Chapter 1051
"What a hidden place." With the help of Chen Xinghe, everyone entered the hidden Buddhist hall, only to see a large number of Buddhist scriptures engraved on the wall.

"Be careful, these Buddhist scriptures have incredible power." Chen Xinghe took a breath to remind everyone. Just now, he seemed to see four figures trying to intercept them. If it wasn't for the Buddha light released by the human race bag, they seemed to have gained some kind of trust. I don't know what the result would be. how.

The strange thing is that other than him, no one else seems to be able to see these four figures, so they pretend to be these Buddhist scriptures on the wall to remind everyone to be careful.

"Hahaha, we are monks, even if these Buddhist scriptures have been cultivated into monsters, what can we do?" The two foreign monks had already disliked Chen Xinghe, so they seized the opportunity to laugh.

If there is no big sister Yu Tienan to suppress, Qingtianzong Shaodi is like a fat sheep in their eyes, how can he exchange various pills for items.

Chen Xinghe was still a little afraid of these guys before, thinking that if two or three foreign monks besieged him, he would definitely flee. If Yu Tienan, the leader, made a move, there would be almost no hope of surviving.

It's just that his right hand suddenly swallowed the scales of a fairy beast and a fierce beast, and his body training skills soared to the sky. Now he doesn't fear these foreign monks anymore.

Not only is he not afraid, but he wants to make a few gestures to see how high he has reached now.

"Last time, I took it lightly and looked down on the monks in these ancient places. The grass on the graves has grown as tall as a person."

As soon as this remark came out, the two foreign monks immediately became furious. After all, they looked down on the Chihuangtian monk in their bones, and felt that a group of rice worms were born in the rice, and they were all ants and weak.

"Be honest, Chen Daoyou took so many pills in front of us, do you think he ate them for nothing? If there is no huge benefit that cannot be resisted, who is willing to exchange so many magic weapons and treasures for pills?" Yu Tienan said. The words were thrown in front of the two of them, and immediately had an immediate effect, making the two guys sober.

"Hmph, you were so kind before, but now you dare to be tough with us, there are a lot of twists and turns in your heart!"

There was no fight, Chen Xinghe felt a little regretful, he spread his hands and said, "Let's walk around and see if we can find anything useful!"

"That's exactly what I meant." Yu Tienan led all his juniors to the narrow tunnel, while Chen Xinghe sat cross-legged, not in the mood to explore this place.

Old Wei tucked his hands into his sleeves, squinted his eyes and asked, "Little friend, why don't you explore the mysteries of this place? Have you already discovered something? Deliberately sending people away?"

Chen Xinghe let out a "puchi" laugh: "Old man, I have a great cause and effect with Buddhism, if those treasures of Buddhism want to help me from now on, they will show up. If I don't have this thought, I believe that there is no use in forced exploration, so Instead of taking that kind of risk, An Ansheng is better to sit in place and practice. What is this called? It means that the blessed don’t have to be busy, and the unlucky people run away.”

"Hey, the brat is very slippery, he's just a refined old fox! The old man thinks you've discovered something, why don't you tell the whole story, how about the two of us working together?"

"The old man is overthinking. I, Chen Xinghe, are the most honest, with the heart of a child, and I will never lie."

"It's really a declining world, the juniors have no respect and trust for the seniors." Old Wei shook his head, and hurriedly flew forward to look for opportunities.

Chen Xinghe thought in his heart, everyone is not worried, Yu Tienan is straightforward, these people under her command are not easy to save fuel, there are many overseas monks with ulterior motives, and they made arrangements before leaving.Old Wei's nonsense just now was also for the purpose of arranging backup, so once encountering the enemy, how can we expect these guys to share the pressure?Don't let the pressure fail to be shared, but take your own life into it.

He seized the time to practice, and every quarter of an hour stored mana in the Kaiming Seal and the Guizang Sword. The enemy would come looking for him at some point. Right now, he really doesn't have time to explore any Buddhist treasures, and his own stall is enough Been busy for a long time.

Unexpectedly, he was not focused on preparing for the battle, but instead triggered the opportunity here, the many Sanskrit characters engraved on the wall began to shift shapes and positions, gradually drawing a map.

Chen Xinghe was a little dumbfounded. Could it be that the blessed don't have to worry, and the unlucky have nothing to worry about?
What are you kidding?He owes great fortune to the world. He never believes that he can do good things, but he firmly believes that there must be monsters when things go wrong, so this map should be given to Yu Tienan and the others!

As soon as this thought was completed, the map changed instantly, turning into layers of light and shadow floating in the air.

He only heard the voice: "That's right, he is a person with a pure state of mind and profound Dharma. He will not be greedy or seek, and will not fight or grab. The relics of Dadong Temple should be handed over to Buddhist disciples like you!"

"Wait, who are you? See clearly, I'm not a Buddhist disciple."

"Hahaha, I am the spirit of this Buddha treasure weapon. Are you still not sure if you are a Buddhist monk or not? Such a pure meditation practice is hard to find with a lantern. When the Dadong Temple is so prestigious, it can be compared with There are only three or five people who stand shoulder to shoulder with you, and those three or five people are all old monks who have lost their teeth. I have never seen someone who has cultivated such Zen skills at your age. And I smell the most precious Dzi Bead in you. Taste, birds of a feather flock together, people are divided into groups, I don't believe that you also believe in Tianzhu's vision."

"Hey!" Chen Xinghe was a little depressed, this is a forced buy and sell.

"Okay, you follow! If you have time, send you to Tianbao Temple and hand it over to the old monk Yichan. He is kind to me."

"Goodness, kindness, you have a really good heart, and the baby likes it." The light and shadow turned into a canopy, and when it fell on Chen Xinghe's head, it instantly turned into a purple golden crown with hair.

"You are the canopy that mysteriously disappeared in the Western Buddhist world?" Chen Xinghe touched the top of his head to communicate with the other party.

"Yeah! I didn't expect you to know me."

"It is said that you have the power to reverse fate, is it true or not?"

"Fake, how can fate be reversed so easily? But I can let you send a voice transmission to your previous self and give some hints."

"What?" Chen Xinghe was taken aback: "You can travel through time?"

"No, I can only help you convey your thoughts to yourself. Don't you think it's very powerful? It's wrong to think this way, because many things have already formed a predetermined context, and they will always move in one direction. Changes can only cause small differences. It’s a waste of money for me.”

Chen Xinghe stabilized his mind, nodded and said: "I understand, your ability is really against the sky, but whether you can change it depends on the individual."

At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared in Chen Xinghe's heart.

"Careful, Blood Cry Killing King is here, holding the Xingjun's head, it is the guy who blocked us from absorbing star power, he..." The voice stopped abruptly, Chen Xinghe got up in shock, and after a while Asked: "What's going on here?"

Zi Jinguan said: "Is there a need to ask? The future you is reminding the present you, be careful of this Blood Weeping King, who doesn't look like a good person just by his name. Hurry up and find a way! You should not be the opponent's opponent."

Chen Xinghe said in astonishment: "There is only one possibility that I am not the opponent's opponent, and that is that he has a way to erase the suppression of Dadong Temple and show his original cultivation."

(End of this chapter)

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