Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1056 Brilliant Dragon Vein

Chapter 1056 Brilliant Dragon Vein
Three days!

Chen Xinghe only had three days to prepare. After three days, he would become extremely dangerous. He had to move northwards constantly to survive.

He believed Fat White Tiger's calculations, because this guy was another Suzaku, everything could be changed, and the nature of being wise and protecting oneself would not change.

Baihu wouldn't miss it, if Chen Xinghe encountered danger, he would definitely get rid of him as soon as possible, so it's better to make suggestions honestly and don't have any pettiness.

At this critical moment, the dragon vein broke through.

This batch of fairy stones is really huge, worth tens of thousands of ingots. In addition, monk Yinchuan was frozen into ice sculptures, and he gained a lot from them.

With such help, the dragon veins advanced smoothly.

Today, cultivators at the Transformation Stage are in the range of dragon vein radiation, and their cultivation speed can reach 81 times that of ordinary cultivators, which is directly at the top level. It can be seen how much Chen Xinghe earned from this adventure.

When these good fortunes are placed on the Nascent Soul cultivator, they immediately explode on the spot, multiplying the 81 times speed by 81 times, that is to say, it can reach 560 times the cultivation speed.

What is this concept?
One day of practice can equal 18 years of other people's practice. It is still the kind of hard work. As long as one's own potential is not capped and still has the ability to rise upwards, then it only takes two or three months to reach the peak of Nascent Soul.

The current three days have benefited Chen Xinghe a lot, and made him a great step forward in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. He really wants to practice for a few more days, so that he will enter the late stage of Nascent Soul.

Once the three days are up, all the exercises will reach their full potential, and the mana will be extremely full, and you can recover as much as you need.

This means that he can continue to use the flying sword at the Lingbao level, and the next step is to witness the miracle.

With a buzzing sound, Chen Xinghe disappeared, replaced by a simple flying sword.

Before leaving, he released the wounded, and saw light blue ripples appearing under the sword, and disappeared without a trace the next moment.

It's too fast, this is a fusion of Lingbao-level flying sword and body sword. During the transmission, it breaks through the air and then breaks through the air. After a full stroke of [-] miles, it pauses for a while, and then rushes towards the north.

With the support of the dragon's veins, in one day and one night, he just crossed the war zone and ran to a relatively comfortable small town.

He released the fat white tiger and asked, "How is it? Is it dangerous to get here?"

Fat White Tiger calculated for a moment, then frowning and said: "The danger is not over, it's just that you ran too fast and bought yourself a lot of time."

"Okay, I will use this teleportation array to teleport northward, and I probably know where I am going."

"Oh? Do you know where you are going?" Fat White Tiger was very surprised.

"That's right. There is a remote small canyon in the Jingyi Sect. Fourteen monks of the transformation stage never reappeared after entering. Before these 14 people, it is said that hundreds of monks of the Nascent Soul Stage disappeared. The reason to drill in is because an important person disappeared after entering, and this small canyon is just in the north, so if you want to avoid big masters like giant clams, you have to drill in unexpected places."

Fat White Tiger smiled wryly: "You are so courageous, you dare to provoke even that kind of existence."

"There is no way! Who told him to be so ostentatious, showing off such a large pile of fairy stones under his body, I will naturally be moved after seeing it."

"That canyon is beyond the scope of my calculations. I can only calculate that there is a possibility of resolving the crisis." Fat White Tiger is quite helpless. Although he has obtained the calculation ability at the cost of cutting off his children and grandchildren, there are many restrictions, and there are often elements of obscurity in it. It's not [-]% accurate, it's just that I have been using my words and facial expressions to support it all the time.

Chen Xinghe waved his hand and said, "Let's go! After all, you are not Suzaku, so don't hang out in Yinchuan, because in the future, if you have free hands, no matter what he does, you will have to pay a price for provoking me."

"Let me go? Don't tell me! Hurry up and take back this idea, that purple beard found me, and his life is in danger under the rage."

The fat white tiger looked at Chen Xinghe eagerly: "Really, he will take my life. After all, it didn't count that you would wake up the giant clam. One mistake caused Yinchuan heavy losses. How can we do it without finding someone to take the blame? So I will stay with you It's better to be around. Hehe, it's more or less a help, and it won't become a burden."

"I really let you go."

"I really want you! You want to use me to distract the enemy. Look at my rich figure, do you look like a runner? I beg you to give me a way to survive. God knows if I die, will this deity show up to avenge the fat man?" .”

Chen Xinghe laughed straight: "This is still entangled with me, okay, I will take you with me for now."

As soon as the words fell, the fat white tiger had returned to the human race bag.

Through the careful observation of the saint's double pupil, this guy has no problem for the time being. He was given a chance to leave clues, but he stayed where he was.

Keep moving north!There are only small teleportation arrays in the small towns, and it is necessary to go to those big cities to speed up the journey.

Unbeknownst to Chen Xinghe, at the same time, Zi Xu and Killing King trembled and led a man into the wounded bay.

"right here?"

"Yes, we tried our best to find out that the kid stayed here for a while."

"I hope you didn't lie to me." As the man said, he stretched out his hand to absorb it, and forcibly captured layers of light and shadow, but with the appearance of a stunning sword light, these lights and shadows fell apart.

"It's unreasonable!" The man was furious, and suddenly he shot to freeze a sword shadow, and said with an unfriendly expression: "You are not wrong, he did come here, and he used the Lingbao flying sword to cut off the clues. But his understanding level is limited, I don't know this Wiping the sword light can be a tracking clue. Hmph, the young emperor of the Qingtian Sect, dared to hit me with evil ideas, and he was getting impatient."

Zi Xu and Sha Wang suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable, their bodies were almost crushed flat.

When the two of them stood still, they didn't know how far they had traveled. The scary man said strangely: "This kid seems to be aware of it, and he is running at full speed."

Then there was another uncomfortable feeling of squeezing, and Zixu and Shawang, the brothers and sisters, almost fainted. When they reappeared, they had already arrived in the small town, just in time to see the teleportation aura rising into the sky.

Chen Xinghe felt something in his heart, and looked outside the teleportation aura. Although he didn't see anything, he felt that the sense of crisis was there.

"Is the enemy coming after you?"

"No, I have to speed up. The good thing is that the Jingyi faction is tight. I managed to get into the teleportation formation. If the other party wants to pursue it, they have to be patient and bribe."

How did he know?The opponent directly seizes the teleportation array.

But Mr. Xing can tamper with the coordinates at will. The city Chen Xinghe went to is in the north, and these three guys kept the original coordinates and deviated.

In short, there is still some time.

Today is different from the past, even if he is on the way of transmission, the dragon veins still play a role in boosting his cultivation and increasing his Taoism. I believe he will be able to reach the late stage of Nascent Soul in a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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