Chapter 1053

Yinchuan and his team roasted chicken with big nest necks, and were shut out before the teleportation formation.

Their cultivation is not weak, but in the territory of the Jingyi Sect, how can they do whatever they want?
Especially at this stage, the Clean Clothes Sect is in full swing, and all matters must be focused on fighting against the demon army. If someone dares to cause trouble at this time, they will definitely be punished and killed by the canon.

Therefore, everyone in Yinchuan dared to be angry and dare not speak out, so they could only find ways to build relationships, hoping to embark on a tracking journey as soon as possible.

Besides Chen Xinghe, he teleported directly to the edge of the cold cave, which is very convenient and quick.

As long as the teleportation array is strong enough, the coordinates can be tampered with by him, just like it was cast by his own family, he can really do whatever he wants.

But that's all. The one who should come will still come. No matter where he hides, the other party seems to have a way to find him.

Now that blind man holding Xingjun's skull in his hand is here, using the power of Xingjun as a guide makes him even more invisible, so don't have illusions.

"Just prepare to go to war. Soldiers come to block you, and water comes to cover you."

Chen Xinghe plunged into the cold acupoint, his figure shuttled through the layers of cold.

Suddenly, he turned into a shining flying sword. Every time the light and shadow flickered, he could move far away. After a dozen times of acceleration, he stopped suddenly.

With a slight hum, the flying sword fell into the crack beside the golden tree, and returned to the place where the giant clam was found.

Seeing this scene again is still very spectacular. If we dig out the mussel meat and eat it, it will be enough for all the villagers in our hometown Tiexi Village to eat for 20 years.

What a majestic, plump, and meaty one!

Of course, this big demon clam is of a very high level, so it's not sure which world it's floating in!Put the main body here to recuperate.

For its own safety, the cold clam probably doesn't care at all, its shell itself has amazing defense, and with so many fairy stones supporting the barrier, whoever bumps into it will be unlucky.

Chen Xinghe felt that he was in the same situation as this big clam. His real body was lying in the source world to sleep, and his body was shaped by wonderful means, and he entered the distant Chihuangtian to practice.

Compared to the starry sky in his hometown, Chihuangtian was high above him, as if standing in the center of the universe. This distance was definitely not something that ordinary monks could easily cross.

Come to the seat of the giant clam, and use the double pupil of the saint to observe carefully.

You can't look directly at the giant clam, as it will blind your eyes, but it is still feasible to lower your head to observe the operation of the barrier in front of you.

Hard work paid off, Chen Xinghe spent a day and a night, and finally found the location of the door.

Time has passed so long, what surprised him is, why haven't those enemies found yet?
"No! They were so fast before, why are they so slow now?"

Chen Xinghe hurriedly made the arrangement and didn't have time to think about the reason.

As the saying goes, the King of Hell is easy to meet, but the little devil is difficult to deal with.

These monks are at such a high level that they have forgotten how to deal with low-level monks.

Right now, the number of transmission quotas is very sweet, so it is natural to divide them into ranks and relatives. If you don't take out real money to manage up and down, even if you have a warrant from a certain important person, it won't work.

As long as there is a sentence of wartime control, no benefits will be given, and the king of heaven and Lao Tzu will not be able to work.

The air bombing of the masters in Yinchuan happened, and they didn't stand at the entrance of the cold cave until two days later.

Don't mention how depressed everyone is, they are masters in the stage of transformation, when did they ever feel so disheartened in the cultivation world where their rank is higher than everything else?

It's all because of that kid, everything is because of him.

Hatred rises in my heart, but everyone here can live to this day, there are still necessary cautions.

"Find out why that kid hid here? What does he rely on?"

Not long ago, that mysterious voice reminded me solemnly: "Be careful, some of us may be doomed if we enter this place. What a young emperor of the Qingtian Sect, he is plotting against a giant monster, looking for a chance to let him die." I'm waiting for a narrow escape."

"It is undeniable that this kid is indeed a capable person. It is rare in the world to be able to toss him to such an extent in the Nascent Soul Stage."

The purple-bearded man pondered for a moment and asked again: "Is there a way to solve the problem quickly?"

"Difficult, difficult, difficult, I can't figure it out." The voice fell silent, no more words.

The purple-bearded man clenched his fists, and after thinking for a moment, he reminded: "Get ready, we'll go down and capture this kid."

The bear-like monk squinted his eyes slightly. Although he couldn't hear the purple-bearded monk communicating with others in secret, but he casually asked who the Qingtian Sect was in the past two days, and his ears were calloused.

As the saying goes, there is no man without a reputation, he can kill the king with blood weeping, but he doesn't have to offend Qing Tianzong to death.

Yin Chuan naturally bears the main responsibility, and Chen Xinghe's head must belong to him.

Don't look at this blood weeping and killing king who is born as a big and three rough, but in fact there is a lot of little ones in his heart!
How powerful this group of people is, Chen Xinghe is like a small fish in front of them, he has to do his best to dodge in the crevices of the rocks, seize every opportunity that is beneficial to him in order to survive.

It's not easy for him to get to where he is today. Fortunately, he has adapted to this kind of life and has excellent control over various crises.

Half an hour later, he faced these Yinchuan masters alone.

If it weren't for the giant clam like a mountain behind it, first of all, it would be unable to compete with the enemy in terms of momentum.

These monks first raised their heads to look at the giant clam, and after looking at it for a long time, they turned their eyes to Chen Xinghe, with a trace of strong fear in their eyes.

Naturally, they weren't afraid of Chen Xinghe, what should a mere Nascent Soul Stage monk be afraid of?What they are really afraid of is this giant clam.

This place is full of immortal energy, which is really a good place, but the higher the cultivation base, the stronger the psychological impact will be when facing this giant clam.

Fighting next to this giant clam, the brat is poisonous and ruthless, and he wants to drag everyone to perish together.

"Why, who is the first to come up to fight and kill? Hahaha, it took so long to find this place, your Yinchuan's efficiency is not good!"

Being ridiculed face to face by a little guy, these Yinchuan masters couldn't hold back their faces, and a white-haired woman next to the purple-bearded man rose into the air.

This is a female cultivator who is proficient in assassination at the early stage of transformation. Her body seems to be boneless. With a slight twist of her waist, she came to Chen Xinghe's side, with strands of crystal in her arms.

There was a light "poof", and a piece of broken talisman floated down from the air.

"Stand-in talisman?" The woman turned around to search for Chen Xinghe's real body, and heard a whistling in her ears, and the next moment she was punched hard at the giant clam.

"呵呵呵呵..." The cold air spewed out, the woman opened her teeth and claws, eager to rush over and tear the little devil into pieces, but she fell into the cold barrier built by the giant clam, her speed was more than a hundred times slower, and she was almost frozen in place.

Chen Xinghe took the time to do his swordplay: "This senior is too hostile, I will send you to bliss early."

A stunning sword light flashed across, and the woman's eyes widened, as if she had seen a ghost.

In an instant, the head fell to the ground, Yuan Ying was cut off before he could escape, all the Yinchuan monks exclaimed: "Lingbao flying sword?"

"Good eyesight!" Chen Xinghe turned around and said, "Which other senior will end? I am a young junior, and I am far behind you."

These Yinchuan cultivators suddenly found it difficult. Even if the Nascent Soul cultivator could kill several times with the Lingbao Flying Sword, the key was that this giant clam was very difficult.

The scary thing is that this kid fights with his back, there is no taboo, no matter how dangerous he comes.

(End of this chapter)

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