Chapter 1048
Yu Tienan acted swiftly and resolutely, and immediately led the team to the suspicious location, to see if Chen Xinghe could see the clue.

The wind was blowing, and the dust was billowing. This was the first suspicious location that the old man in the transformation stage spent 300 years of hard work and locked.

Chen Xinghe opened his holy eyes and looked across the sky. At the same time, he mobilized his star power to describe it, and said somewhat inconceivably, "The sandstorm covers a thousand miles around, and there is a nunnery in it. I can try to explore it."

"Okay, you go in and see what's going on." Yu Tienan was not worried that Chen Xinghe would find out all by himself, because if the Dadong Temple's treasure was so easy to obtain, it would not be their turn at all. High returns often come with high risks. This time It's just a matter of luck.

Chen Xinghe nodded, blue ripples appeared under his feet, and his figure gradually disappeared.

"Teleportation?" The old man in the transformation stage was taken aback.

You must know that autonomous teleportation is too difficult, the difficulty lies in the establishment of coordinates and positioning, if you try randomly, you may send yourself into a desperate place or even a different space!So even monks in the transformation stage dare not try it lightly.

"Yes! What an enviable ability. The Qingtian Sect is worthy of being the Lord of the Scarlet Emperor. Even if it falls, its background is still extraordinary."

"Oh? This little brother is not a foreign monk?" The old man was a little surprised.

"No, just like you, he has just joined the team. He is the young emperor of the Qingtian sect, and his strength is not weak."

"No wonder, it's the Young Emperor of Qingtian Sect this year." The old man nodded, thinking that Chen Xinghe's power should be taken for granted, because his status is there!
Besides, Chen Xinghe punched out, successfully broke through the obstacles, and walked into the nunnery.

He looked at his arm in surprise, and found that some tiny scales had grown out of nowhere, which were very similar to the unicorn scales presented by Yu Tienan.

"Is this? Could it be that the right hand is fusing the defensive power of the fairy beast?" He couldn't help being overjoyed. If he could really grow a layer of fairy beast scales on his arm, it would undoubtedly be a big boost to his strength.

A voice suddenly came from the front: "You are here!"

"Is there someone?" Chen Xinghe was taken aback.

"For those who are destined, when you came to this nunnery, the Dadong Temple should have been destroyed for a long time. This is also normal. As a Buddhist, but obsessed with expanding the territory of Buddhism, how is it different from those princes who seal borders in the world?"

"You are?" Chen Xinghe was surprised, is the other party a Buddhist?
"I am a witness of a period of time! I decided to die after death and never reincarnated. In my opinion, the world is a purgatory, and how many people can't see through this point. How do you know that it is going back to purgatory again and again? If you are a celestial being or a Buddha, how do you know that the fairyland and the western bliss are not bigger cages? Therefore, extinction is the most valuable way to escape from the human world, and extinction is the true meaning of life."

"My child, you are a destined person, let's learn about Nirvana as a teacher! Only Nirvana can exist forever, just like burying yourself in the black ice for thousands of years. There may be a chance to recover when the universe ends, and then follow our Willingness to open up new worlds."

Shouting to his heart, Chen Xinghe turned pale with fright, quickly bit the tip of his tongue and sucked a trace of bloody smell, secretly said: "It turned out to be a very powerful spell to confuse minds, I will kill you a hammer? It's really harmful. shallow."

Chen Xinghe quickly put the Ashes Net on his body, frantically mobilized his mana and said, "Yin and Yang, two fishes, isolate me from the influence, so that this magic sound will not be noisy in my ears."

The yin and yang fishes on the net are very well-behaved, and when they swim under the mana accumulation, they immediately form a Tai Chi closed loop, isolating all adverse effects.

The effect was good, but the silence-inducing voice became very distant and could no longer be heard clearly.

Chen Xinghe couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, he had to know that his Zen skills were profound, so he could barely resist the temptation, otherwise it would be easy to have a yearning for extinction, and walk towards this dead end in a daze.

Next, he stepped into the nunnery and couldn't help being surprised.

I saw that the hall became wider, full of huge golden shrines, and I saw a number of figures sitting on the shrines, the number of which could be [-] to [-].

Some figures are obviously monks, but they have been shaved after sitting in the altar, and the hair can still be seen on the front and back.

This is nothing, what really makes people feel creepy is that these people have boiled themselves into mummified corpses, each and every one of them is so desolate and terrifying.

Chen Xinghe thought to himself: "Could it be the monks who got into the wind and sand these years by mistake and got involved in this nunnery?"

Suddenly, the nunnery shook, and a huge breath revived.

"The destined person has appeared! Hahaha, after so many years, I finally met a monk who is not afraid of the voice of death." The voice echoed in the huge nunnery, revealing a strong joy.

Chen Xinghe was ready to run away at any moment, and asked coldly, "What are you? How dare you harm someone here?"

"Hahaha, I am an evil beast, I will use your body." After the laughter, all directions suddenly froze, and Chen Xinghe was surprised to find that the teleportation aura condensed under his feet actually froze, which was not a good omen.

He was just about to shake his body and leave, but with a pain in his head, he actually had the power to forcibly invade the realm of mind and mind. Could it be that he wanted to "take away" him?
This is really the newspaper of the present world.

Not long ago, he had just killed Yinchuan strong man by relying on the channel of seizing the house, but today he encountered this evil beast, Tian Ji, and started seizing the house against him.

However, at this moment, the right hand transformed into multiple lights and shadows, and suddenly heard a roar: "Ho! What are you, no, stay away from me, don't come here! Ahhhhh..."

Chen Xinghe was startled, and felt that although his right hand was still his right hand, some kind of power was gone.

This feeling lasted only three breaths, and with a scream of pain, everything returned to normal.

"What do you mean, this is?"

The breath of the right hand disappeared quickly, and there was a sudden movement above the nunnery, and the Wanjun thunder struck down.


With just one blow, thousands of miles collapsed.

Chen Xinghe was so shocked that his heart and gallbladder were torn apart, if it wasn't for the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue that swallowed up his body's power, he would probably have passed out by now.

I have never seen such a powerful catastrophe. It seems that it came from a very far away place. The nunnery no longer exists, and the wind and sand have completely fallen to the ground. It is extremely terrifying.

Fortunately, the teleportation aura under his feet was working again, and he immediately opened the coordinates that had been anchored long ago.

Even though he escaped quickly, he was still affected and felt a pain in his back.

When he reappeared, Chen Xinghe staggered and fell to the ground. His mana was exhausted, and he was shocked to find that Ashes' net had been torn open.

You must know that with the tenacity of the Ashes Net, there has never been any damage, and the calamity is so severe, it feels that it is not the catastrophe that the world of Chihuangtian can create.

The slightest scratch and he was hurt, and not badly.

The wound on the back contains terrible calamity power, even with the power of the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue, it will take several days to clean it up to get rid of it.

When Yu Tienan and the others rushed over, they saw Chen Xinghe was pouring pills into his mouth, one bottle after another, his complexion was frighteningly pale.

"what's the situation?"

"I don't know much about it either! It's probably a trap! It's a bit reckless."

Chen Xinghe looked at his right arm while smiling wryly, always feeling a kind of ferocity concealed, thinking: "What's so special about the evil beast Tianyi? It is treated so solemnly? No wonder the right hand has been hiding, and its doom is terrifying. Speaking of which, when I was struck by lightning when I was a child, how did I survive? Didn't die?"

(End of this chapter)

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