Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1057 Immortal Corpse Cave

Chapter 1057 Immortal Corpse Cave

Chen Xinghe is good at mingling with low-level monks, when he holds three melons and two dates in his hands, he dares to buy a large cave, not to mention that he has a huge net worth now, and the silver bullet offensive will open the way, what can't be done?

Lufeng City, a grand city in the north of the Jingyi School, a Shengdan Pavilion, and a Fumoxuan, in less than half an hour, all the good things that have been treasured for decades were bought away.

The person who comes here spends a lot of money, and the bargaining is just a small talk, and then he walks away with his things.

The recipient was Chen Xinghe, and a middle-aged man with triangular eyes stood beside him, nodding and bowing his head, "How do you feel, senior?"

"That's right, I'm looking for you. Being able to control so many city foxes and rats is quite a skill!"

"Senior was joking, the small one is just for dinner. This is the token, and the teleportation formation will start in half a quarter of an hour. The situation is tense recently, and it is difficult to find a single teleportation quota, so you have to go with a batch of goods."

"It's okay, the supervision is strict now, as long as you can step into the teleportation array." Chen Xinghe nodded, and took out a magic weapon casually.

"Hey, senior, this is it?"

"To reward you, you can't let you do things in vain. If you can do things so well, as long as you live longer, you must be a character."

"Hehe, thanks for your good words." The triangular eye was overjoyed. I didn't expect this person to make such a generous move. It was a pleasant surprise.

Chen Xinghe was able to find the King of the City Fox and Sherat, which was naturally due to the calculation of the fat white tiger. No matter how powerful the double pupil of the saint is, he can't see the relationship between people. Warlocks have an inherent advantage in this regard.

I am about to enter the most mysterious place of the Clean Clothes School, so many monks have entered and none of them have come out, God knows what is inside.

Out of caution, it is natural to make sufficient preparations, so these city foxes and social mice were arranged to sweep the goods wildly.

Except for those two shops, food, drink, supplies, and clothing are stuffed into his pockets. Chen Xinghe is already prepared to be trapped for a hundred years.

A hundred years is enough for him to find a way to find a way out, and his cultivation will definitely rise, reaching the peak of the god transformation stage with the help of dragon veins.

After all, it is a hundred years, and with the support of 81 times the cultivation speed, it is equal to 8000 years, even a stone can be cultivated into a master.

After checking his outfit and confirming that he was worry-free, Chen Xinghe took the token and went to take the teleportation array.

Naturally, he will not behave himself and arrive at another city according to the coordinates of the teleportation array, but will change the coordinates to reach the destination directly.

After the token passed the verification, Chen Xinghe stood among the mountains of goods, which were also his.

There is actually a whole set of imperial crossbows, and hundreds of iron-clad puppets. It can be seen that the Jingyi faction is really willing to stop the demon army as soon as possible. I don’t know how many merchants are doing their best. Temporarily forced back.

Why is it temporary?
Because Chen Xinghe knew about these monsters, since they had been rammed in, they would be like maggots attached to their bones, and it was too difficult to clean up the monsters.

Of course, it's not his turn to worry about these things, so let's get past the immediate hurdle before thinking about other things.

The teleportation spirit gushed out like a tide, and no accident happened, which made him relieved.

During this period of waiting for the teleportation, the heartstrings have been tense, and now I can finally sit down and rest.

Since the distance is relatively long, even a night's sleep is fine, but Chen Xinghe still chooses to speed up with his fists, trying to finish the distance within an hour.

It's right for him to do things like running away sooner rather than later.

The giant clam had already arrived in Lufeng City, and when it realized that the boy had just left, he was so angry that he cut off the purple-bearded monk's arm to vent his anger.

"Aww..." Cultivator Zibeard held back the severe pain and quickly stopped speaking. He didn't dare to make the other party unhappy. This guy's cultivation level is too high, strangling him is not much more difficult than strangling a little chicken.

"You say, where is this kid going?"

"This?" Cultivator Zibeard almost squeezed out his brains in order to survive, and suddenly burst out with inspiration: "I heard that the previous suzerain of the Jingyi Sect disappeared mysteriously, and the current suzerain sent many monks to look for it, but none of them came back alive. That spot seems to be in this direction."

"Oh? Could it be that ancient corpse cave?" The giant clam clenched its fists and said, "This kid really knows how to choose a place. If he really escapes into the cave, even I can't easily enter it."

"Immortal Corpse Cave?" Zi Xu and Killing King's eyes widened, knowing that the other party's casual words were a secret that today's monks don't understand at all.

"Hmph, this kid can't run away, I'm going to forcefully move over." The giant clam said, with a cold light blooming all over its body, and the next moment it tore open the surrounding space and stepped in.

It's like Chen Xinghe is flying in the sky, and the other party is running on the ground. It is said that the one running on the ground will definitely not be able to catch up with the one flying in the sky. However, if there is a straight path on the ground and can move forward without resistance, it may not be slower than flying.

Both sides are racing against time, and in just one hour, the distance is getting closer and closer.

With a loud bang, Chen Xinghe landed on a dirt slope, and the goods had been put into the storage ring by him, so let's go to see this mysterious place.

He came to the target canyon in the form of light, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The temperature dropped rapidly, and the breath of breaking air broke out.

"Are you here?" He couldn't believe it. He turned into a sword shadow and pierced the sky. The next moment, he fell into the center of the canyon, grabbed the entrance of the hole and dived.

"Come over here." The huge suction force captured it from the air, and Chen Xinghe was surprised to find that he started to back up.

If this is sucked back, how can I save my life? More than 6000 times the speed of cultivation, no matter how difficult it is, you have to hold it firmly in your hands.

Just hearing the sound of "嗡", the Lingbao Feijian burst out with all its strength, the suction was only suction after all, and it was cut off and slaughtered in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly, a voice came: "Boy, do you know what this place is? After entering, the gods will not escape. You return the fairy stone to me, and I can leave your whole body."

Chen Xinghe laughed: "It's dead anyway, I'm stupid to run out and throw myself into a trap? If you want to blame, you can blame those two guys next to you. If it weren't for that Yinchuan who was forcing you, I would have stayed in Dadong Temple well." Yes, how could you run to Your Excellency to be presumptuous? Come in if you have the ability, and don't use words to scare me, a junior."

"Looking for death!" The giant clam threw something angrily, and after landing, it turned into a black smoke monster and chased after it.

Chen Xinghe dropped the ten armored puppets and ran away.

These ten iron-clad puppets all have golden core mid-to-late stage combat power. In order to restrain monsters, eminent monks specially sealed up to copy scriptures with blood, so they have an advantage against evil enemies.

The collision was very fierce, and after only one encounter, ten armored puppets fell to the ground, but they also tried out the depth of the black smoke monster.

The overall strength of the black smoke monsters is only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, basically comparable to Chen Xinghe, but the real killer is that these black smokes are composed of some kind of tiny beetles.

Don't underestimate bugs, some bugs have very special abilities, maybe they just restrain you, this is a very common situation.

Chen Xinghe used to raise bugs for a while, and he was full of awe for those bugs that could survive after a long time, so even if he couldn't recognize the origin of this little bug, it didn't delay him to speed up his escape.

"Hmph, running so fast." The black smoke monster rolled around on the spot, and when it got up, it had turned into a black-robed Taoist priest. A pair of black-purple eyes fixed on Chen Xinghe's back, and suddenly turned into a fleeting shadow and chased after him.

(End of this chapter)

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