chen Xinghe lost interest in those low-level caves, and this is the only thing that can motivate him to challenge.

The sound of the wind was very hard and the temperature was very low, which meant that it was indeed terribly cold down there, and even a middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator like him was a little timid.

Chen Xinghe is now ambitious and wants to raise more ingots, but looting houses is too piecemeal. You must know that he is walking outside on behalf of the Qingtian Sect, and he cannot pluck hair like a bandit.

Therefore, I hope that there will be a batch of Tiancaidibao in the account, at least a few thousand ingots can be exchanged at one time, and if we want to do it, we will do big business.

This kind of thinking is delusional and whimsical for others, but it is not unrealizable for him.

Because of the saint's double pupils, and because Xingjun's skill in controlling the gods is getting deeper and deeper, many secrets on the earth cannot be hidden from him. If he is in danger, he still has Guizang Sword and Kaiming Seal.

Bihai Shengyan Conch and Big Sun Mirror suffered a lot, and they have already been separated from the battle sequence. When they encounter powerful people, they need to be saved by Enlightenment Seal. However, it is necessary to pour mana on weekdays, and preparations are very important.

Chen Xinghe was very careful, after watching for a long time, he jumped down, who knew that he would be gone for nineteen days.

During this period, many major events happened. Firstly, the Jingyi faction spread to the world, and the army of the demon world formally invaded, setting off a war between immortals and demons again.

Why is it a war between immortals and demons?
Because Chihuangtian was originally the fairyland, and the demon world has invaded for a long time, but this time it seems to be a little different.

It is rumored that there is something wrong with the devil world, the devil will attack with his family, and the battle will become more and more fierce. I don't know how many monks will perish for this.

The second major event was related to Chen Xinghe. The Jingyi faction issued a wanted order to completely banish the Qingtian Sect young emperor.

It was this kid who released the devil and destroyed the formation that the Jingyi Sect had strengthened for generations.

The disciples of the Jingyi Sect and the army of the demon world suffered heavy losses in just one confrontation. How miserable is it?The Clean Clothes Faction didn't even bother to announce the war damage to the outside world.

In short, the demon army appeared and caught the Jingyi faction by surprise.

In fact, the Clean Clothes faction would like to thank Chen Xinghe instead. Leaving aside how many demons Chen Xinghe killed, the army of the demon world is actually not ready for battle. If it is delayed, who can be stopped by a mere blockade?
In any case, in the name of one person harming one sect, it was once again passed on to the world. I don’t know where the moon moth sect’s tribute was sent. If the monks of the Hantian sect knew that they were going to be an enemy of Chen Xinghe, they probably had to arrest the person who manipulated it on the spot. cut alive.

But being famous is not necessarily a good thing. For example, when Xin Weiran disappeared with a group of monks, he had obviously developed a sense of crisis, and went to arrange a kill that he thought was safer.

The third major event is related to Yinchuan. It is unreliable for the gold medal killer to kill a junior with such a high level of cultivation.

Reputation is the most difficult thing to build, but it is easy to lose. People in Yinchuan received orders one after another. In order to keep their jobs, they were ready to set up a net to surround and kill Chen Xinghe at any time.

There is also the fourth major event, Yaoyue, one of the few Mahayana monks in Chihuangtian, has left the customs!Solemnly warn that the world is being eroded far faster than imagined, and if we don't work hard to eradicate the evil, the future will become extremely ugly.

The Fifth Sword Gate responded first, put aside all external battles, and fought against the demon army with all its strength.

Then several major sects responded one after another, not daring to neglect.

The monks in the Mahayana period are the sky of the Chihuangtian, no matter which Mahayana, one word is the imperial decree.

The old men of the Qingtian Sect wiped off their cold sweat, and they all said that Xinghe's attack was really fast, and there was only a few days of effort before and after.

It is said that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, Chen Xinghe is so capable of tossing around, to be honest, it has a direct relationship with several old men.

There is one advantage of going all out to the outside world, that is, no one is allowed to target Qingtianzong again, even if this building is about to collapse, if it collapses when it is fighting against the demon world, it will be full of loyalty, and that will be a perfect ending.

If you can still survive, even ZTE, that kind of picture is too beautiful to imagine...

Chen Xinghe met a person these days, this person was sitting on the golden tree, he exchanged a glance with him and said that it is rare to see ancient Qi refiners in Chihuangtian, so he had a fight.

Both of them have reservations, so they won't go all out.

The reason why Chen Xinghe stayed here and didn't leave immediately was that there was a majestic spirit vein under the golden tree, which could even touch the faint spirit energy. What does that mean?It means that there are fairy stones here!

Xiaolong made it clear that fairy stones can replace ingots, and it depends on how much the owner can dig out.

In addition to the Haoheng Spiritual Vein, there is also an extremely top Gengjin vein, Chen Xinghe's saliva is about to flow out!

However, this guy in front of him was the first to go, and he was guarding it tightly, waiting for someone to come and share this opportunity.

Through understanding, this guy turned out to be an overseas monk.

The so-called overseas is far away, it is not within the territory of the Chihuangtian, and it is said that a transmission takes more than ten years or even a hundred years.

That's not to mention, the real headache for Chen Xinghe is that this guy is still far away from the stage of becoming a god, yet he can compete with him in a decent way. It is conservatively estimated that he is at the level of the first disciple of the Jintian Sect.

Seeing that Chen Xinghe hadn't let go of his thoughts, the man stood up and said, "Fellow Daoist, the opportunity is already at my feet, why are you so persistent?"

"Nonsense, people die for money, and birds die for food. There are things I need in this mine. I can let go of top magic weapons and even fairy ginseng at will, but I don't want to give up these fairy stones underground."

"Oh? These eyes are really extraordinary. They even touched the gate of the spirit veins and knew that there are ancient fairy stones left underground! But I will come here first, and the senior sister and juniors will arrive next month. You should be quite a It’s just that the general atmosphere of Chihuangtian is not suitable for increasing combat power, and once our people arrive, you will be even more hopeless.”

Chen Xinghe said with a strange expression: "Are you foreign monks going straight like this? Are you not afraid that I will kill you right away?"

"Hahaha!" The man looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "If you can kill me, then kill me! There is no need for the weak in the foreign land, and it is only meaningful to keep improving, otherwise dust will return to dust, and dust will return to dust. better?"

"This!" Chen Xinghe slapped his head straight, it was the first time he met such a direct guy, and his strength was really impressive, he couldn't accept it.

He suddenly asked: "Are there monks from other countries at your level?"

The man laughed dumbfounded: "How is that possible? Only when I am at the top of the sect can I have the opportunity to be sent to Chihuangtian, but there are still some sects that are stronger than our sect. Now, if the distance is not so far away, and the Demon Realm regards Chihuangtian as a taboo, how can there be a need for a group of rice worms to exist?"

(End of this chapter)

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