Chapter 1046
Chen Xinghe was amazed.

These overseas monks came prepared and manufactured a large number of prospecting and mining tools. He was a little slower, and he couldn't see the other party's back.

"Gui Zang Jian, go absorb Geng Jin Qi!"

"Yes!" The light flickered in front of him, and the Guizang sword had already pierced the Gengjin vein. No matter how fast a monk was, he couldn't beat the Lingbao Feijian.

"Little Dragon!"

"Here! I have been waiting for this moment for a long time."

"Is there any good way? We are behind now."

Xiaolong giggled and said, "How can the master underestimate the dragon vein? As a dragon vein, it should first be a spiritual vein."

The brilliance blooms, looking from a distance, it looks like a peacock spreading its tail, shaking its feathers, and immediately there is the sound of running water.

First, spiritual energy quickly converged towards Chen Xinghe, and then spiritual liquid gushed out from the rocks, crazily pouring into the brilliance.

About half a quarter of an hour later, the first burst of fairy spirit was generated.

Xiaolong hurriedly said: "I found it, the first fairy stone."

Chen Xinghe opened his mouth and spewed out star power, and immediately locked on the exact coordinates, and lightly grabbed it with his probe hand, a baby-sized pure white jade appeared out of thin air in his palm, which was the feeling he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Sure enough, there are fairy stones! And the size is not small." Chen Xinghe was overjoyed, looked carefully for a moment, and sent the fairy stones into the dragon's veins.

Immediately, the brilliance behind her became lively.

As the saying goes, if the mountain is not high, it will be famous if there are immortals; if the water is not deep, there will be spirit if there are dragons.

However, the increase of 81 times is still 81 times, and it has not broken through the bottleneck. Obviously, a fairy stone is far away!It is difficult to see the effect without a large amount of income.


Xiaolong laughed heartily, he liked this feeling, the psychic liquid poured into the dragon's veins all the time, which brought a rare opportunity to maintain many ingots.

Chen Xinghe simply sat down cross-legged, as long as he attracted a ray of fairy energy, he would trace the source, then establish coordinates and punch it.

Most of the time, there are gains, but these foreign monks are really fierce, and sometimes they can get the fairy stone before him.

Two hours passed in a flash of time. Although more than [-] immortal stones were harvested, it was only a small matter for boosting the reputation of the dragon veins.

"It's not the only gains, is it? Increase efforts."

"Understood." Xiaolong sacrificed a dragon shadow, drilled into the stone wall and disappeared.

The real dragon has a deep connection with the earth, and escaping to the ground is as simple as drinking water, but the little dragon is still young, and this kind of fugue consumes a lot of energy.

Chen Xinghe waited quietly, success or failure depends on what happened, hoping to find the place where the fairy stones gather.

The saint's double pupil is powerful, but he can't look deep into the ground, so he has to rely on Xiaolong to search carefully.

After waiting for about a third of a quarter, with a deep dragon chant, Long Ying retreated in panic, rushing into the dragon's veins and trembling.

"What's wrong?" Chen Xinghe intuited that Xiaolong had encountered difficulties.

"It's a huge cold clam. It turned out that he created the cold wave. This place is equivalent to his cave."

"Oh? What cultivation is it?"

Xiaolong lost his mind and said: "It's very high, soaring into the clouds! I only know that I will almost freeze if I get close. The cold air outside is simply pediatrics. The real danger here is this giant clam."

"Where are the fairy stones? How many are there?"

"Pile up like a mountain under the giant clam."

Chen Xinghe swallowed, thought for a moment and said, "Wait for Yu Tienan and the others to disturb the clam, and then I'll grab it with my fist and leave."

"Master, be careful. This big clam must have been mature for many years. I froze in fright just by looking at it from a distance. There will be no arrangements around it."

"Don't worry, if I find out that something is wrong, I will run away immediately." Chen Xinghe simply took out the talisman pen and began to think of ways to make emergency talismans.

"Giant clam majoring in cold air, um, if necessary, get some flames to open the way."

In this way, after a busy day for everyone, Yu Tienan and other overseas monks successfully located the place where the spirit energy is strong.

The sound of violently digging out the spiritual veins reached the giant clam's ears, Chen Xinghe felt that this big guy should get up, but everything was as usual.

"What's going on here? Is it just a shell? The real giant clam has been dead for many years?"

Xiaolong scratched his ears and said, "I don't know! It's too cold there, and I can't get close with my mental strength."

"Let's talk later." Chen Xinghe didn't want to take unnecessary risks. Even if Xiaolong's detection turned out to be an oolong, that would be fine, because there are existences beyond imagination that he can't offend now. The higher the cultivation level, the better the understanding of the world. The higher the height, the higher the awe.

This wait lasted half an hour, Yu Tienan and the others were not weak, so they naturally noticed the difference.

They are very adventurous, and they sent two monks to explore forward with the strange fire ring, and slowly approached the giant clam.



It wasn't until they stood hundreds of feet away from the giant clam that they encountered obstacles.

A layer of dark blue cold mist rose from the ground, and the two were shocked: "Ninth Five Cold Gang?"

Ninth Five-Year Supreme, Han Gang named Ninth Five-Year, which shows how powerful it is.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Chen Xinghe couldn't help but gasped.

With the protection of this layer of Nine-Five Cold Gang, if he reached out his hand recklessly before, his whole body would be frozen forever.

The two immediately retreated, shaking their heads and smiling wryly: "Senior Sister, it's too dangerous. This giant clam seems to be enlightened and practicing Dharma in a fugue. If we offend, there will be no good fruit to eat."

"It's a pity!" Yu Tienan looked at the mountain of fairy stones piled up under the giant clam, and felt his heart bleed.

But she was masculine, and immediately turned her head and said, "Let's go."

As she said that, she took the lead in flying towards the way she came from, and even voluntarily gave up this mine vein.

Chen Xinghe secretly said: "That's all! This Yu Tienan is not in vain for being able to get to where he is today. He has his own way of advancing and retreating. I don't want to take chances, I will leave immediately."

Thinking of this, he recalled the hidden sword, with blue ripples under his feet, and when he reappeared, he had already left the cold cave and was tens of thousands of miles away.

"It's a pity, master." Xiaolong was a little depressed, it was piled up like a mountain of fairy stones, and the extent to which it could boost the dragon's veins was immeasurable, and the ingots accumulated before could not be compared with it.

"Don't worry, you can't lose your things here. This world will soon be in chaos. First, go explore the other two locations and find a way to take advantage of the danger. There will be plenty of opportunities later."

"That's the only way to go." Xiaolong still felt it was a pity.

Chen Xinghe changed his face and went to a nearby city to take a teleportation formation. Although the Jingyi School's territory is not as good as Qingtianzong, it is not small even today.

To move within the sect, if you want to be faster, you have to rely on the ready-made teleportation array.

Coincidentally, Yu Tienan and the others also came just before the teleportation array opened.

"Huh? We met again?"

Chen Xinghe was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized: "It seems that we are going to the same place."

Yu Tienan said domineeringly: "Why don't you merge with us temporarily! If you encounter enemies, you can solve them for you. In return, you have to offer advice to my old lady, and you are not allowed to hide your secrets."

This was not a questioning tone, but when Chen Xinghe agreed, it seemed that Yu Tienan had already received information about who the Young Emperor Qingtianzong was.

"This?" Chen Xinghe was about to refuse, his eyes became more vigilant, so he nodded and said: "We are in the same boat through thick and thin, come with me..."

(End of this chapter)

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