Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1045 Carve up the Spirit Vein

Chapter 1045 Carve up the Spirit Vein
Chen Xinghe had a lot of enemies, if he kills another foreign monk, God knows how much trouble it will cause later, but he is not willing to leave just like that.

"Fellow Daoist, it's convenient for me to collect a batch of fairy stones, and I will leave immediately."

Jin Shushang flatly refused: "First come, first served, you have the ability to get rid of me, everything here belongs to you, if you can't get rid of me, it's better to leave immediately, my senior sister is not as talkative as I am."

"Oh? What's the bad way of speaking?" Chen Xinghe asked, and heard a voice from above his head: "That's it."

The murderous intent had arrived, sparks were overflowing, Chen Xinghe summoned 27 flying swords to fight with him, he felt a lot of pressure, until the flying swords evolved into a sword array and increased their power, they could barely block the attack.

There came a woman with a strong face and a newly built figure, more masculine than many men.

"Hey! You are a little bit good, no wonder my junior brother can't do anything about you."

Chen Xinghe was very surprised. This woman was absolutely capable of fighting Ji Hongtian and even surpassing Ji Hongtian. She also cultivated both Taoism and body, and possessed a rare physique.

"Nine Phoenix Dao Body?" Chen Xinghe blurted out according to some records in the classics.

"These tricks are not in vain. It is the Nine Phoenix Dao Body. This place has been taken over by us. If you don't want to die, get out of here."

"Haha!" Chen Xinghe laughed loudly: "Your junior brother is here to protect you. I am afraid that I will beat him to death. Afterwards, a lot of senior sisters and juniors will come over and worry about it. It will be easy to deal with you."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"Naturally, we have to fight once, and the outcome will be judged by the subordinates." Chen Xinghe is not conceited. His Nascent Soul mid-stage cultivation base is one level or even two levels weaker than the opponent, but Gui Zangjian is really fierce now. After these days of recuperation, he has become extraordinary, so he plans to try the power of Lingbao.

A few more monks came around, and Chen Xinghe was still not afraid.

An arc appeared and shot towards the woman.

"Sword cultivator? Good time!" The woman said two words fiercely, no matter what kind of attack she dared to head-on, two thick rays of light greeted her and shattered a piece of space.

However, the arc Chen Xinghe released was too tenacious, it didn't collapse and dissipate, and he still slashed towards the woman at an extremely fast speed.


Two treasured swords appeared, and a crack appeared in one of the treasured swords, which was able to block this terrible arc.

Chen Xinghe nodded and said: "Very good, be careful next time, I will do my best."

"Lingbao Flying Sword?" The woman is obviously not a bumpkin, and immediately knows that she has stepped on an iron plate. This guy actually has a Lingbao?
That is a spiritual treasure. Many top cultivators in the transformation stage are not qualified to possess a spiritual treasure, but today I saw it on a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Chen Xinghe slashed out with a sword, his mana bottomed out instantly, he almost passed out with his eyes closed.

The consumption of Lingbao is naturally terrifying, but fortunately, there is enough spiritual energy here, which adds power to this sword.

"Bang bang bang..." The woman is really extraordinary. Facing such an attack, she still dared to go head-on. The double blades in her hands completely collapsed, and her figure was almost completely wiped out from here.

A moment later, with a soft sound, Chen Xinghe raised his head to look at the woman who was stepping on the golden tree, and couldn't help admiring: "As expected of the Nine Phoenix Dao Body, it's the same as the scene described in the classics, and I can't let you die nine times in one breath , almost immortal."

"Hmph, so it turns out that someone who has the power to kill me has not yet been born! How much mana do you have left?"

"Do you want to try again?" Chen Xinghe stood with his hands behind his back, his body's upper and lower acupoints were wide open, swallowing the spiritual energy under the dominance of his body formation.

"Okay, I admit your strength. This place is divided into two, but you have to leave your name. If there is a chance, I will fight with you again in the future."

"I'm the young emperor of Qingtian Sect, Chen Xinghe! I don't know how to call you?"

"Dakuishan Yu Tienan."

Chen Xinghe couldn't help smiling, secretly thought that the name was really correct, this Yu Tienan couldn't be said to be a woman, because apart from having no beard, she looked like a man.

"Senior Sister, will you give him the spirit vein?" The guy guarding the golden tree was not happy.

"Stop talking nonsense, didn't you see my pale face? You died as a Nine Phoenix Dao Body for nothing? There is a price to pay." Yu Tienan taught him a lesson, and he was not used to his junior at all.

"Yes!" The elder sister's majesty was obviously not something the junior could resist, so she quickly bowed her head and admitted her mistake.

Chen Xinghe thought it was cute for these foreign monks to come and go straight, so he said, "Did you come from afar just to collect cultivation resources?"

Yu Tienan said bluntly: "This is the main purpose. Our place is too barren. If you don't want to find a way to Chihuangtian, it will be difficult to reach the stage of transformation. However, the strength of the monks in Chihuangtian is really not good. This time, the demon world probably made up their minds to invade This world, so many sects and families outside the country have sent people here to try their best to bring some things back before this great world turns into a demon world."

"So that's how it is." Chen Xinghe thought about it, and immediately took out more than twenty pieces of green carpets and said: "It is fate to meet each other, and I will give you a kind of treasure. Rapid growth, you should be able to use it."

"Oh? There is such a treasure?" Yu Tienan carefully looked at those spirit flowers and plants that were competing for beauty on the green carpet, his eyes sparkled.

"In order to make this treasure stronger, you will definitely kill more demons in the future. This can be regarded as my contribution to Chihuangtian."

Yu Tienan put away the green carpet with shaking hands and said, "We don't take advantage of others, this is for you."

As she spoke, she threw something.

Chen Xinghe glanced at it, and immediately took it in his hands and said, "It turned out to be a piece of fairy scale, with a little blood of fairy beasts remaining on it."

"I advise you to plan your escape in time! This scale comes from the divine beast Qilin that guards the Chihuangtian. It is said that it is a fairy beast that has lived for a long time. Even it has suffered misfortune and disappeared. You... what are you doing?" Yu Tienan Surprised, he saw that the opponent's right hand produced a black swirl like ink, and swallowed the unicorn scales.

Ten thousand beasts flew by in Chen Xinghe's mind, he didn't expect his right hand to be so hungry, he didn't even wait for a moment, and swallowed this treasure without saying hello to him in advance.

"Hehe, it turns out that this treasure is so big, I will seal it up carefully." These words are deceiving ghosts!This made Yu Tienan snort coldly.

The next step is simple, quickly carve up the spiritual veins.

According to Yu Tienan, too many overseas monks have come over in the past ten years, and many sinister places have been cleaned up and rooted out.

She even laughed evilly and said, "This clothes-cleaning sect is full of idiots. They don't even know that the tomb of the patriarch was stolen. Some foreign monks like to attack the tomb."

"There is such a thing?" Chen Xinghe began to worry about the tombs of those predecessors of the Qingtian Sect.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and get down to work. There are so many of us. If we can't beat Brother Chen alone, we will be ashamed to go back."

Chen Xinghe's complexion changed, and he said in his heart: "This guy is not stupid, he is waiting for me here! But I only take the fairy stone, and the essence is mine."

These foreign monks immediately speeded up their actions and drilled into the spiritual veins for violent mining.

(End of this chapter)

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