Chapter 1052
"That guy is as strong as a bear, holding a Xingjun skull in his hand."

"It must be Yinchuan, who actually brought this person to kill me."

"Blood cry kills the king? The name sounds like a ruthless character."

"If Dadong Temple really can't suppress him, but it can suppress me, staying here is tantamount to suicidal."

Chen Xinghe has always been decisive, and immediately sent a voice transmission: "My enemy is coming, and the enemy seems to have a way to resist the pressure of Dadong Temple, fellow Taoists, continue to explore this place! We are destined to act together again."

After a while, Yu Tienan sent a voice transmission: "You have to be careful. If time permits, you can wait for us to leave together. Even if the other party's cultivation is very high, as long as we gather our strength, we can't help you."

"Thank you for your good intentions, but what happens now and then! Maybe we will meet again on the same road soon. After all, there are only so many valuable places in the Clean Clothes School."

"That's true."

Chen Xinghe had already left the inner hall of the Buddhist hall, not too far from the entrance of Dadong Temple, blue ripples spread under his feet, and the spiritual energy gathered at an extremely fast speed.

He is making preparations, extending the teleportation distance of the body array as far as possible, finding a big city to take the teleportation array, and returning to the previous cold cave.

Although there is still the last location, so many monks have never returned after entering, which shows that it is not an ordinary danger.

After thinking about it, it seems that only the giant clam in the cold cave can rely on one or two, as long as it is close to that barrier, I believe that the higher the cultivation level, the less likely it is to make mistakes.

It's like two people fighting in front of a tiger's den. No matter how brave you are and how powerful you are, can you beat a tiger?Even if the tiger is taking a nap, scare it to death.

Take a step back, you still have to fight, the tiger suddenly wakes up, which one do you think he will eat first?
Definitely the biggest, most threatening guy.

At this time, you don't need much force.

As long as you run fast enough, and the most important thing is to run faster than your opponent, the unlucky one is definitely not you.

This kind of operation is at least [-]-[-] dangerous, and it is better than staying in Dadong Temple and suffering a blow.

Chen Xinghe didn't believe that he was also in the golden core stage, he would lose, and he was still defeated to the point where he had to remind himself to be careful.

Although the reminder came very abruptly, and he didn't even finish a sentence, but Chen Xinghe had great Zen skills, through recollection and meditation again and again, he was sure that it was indeed his reminder, not Hua Gai's tricks.

So making changes is inevitable, you can't count on Dadong Temple, then count on that giant cold clam!

The blue ripples under the feet continue, and the teleportation coordinates have been established.

Standing here and not leaving is because Chen Xinghe wants to see if that bear-like cultivator is coming.

As time went by, when he had some doubts about the authenticity of the incident, he saw the light curtain flipped, and accompanied by a dozen people, his burly body walked into the territory of Dadong Temple.

Although he was far away, the sage's double pupil locked the crowd at a glance and engraved the faces of these people in his mind.

The star power fluctuated violently, and the natal star was restrained. Without any hesitation, Chen Xinghe immediately started the teleportation and rushed out of the cave of Dadong Temple.

"Huh?" The bear-like man took out the skull, stared round his eyes and said, "The kid ran away?"

The purple-bearded cultivator next to him frowned slightly, and a voice came from behind: "It is true that he ran away. Chen Xinghe was standing here to accumulate strength and is always ready to send."

"Damn it!" the purple-bearded man turned around and left, saying in his hoarse voice, "Investigate immediately, where is he going? Besides, why did this son suddenly change his mind, leave the favorable location of Dadong Temple, and would rather take the risk alone? Elsewhere to hide?"

The bear-like monk held up Xingjun's skull and said: "Maybe it's because of him, it's really stressful to enter this place, and he forcibly suppressed my powerful cultivation base to the Jindan stage. But when I touched this Xingjun's skull, I found It can attract star power, prop up a starry sky, and restore strength to normal for a short time. If that kid is in the golden core stage and I stand in the god transformation stage, then this place will not be a shelter for him, but it will be his death place."

"What? There is such a good thing? It's a pity!"

Cultivator Zixu slapped his thigh straight, and immediately reacted, his expression became solemn, and he asked in a cold voice: "Why is Chen Xinghe so precise in grasping his own crisis? Is it because he has such supernatural powers, or because he has a treasure to protect him?"

After a while, the voice said with some hesitation: "Chen Xinghe's energy has further improved, and it is obvious that he has obtained a certain treasure in Dadong Temple, but he seems to have lost a batch of powerful treasures before that, and the calculation of it has become more and more difficult." It's vague, and I dare not draw conclusions lightly."

If Chen Xinghe was here, his jaw would definitely drop!
This is too amazing, if you count him as dead, you can reach this level, if you count him correctly, will you die for sure?

"Come on, the little fox has escaped. No matter where he flees, he will never escape the strangulation from our Yinchuan."

The purple-bearded man was swift and resolute, and it would be great if Yinchuan's own people could deal with Chen Xinghe. After all, the opponent smashed Yinchuan's signboard, and he had to stand up wherever he fell.

The journey was too far, Chen Xinghe took one step forward and came to the big city north of the Great East Temple, immediately a monk came to greet him.

For the sake of convenience, he naturally took it easy, and showed his Nascent Soul mid-stage cultivation, so that he could get a preferential treatment when he entered the city.

"Where did the seniors come from?"

"Don't ask these useless things, I want to borrow the teleportation array. It's a matter of urgency, let's make a price! Arrange it for me in the shortest possible time."

"Ah! Where are you going, senior?"

"Go to Juntian City, there is something to do over there."

"But Juntian City has already been set as a war zone."

"That's why you have to open it immediately and go alone! The sooner you help me get this done, the higher your reward will be. Hurry up and contact the teleportation array."


Under the heavy money, there must be capable people, and if they are not capable people, they must grit their teeth and force themselves to become capable people.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, Chen Xinghe obtained the right to use a large teleportation array. The transportation capacity is very tight now, and the Clean Clothes Sect is trying its best to mobilize supplies to start a war with the demon army.

In peacetime, you can look up to the position of Qingtianzong, now?The Clean Clothes School is already overwhelmed.

The war between Qingtian Sect and the Demon Sect was on the far border of Chihuangtian, while the Jingyi Sect was fighting the demon army on its own territory.

Even though they are half-Buddhists and half-Daoists, fellow Buddhists and Daoists, there are many Buddhist teachings that can suppress demons, but once this hole is torn open, they will not be able to live well in a hundred years, and they will suffer.

Chen Xinghe was a little dignified. The Clean Clothes faction had set up a battle zone, and it was relatively easy to enter the battle zone from the outside, but it might be difficult to leave through the war zone teleportation array.The urban teleportation array must be strictly controlled, and it is not something you can use if you want to use it.

When coming and going, I'm afraid that they will be taken by surprise and invaded by force, so that it is easy to expose their whereabouts.

Chen Xinghe could only look in front of his eyes, the moment the teleportation array opened, he was slightly startled, the enemy was already chasing him, the speed was so fast.

"Damn it, it's only a moment away." The purple-bearded man was furious, and what made him even more angry was that someone next to him yelled, "Where did it come from? The transport capacity is tight, and there is no share in the teleportation array today."

(End of this chapter)

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