Chapter 1050
This extremely high-level elixir helped Chen Xinghe a lot.

The pill melted at the entrance, and the stomach gurgled nine times, a large amount of undissolved medicine was neutralized and injected into the blood smoothly.

Chen Xinghe felt his body was unbearably hot, so he hurriedly took out a large amount of cold jade to cool down.

Ten yuan if one piece is not enough, I picked up a lot in the cold cave before.

The heat was rising rapidly, but fortunately Hanyu cooled down.

Two hours later, Chen Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, shook his body and went to the pool to take a bath.

Not to mention the bad smell all over the body, there is still a layer of dead skin, which feels weird.

What he didn't expect was that in order to remove this layer of dead skin, 27 flying swords came out together, sparks splashed and grinded for a long time, and then he cut off the barrier and revealed his true face.

On the surface, there was no change, but Chen Xinghe knew that his body training had truly reached the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, and his right arm was already so deep that he couldn't see the specific level at all.

The right hand is even more mysterious, and it cannot be easily seen, and it will hurt the eyes at a glance.

This is only on the surface level, Chen Xinghe found that his body had undergone a major change, his whole body was like a beast coming into the world, and this beast was wearing the unicorn armor.

Ji Hongtian has a special physique, and Yu Tienan also has a special physique. Xu Shi's right hand feels that it is too disadvantageous to fight this kind of monk, and the outside seems to be more and more dangerous, so he helped the host to make a transformation.

Chen Xinghe touched his back, the injury caused by Heavenly Tribulation has healed, the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue's devouring power has become extremely powerful, and can trigger the Ninth Tribulation at any time.

"I'm full of energy, Evil Physique Immortal Armor, I seem to be amazing now."

When he finished cleaning his body, changed his clothes and returned to the team, Yu Tienan had been waiting for a long time.

These overseas monks have a strong sense of time, and they can't wait to run the whole course in one day, and they can't wait to find the next clue.

The cultivator in the Transformation Stage was surnamed Wei. Maybe he lived alone for too long, and he talked a lot after getting acquainted. Everyone called him Lord Wei.

"Boy, I'll wait for you. There's a lot of excrement and urine on the lazy donkey, so be a bit more numb."

"Hehe, Master Wei has such a high level of cultivation, why did he keep these clues for so many years? If you encounter a trap again, believe it or not, I will be the first to throw you into it."

Hearing these threatening and joking words, Lao Wei was embarrassed, and then realized that he could not afford to offend any of these "children" in front of him.

"Don't worry, the danger this time is in the clear, you can see it at a glance." Lao Wei moved out with everyone, at any rate, he was a cultivator at the transformation stage, although he was suppressed here, he was stronger than those golden core cultivators. many.

Hurry up slowly, and finally arrived at the ground.

Chen Xinghe found that it is refreshing to have a strong physique, he didn't feel any fatigue, he maintained a full posture all the time, and could deal with all emergencies.

Now he is also a person with "physique". Comparing himself with Ji Hongtian and Yu Tienan in front of him, he finds that it is still difficult to suppress these two.But what reassures him is that the evil beast fairy armor is still very young, and when the green carpet grows good things, it can be supplemented at any time, and it can be expected to become stronger.

The evil beast's digestion ability is extremely powerful, and he seems to have inherited this ability, and he will not refuse anyone who comes from heaven and earth.

"It's just ahead, be careful, there are Buddha seals all over the ground, if you take half a wrong step, it will cause Buddha's voice to fall into the illusion of ten thousand Buddhas."

Master Wei walked ahead this time, it can be seen that he has been here more than once, so he is familiar with the road.

A huge stone wall appeared in front of you, with various gods and Buddhas carved on it. The expressions of those Buddhas and Feitian were lifelike. If you glanced at it casually, you could see different Zen realms and many Buddhist artistic conceptions.

Chen Xinghe quickly closed his eyes, fearing that he would be affected, so he couldn't help but practice meditation and practice Buddhism.

Yu Tienan and the others didn't have this kind of worry. They searched carefully with their eyes wide open.

Old Wei obviously also knows Buddhist exercises, he was restrained when he came here, and hurriedly sat down cross-legged to resist the inspiration of the Buddha's power. He only hoped that these overseas monks could move more nimbly and discover something.

Chen Xinghe climbed up the rock, as long as he didn't open his eyes to see those profound Buddhist artistic conceptions, he would naturally be fine with his concentration.

After searching for half an hour, I finally found something on the abdominal wall of a flying god statue.

"Here, I found the entrance."

"It's the belly button of this Flying Apsaras."

After Chen Xinghe yelled, Yu Tienan and the others ran over immediately, looked carefully at the belly button of the flying god statue, and couldn't help complaining.

"Who designed this? It's so tricky! It looks like a navel texture, but it actually screws into a narrow passage. It's okay for cats and dogs to get in. How do we get in?"

"It doesn't matter to us either." Chen Xinghe spewed out a mouthful of white light, and the power of Tianji Xingxing shot into the entrance of the cave immediately, and traveled thirty miles away to the mountainside.

"How? Did you find anything?" Everyone asked hurriedly.

"The passage leads directly to an inner hall in the mountainside. Take Lao Wei and we will teleport there directly." Chen Xinghe said, a faint spiritual light emerged from his feet, and everyone was overjoyed.

Acting with this young emperor of the Qingtian sect was smooth, and many problems were easily solved. It seems that the senior sister is still very accurate in judging people.

Just as they were about to enter the inner hall of the mountain, many figures appeared at the entrance of the Buddhist temple. The leader was a man with red hair and purple beard, and a pair of pale golden eyes exuding ice coldness.

The time was not long, and those guys who were hiding at the entrance and wanted to rob their houses were thrown over, and they quickly knelt down and kowtowed: "Welcome all seniors."

"Portrait!" The hoarse voice seemed to be cutting their throats, which made the monks get goosebumps.

After unfolding the portrait, Chen Xinghe jumped out, like a living person standing in front of his eyes, so real that it couldn't be more real.

"Ah! We have seen this person. He should still be in Dadong Temple. He is a member of a team of monks."

"A team of monks?" The visitor immediately caught the point.

"Yes, they have a team of monks..."

Almost at the same time, Chen Xinghe's eyes overflowed with blood, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye, and he knew in his heart that someone was looking for him.

"Oh? These killers really have a trick, they came to the door so quickly. It's just that the cultivation base is suppressed here, and I have acquired a physique that is close to that of a beast or fairy beast, so the crisis is fleeting, and it can't affect me much. "

At this moment, the purple-bearded man asked hoarsely: "Master, what percentage do we have?"

In a short time, a voice came from behind: "I'm sorry, but I can't see a single chance of winning. This young emperor of the Qingtian Sect suddenly became immeasurable. I don't know if he found a treasure here or had other extraordinary encounters. The climate is getting worse, and there are noble people by his side, so if Xiangzhu takes this step, the ending will be worrisome."

"What?" The purple-bearded man was really moved, he looked forward and clenched his fists and said, "What if we guard the entrance and ambush with all our strength?"

"There is still no chance of winning. This young emperor of the Qingtian Sect has the inheritance of star power and double pupils of the saint, making it extremely difficult to ambush him. If the blood weeping king who hates the star king is found, there may be a glimmer of hope. "

"The Blood Weeping Killing King from Xuechuan? Okay, call him here. This is the biggest stain on Yinchuan in the past 200 years, and it must be cleaned up."

(End of this chapter)

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