Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1049 Exchange Ceremony

Chapter 1049 Exchange Ceremony
Chen Xinghe was afraid for a while, if the lightning he encountered back then was comparable to the thunder in the nunnery, then it would be a miracle among miracles that he survived.

"Take a rest for two hours, and then set off to explore the second clue." Yu Tienan, as the team leader, was considerate of his teammates, and asked Chen Xinghe to cultivate himself as much as possible.

As bottle after bottle of elixir was poured into his mouth, Chen Xinghe felt like his body was a bottomless pit, where he could ask for nothing.

This situation was obviously wrong, he hurriedly felt the changes carefully, and only then did he realize that his right hand was transforming his arm, and the consumption was extremely terrifying.

If you want to reach a higher level, you must lay down a deep foundation, otherwise you will be a castle in the air, and you will easily suffer disaster.

The key is that this time the right hand is going to play big, and I have eaten all the pills that can be eaten on my body, but it is still a drop in the bucket, far from enough.

In desperation, Chen Xinghe took out a large number of spiritual flowers and spiritual grass planted on the green carpet, and continued to feast on them.

If he doesn't do this, he is likely to become a mummy, and his right hand is forcing him to nourish himself.

Let's take a look, good guy!It's endless, so many precious spiritual plants are swallowed up like this, is it for nothing?
Yu Tienan saw that Chen Xinghe seemed to be in trouble, so he took out ten bottles of pills and threw them over, saying: "These pills are spoils of war, if you have a way to identify the nature of the pills, then take them and eat them!"

"Thank you." As a master of alchemy, Chen Xinghe couldn't escape ninety-nine percent of the pills in the world, so he said while eating, "Which one of you still has pills? I'll exchange them with spiritual plants and magic weapons."

"Magic weapon?" Everyone suddenly became interested.

You must know that magic weapons are too difficult to find. Although these foreign monks are not weak, they are often more than one step behind in terms of equipment.

Chen Xinghe now needs a lot of panacea to fill the bottomless pit, so he took out it together with the sun mirror. He didn't have time to repair this treasure, so he took it out for some panacea.

In addition to the big sunglasses, there are also several magic weapons and many spiritual weapons that have been saved before.

"As long as you can get enough pills or spirit flowers and grasses, you can get them at a more suitable price." Chen Xinghe offered a generous price, and no one wanted to miss this opportunity, so the two sides held a small exchange method meeting.

Although it is said to be bartering, everyone has an account in mind, knowing that the young emperor of the Qingtian sect is selling many treasures at almost half price.

This is a magic weapon!
Too rare.

In addition, foreign monks are most short of storage rings, and Chen Xinghe took out more than ten pieces in one go, which is simply their great savior.

This kind of opportunity is hard to find even with a lantern, so naturally we can't let it go.

Chen Xinghe also had no choice, his body was demanding nutrients to grow up all the time, even with body training, his cultivation base was also rising.

This kind of opportunity is also rare for him, so there is no room for loss.

Yu Tienan and the others felt that their net worth was considered rich, but when they worked together to win a batch of treasures, the opposite side took out another batch.

Chen Xinghe smiled wryly and said: "My blue sea smoked snail was injured, and I have already started to sacrifice it, so now I also take it out to participate in the exchange."

The reason why he released this treasure was because he suddenly found that the defensive power of his right arm was marching towards the unpredictable realm, like an ancient fairy beast lying in front of him, so the blue sea smoked conch became a bit redundant, so it was better to take it out Change some "food".

"Okay! I've taken a fancy to this treasure, and I can exchange it with two mid-stage auspicious cloud pills." Yu Tienan has a younger sister who thinks this beautiful conch and her temperament complement each other perfectly, so he is willing to spend a lot of money to get it.

"Oh? Spirit Transformation Stage Pill? And it's the legendary Xiangyun Pill that eliminates all kinds of bad states?" Chen Xinghe suddenly thought of Master Yunlan. After all, he had promised this Motianling Spirit Transformation Stage cultivator to help her find the pill. Healing her wounds, and giving her younger sister to Master Yunlan to teach her, is equivalent to a small alliance of mutual aid, and now this elixir comes at the right time.

"It's changed!" Chen Xinghe worked very happily, and immediately threw the Bihai smoked conch to Yu Tienan.

If he exchanged two elixirs for a magic weapon, he would definitely suffer some losses, but as a master of alchemy, he could test out the formula of alchemy, and if he had enough spiritual materials at hand, he could refine as many auspicious cloud pills as possible.

Good pills are hard to come by, and good pill recipes are even harder to find. For Chen Xinghe, being able to see the pills of the transformation stage is an opportunity not to be missed.

After getting the elixir, he swallowed one immediately, remembering the feeling, and immediately took out a hundred immortal stones to continue exchanging.

That cold cave is guarded by giant clams, and the fairy rocks are piled up like a mountain, so they must not be able to escape!So the fairy stones I found before became pocket money.

Now all the things that can be released have been released, so I can only use these fairy stones.

To be honest, if these foreign monks hadn't come to Chihuangtian to collect resources, they probably wouldn't be able to swallow so many high-end loot.

However, at this moment, it is already quite remarkable. These overseas monks and the cultivator at the transformation stage have almost emptied their homes, and they can no longer produce any extra pills and medicinal materials.

At this time, Yu Tienan stretched out his hand to his junior brother and said, "Bring it!"

"Ah? Sister."

"Stop talking nonsense, Ziyun Qinxin Pill."

"Yes!" How dare these juniors resist?Obediently take out the delicate little box.

Yu Tienan said: "This is the top pill in the transformation stage, and it can be taken in the Nascent Soul stage. For this operation, the master specially asked an expert to tailor it for me. It will have incomparable benefits for the Nine Phoenix Dao Body! As long as Chen Daoyou gets it A heavy treasure, this Ziyun Qinxin Pill is yours."

Chen Xinghe's heart beat wildly, he knew that Yu Tienan wanted to see his hole cards, but what would he give in exchange?
Enlightened seal?That was enough, but it was so precious that he would never make a move.

Big Ashes Net?It may not be enough, not to mention that this net is very convenient, and I am reluctant to let it out.

"Yes, Magic Pot!"

Chen Xinghe took out the magic pot and said: "This magic pot is no small matter, as long as enough blood is collected, it can mass-produce bloody marrow."

"In addition, he absorbed the magic pot of the real demon's heavy treasure, and it seems that he is giving birth to a new ability. I haven't had time to explore it in detail. I don't know if you are satisfied?"

"Oh? It turned out to be a top-notch magic treasure?" Yu Tienan was a little surprised, and immediately shook his head and said, "It's indeed a good thing, but my elixir is extremely precious, and it is a life-saving thing at critical moments. I can feel your If you have a problem with your body, if I hadn’t asked you to explore the nunnery and have a responsibility in it, otherwise you wouldn’t have taken out such a life-saving thing.”

"It makes sense!" Chen Xinghe sighed, took out the golden Yinchuan Token from his waist, crushed it, and suddenly white light appeared, gradually revealing something.

This treasure was obtained from the barefoot boy and was hidden in the token. It can be said to be the most valuable item among the spoils of war.

"Yueming salmon, the most precious treasure of yin, looks like a salmon, and it is actually transformed by moonlight. If you use this treasure as a tool spirit, you can get magic weapons at your fingertips. There is a high chance of becoming a spirit treasure, and there is even a certain chance of becoming a congenital spirit treasure. This weight is enough, right? ?”

"Enough!" Yu Tienan gasped, knowing that he had made a lot of money, he threw out a wine jar and said, "This jar of drunk wine has wonderful effects, and it can be regarded as a bonus."

"Thank you!" Chen Xinghe clasped his fists, right now he really needs this Ziyun Qinxin Pill, it is a great favor for Yu Tienan to take it out.

(End of this chapter)

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