Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1055 Fat Warlock White Tiger

Chapter 1055 Fat Warlock White Tiger

"No." Killing Wang felt his temples throbbing, and quickly flew back.

He's scared, this kid is looking for death!

It doesn't matter if you want to die, the key is to let him be buried with him.

How difficult is it to cultivate to this day?Trying to climb the ladder isn't about being neighbors after death with this kid.

Therefore, it is better to leave this place as soon as possible to avoid risks!

Chen Xinghe's whole body was stiff and he could barely move. Fortunately, he had just swallowed a batch of magic pills, and the huge medicinal power was still exerting its effects in his body.

One punch, two punches, three punches, when he hit No.20 three punches, the barrier in front of him shattered, and he lay on the ground frozen into an ice sculpture.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe's aura plummeted, giving the impression that there was no such person.

Suddenly, a layer of waves ejected.

The purple-bearded man trembled all over, turned around and fled without even thinking.

The other monks were half a beat behind and let out screams.

"How dare you bother me?" With just this sentence, my mind was buzzing and I could hardly think.

Run, just this one word, the little ghost is so hateful to the extreme, he actually woke up this giant clam, why not run now?

Within ten breaths, the purple-bearded man had already returned to the vicinity of the golden tree, and he could completely escape from the cold cave by going up.

In the blink of an eye, it was the king of killing, his escape skills were beyond imagination.

The two walked forward at the same time, but a layer of chill came around, so scared that they immediately tripped each other up.

A dead fellow is not a poor fellow, at this time they thought of going together, trying to sweep each other into the dust, delaying their escape for a while.

In the end, they were two and half a catty, and neither of them got a bargain, but the speed was a little slower because of stumbling each other.

"Oops!" The two of them used their magical skills at the same time to block Roshan's big hand from slapping.

"Pfft..." After just resisting one blow, the two of them spurted blood wildly, almost desperate in their hearts.

The purple-bearded man immediately showed his life-saving trick, turned into a black gauze and spun around three times before disappearing.

Killing the king was not slow, he raised Xingjun's skull and roared, and a bright chain appeared behind him, pulling him to move at a very fast speed, not to mention escaping from the cold cave in a blink of an eye, and tens of thousands of miles away.

Except for the two of them, the other monks had all been frozen into ice sculptures, but the giant clam obviously didn't let out the energy of getting up, and let out a cold snort, and blasted across the air.

Killing the king and the man with the purple beard cursed again and again in their hearts, frantically shifting shape and changing positions to escape from the killing, this giant clam monster is really not something they can contend with.

The giant clam found that there was something wrong with the atmosphere outside, why did it sleep in a smoky atmosphere?So many void demons running here?Let out your spiritual sense and listen for a while, only then did you know that Chi Huangtian was in a catastrophe, and the army of the demon world began to invade.

Thinking about the pattern of the world, he immediately turned back to the cold cave, ready to move the cave, because this place is no longer safe.


He was a little dazed, where is Xianshi?
The couch was empty, there was no half of the fairy stone to be found, and the human monks he had frozen were also gone.

"Ah!" The giant clam was furious now, it couldn't contain its anger.

"I should have guessed that they came here for the fairy stone. If you can't escape, you can't escape." The giant clam turned into a man, crazily grabbing every trace of breath, and vowed not to stop until it caught the thief.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe was trembling, lying on the Jingyi Pai Wounded Soldiers, feeling both nervous and excited.

He succeeded, successfully got the fairy stone.

The adventure was so fucking worth it!
Speaking of which, I would also like to thank Zixu and Killing Wang, if it weren't for them to attract the giant clam's attention, let alone take away the mountains of immortal stones, even a hundred lives would not be enough to pay for it.

Now the most important pass is to hide the Qi mechanism, so as not to let the giant clam find it by smelling it.If this kind of existence wants to kill the insignificant Nascent Soul cultivator, it can come up with ten thousand methods.

Youdao is the courageous one who is exhausted, and the timid one who is starved to death. So many fairy stones have flowed into the dragon's veins, which has produced unimaginable help.

Xiaolong is breaking through the bottleneck, and I believe that he will experience an unimaginable cultivation speed in the near future.

Right now he needs to hibernate and recuperate. There is nowhere near the battlefield where the breath is mixed, and it is easy to be confused.

The real wounded was stunned by Chen Xinghe and put into the race bag, and he replaced him to enjoy the benefits of the Clean Clothes School.

Two female disciples knocked on the door and entered the room with a medicine box, and said, "Uncle Ma, it's time to change the medicine."

"No need, I know my body well, I need to retreat and recuperate, don't disturb me for the next few days." Chen Xinghe ordered casually, and the two female cultivators hurriedly agreed.

When the second daughter left, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Since this wounded man was a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul, he was allocated a neat single room. If he wanted to recuperate, he could just hang a sign in front of the door. Jindan monks did not have this kind of treatment, and they lived in Datong shop.

From time to time there was a roar in the distance. This place is very close to the battlefield. The army of the demon world has all left their caves. I heard that the Jingyi faction has suffered heavy losses these days.

I don't know who is so unreliable to blame this situation on him, Chen Xinghe, but the bottom monks believe this kind of nonsense.

There was no one around, Chen Xinghe waved a fat man with a rich physique and a fat face onto the bed, and asked coldly, "What's your name?"

"Mr. Chen, don't get angry. The young one is a low-level warlock. He usually earns a little money. His name is Baihu. It's annoying! If it weren't for Yinchuan's persecution, how could the young one dare to go against you?"

"Baihu? Do you have any brothers, Qinglong, Xuanwu, Suzaku or something?"

"Hehe, Mr. Chen was joking, I was born alone and have no brothers."

"Are you sure your memory is intact?" Chen Xinghe observed Baihu carefully and said, "I really don't know what your real deity is doing?"

"What do you mean?" Pangpang Baihu was worried, pinched his fingers and froze in place, and it took him a long time to realize: "Have you seen me?"

"No, it's not me, but an existence similar to mine! Qinglong? No, it's not Qinglong, it's Suzaku, right?"

Chen Xinghe patted his forehead and said: "Not only have I met him, but he has also become my younger uncle. After all, my son has grown up. Hearing this news, how does Fellow Daoist Baihu feel?"

"Give birth? How did he do it? He actually has the ability to have children?" Baihu kept pinching his fingers, and suddenly laughed: "Hahaha, he must not be in Chihuangtian, he is living a useless life in the lower realm, only in this way can he keep his fertility Ability. The five disadvantages are widowhood, widowhood, loneliness, loneliness, and disability. Warlocks like us can die without being alone, so why not be a little wimpy? Suzaku is a man who can't bear what others can't bear."

Chen Xinghe waved his hand: "Stop it, what's the rules, hurry up and tell me."

"Do you believe me?" Bai Hu was slightly taken aback.

"I believe in Suzaku, and I have reservations about you. This round barely managed to keep the situation undefeated, but the disaster is huge, so I would like to ask you to calculate your future. Whether you believe it or not is up to me to judge. It's not a bother to bother you."

"Okay, good hearted, since you and I have an extraordinary causal connection, I will naturally do my best to plan for you. You can only stay here for three days. After three days, leave quickly and go north. Your life is in the north. .”

(End of this chapter)

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