Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1047 Ancient Buddhist Temple

Chapter 1047 Ancient Buddhist Temple

Chen Xinghe and his party suddenly appeared, Yu Tienan glanced around in surprise, turned around to look at the young emperor of the Qingtian Sect, and rarely praised: "You can actually change the coordinates of the teleportation array and directly reach the destination. It's a friendly skill."

"It's nothing more than a small trick. I have a hunch that those who want to take my life are coming soon. Are you really willing to accept part of the karma?"

"Don't worry, my juniors and I have our own means. We are no match for monks who are waiting to transform into gods. This ancient Buddhist temple is very important to us, so we have to use the eyes of fellow Taoists to spy on the mystery."

"Understood! If you pay, you will get something. I will do my best to help fellow Taoists explore this place."

"Transparent." Yu Tienan beamed. It was rare to meet a straightforward guy in Chihuangtian. He had the same kind of smell in him. Cultivators should do things happily. They don't like intrigue and grinding.

Everyone at the scene counted one by one, and they all stood in the forefront of the Nascent Soul stage monks. Naturally, they moved very fast, and they entered the legendary Buddhist temple in a short while.

There was a sudden shock above the head, and the suppressing force was layered on top of each other, and the Nascent Soul seemed to dissipate.

Everyone was not surprised, this ancient Buddhist temple is like this, and integrating into it can only bring out the golden core stage cultivation, but it is more beneficial to monks like Chen Xinghe who have good body training achievements, and it is a good thing.

Yu Tienan is the Nine Phoenix Dao Body, so he can walk sideways when he enters this place. It depends on whether Chen Xinghe's eyes can find what they want.

Chen Xinghe couldn't help being overjoyed when he induced Xingli, Xingli was not suppressed here, and the scope of spying was still at a very high level, that's good!
After just feeling it for a moment, the huge territory has been imprinted in my mind, but most of the places are barren, and I can't find a few beautiful places.

Suddenly, someone laughed loudly: "Hahaha, brothers, business is here! What did I say? You can make a fortune by guarding the entrance."

A person stepped out from the boulder in front of him, but Chen Xinghe and the others didn't even take a look at it.

A total of 28 people were ambushing here. The first time they entered the Buddhist temple, they had already realized that none of them could make everyone feel a sense of crisis.

So just ignore it.


The visitor was taken aback, he had to come out without eyesight, so he was still arrogant a moment ago, but at this moment he fell to his knees with a "plop" and shouted: "Greetings to all seniors, may I need a little guide?"

This change aroused everyone's interest, and they all looked at this middle-aged man with a goatee.

Yu Tienan asked casually: "Tell me the cave of the most powerful monk here, and you have lived here for many years, you should have heard some rumors, or encountered some strange things, tell them all."

"Yes, the young ones must know everything and say everything."

Chen Xinghe smiled slightly, his mind was indeed tempered by the harsh environment. Just now he was a bandit who robbed houses, but he became a guide in a blink of an eye. I have to say that this kind of person can live forever, because he is bad enough and snobbish enough.

Soon, Yu Tienan took out a map, pointed to one of the locations and said, "This is the place. There is a cultivator in the transformation stage. He has been here for more than 300 years. No one is more familiar with this place than him."

Chen Xinghe glanced at the map and said: "There is a problem with the location, look at the surrounding ruins and see if they are located in the very center of the swastika. As far as I know, this is where many Buddhist formations are located, isn't it?" The center of the big formation is a powerful trap, what kind of situation do you think it will be?"

The Golden Core cultivator who came out to rob houses kowtowed like a pest: "Senior, I don't know, I don't know that this place is dangerous."

Yu Tienan kicked and said, "Take your people and get out! Don't get in the way here."

"Yes, yes, yes..." These bandits ran away as if they were being pardoned. Yu Tienan and Chen Xinghe looked at each other and said in unison: "Go and have a look."

What the Yigao people dared to say was them, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, they prefer to go to the tiger mountains, and even a little bit of interest, wanting to see what the few monks who have entered the place at the transformation stage have been busy for 300 years.

The group of people traveled like lightning and arrived at the destination in less than half an hour.

Floating in the air, Chen Xinghe looked down, and after a while he said via voice transmission: "Sure enough, this is a trap. The other party is very cautious. They have set up suspicious formations here. Maybe there are enemies to guard against. The trap is full of vicious creatures." things."

"Can you find the trace of the other party?"

"You can try it." Chen Xinghe came forward with strands of star power, his eyes immediately reversed the time, and traced the previous situation here.

This ability is used to track down the real Nitian, and he got a clue in a short time, pointing to the north and saying: "You keep up."

As soon as the voice fell, he had already shot away.

Because it takes a lot of time to display the time clips, it is necessary to hurry up and determine the specific location.

In just thirty or so breaths, Chen Xinghe closed his eyes and slowly landed in a canyon, sitting on a boulder without moving.

Soon, Yu Tienan and others chased to the front, the distance between the two sides was not too far, so they did not lose track.

"is it here?"

"You can't go wrong, it's here."

At this time, a sigh came from the opposite stone wall.

"The old man has been hiding for many years, but you still found him, but don't be complacent, I..." As soon as I said the words, Yu Tienan had already punched into the mountain, shaking out two haggard old men.

An old man with purple skin is a zombie.

Yu Tienan smashed the zombie into the ground with his second punch. He was so powerful that he stood up and said, "We are not your enemies. We came here to verify a few things! If your words are not true, we don't mind killing you on the spot."

The old man stared wide-eyed, looked at the crowd and said, "Are you overseas monks?"

"Oh? You have good eyesight, tell me! Why didn't you go after staying here for so many years?" Yu Tienan's majesty can be compared to that of a king, and his words follow suit.

"Hey!" The old man sighed and said, "The foreign monks are really good. You came from a long way, but for the treasure chest?"

"Treasure box? Be specific."

The old man stabilized his mind and began to talk: "It is rumored that this Buddhist temple is called Dadong, and the Buddhist gate should be in the west. Why did it settle in the east? Many people don't understand that those years are too old to be traced back. But the old man Accidentally got clues from some classics, in order to rise in the East, Buddhism specially sent a treasure chest, as for what is inside, no one knows."

"No one knows? Then you still look for it?" Yu Tienan's eyes revealed a murderous look.

The old man felt threatened and smiled bitterly: "I really don't know what's in it, but the old man likes to study ancient books, and found that during that time, Western Buddhism just lost three important treasures, two of which were unclear, and they don't know what they are until now, but only the third It is a canopy with the power to reverse fate, and it is said that a monk once used this treasure to enter Mahayana."

This is really great news, Chen Xinghe didn't expect Yu Tienan to play so big with foreign sects.

"Very well, let's act together!"

Under Chen Xinghe's thoughtful eyes, the team merged with another person. Is this an addiction to leading the team?Or get some cannon fodder for the bottom?
(End of this chapter)

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