Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1059 Procrastination

Chapter 1059 Procrastination
Chen Xinghe was full of joy of rapid improvement.

When other Nascent Soul cultivators don't know the cold, heat, autumn and winter, and lament that they don't know the Jiazi in retreat, one day here is equivalent to 18 years for others.

Due to his deep foundation and Nascent Soul's profound knowledge, theoretically speaking, his ascension speed is much slower than others, but this "slowness" is completely overwhelmed by the "fastness" of the dragon's veins.

One month after being promoted to Yuanying, at this time, he was still close to stepping into the peak of Yuanying. According to the ancient books, it was a very mysterious state, and he could maintain the best state at all times, and the speed of mana recovery was even faster than before. to triple.

Chen Xinghe was neither in a hurry nor impatient, he knew that it was only a matter of time before he could reach the top, he would just need to wait an extra day or two, and what he lacked most right now was time.

However, at this moment, the surroundings changed.

The barrier in front of him began to advance, as if he knew that he was retreating here, and was anxious to include this weak life.

Chen Xinghe was stunned, he could not move forward now, nor could he go backward, the room for turning around was getting narrower and narrower.

After such a long time, no devil came to the door. Could it be that the fairy corpse cave can suppress the curse of the devil, so that those devils can't feel the long-awaited call from the real devil?
Who would have thought that these monsters couldn't help muttering, and there was a barking sound behind them.

Groups of skinny magic dogs came over, followed by a dozen figures.

Chen Xinghe understood at a glance that Zixu and Killing King had also entered the Immortal Corpse Cave, and gathered a group of people to detain the devil as a trailblazer. They only went deep into this place today.

"Boy, I finally found you." Zixu was furious.

The old god Chen Xinghe was saying: "Be honest, if you take a step forward, no one will survive. If you don't believe me, let the magic dog come here, and I will show you."

"Hmph, let go of the devil dog." Zixu gritted his teeth, he was really scared, this kid has too many tricks, always tortured him to the point of frenzy.

Crowds of demon dogs rushed over, and from their appearance, they knew that most of their vitality had been swallowed up by the fairy corpse cave, and most of their survival was due to the protection of Zixu and others, otherwise they would have died and could not die anymore.

Chen Xinghe raised his hand and released a few arc-shaped sword shadows. The light burst out and produced vibrations, shaking the magic dog in all directions.

A strange scene appeared, these magic dogs were obviously bombarding in all directions, but they hit the stone wall or all the stalactites disappeared.

Someone exclaimed: "Look quickly."

Without exception, these magic dogs fell into the enchantment close at hand. Seeing the frantic sweep of the sickle tentacles, the magic dogs immediately turned into balls of blood.

Then, even the blood was swallowed and disappeared completely.

Chen Xinghe said with a blank expression: "You can figure it out! The clone made by the giant clam fell into this place and failed to survive for five breaths. If you think your cultivation is advanced enough to kill a bloody path, please do so."

"This..." The visitor was very depressed. They had been exploring the way out these days, but they could only enter this place but not exit it. Although they slowed down repeatedly, they still came here.

It is said that enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other, but it also depends on the situation. If everyone is on a dead end, what is the use of being jealous or not?
They didn't notice that Chen Xinghe's eyes lit up slightly, and he found that the barrier no longer moved forward, and even retreated a little.

What does this mean?It shows that after eating something in Xianshidong, he is no longer hungry and thirsty, just like consciously stockpiling food, and waiting until the next time he is hungry to enjoy the hard-won meal.

Chen Xinghe was about to reach the peak of Nascent Soul, he closed his eyes and practiced in secret, and he didn't worry at all about the massacre of these monks nearby.

Zixu and the others were quite helpless, so they fought in the past?

Instead, they thought that just a little vibration might somehow fall into the barrier in front of them, and then they would have to face those sickle tentacles.

We can't kill this brat for the time being. Everyone needs to find a way to leave this place, even if they retreat to the passage they walked through before.

In this way, Chen Xinghe was successfully promoted to the peak level of Nascent Soul stage under the eyes of all the enemies.

Going up is to polish and perfect, ready to be promoted to the stage of transformation at any time, but it will take longer to practice, at least one and a half months.

Chen Xinghe chuckled, no matter if he can delay for another month and a half, he has grown a bit now and has more power to protect himself.

Continue, as long as it can be delayed, if a group of demon heads come to visit during this period, it may be able to last longer.

Thirteen days passed in a blink of an eye, and there were as many as 33 cultivators from Yinchuan and Xuechuan. Although most of them were Nascent Soul cultivators who came to respond to their orders, ten of them were in the stage of transforming gods, and their strength was unfathomable.

It's just that after so many days, they tried all means, but they couldn't find the way to come.

Quiet and thinking about moving, under Zixu's strong suggestion, the two monks decided to deal with Chen Xinghe first.

After sweeping away this cancer, everyone is calm, and perhaps the efficiency of exploring the way out will be greatly improved.

As for who will play?Zixu, the proposer, shot himself in the foot with a rock, and everyone agreed that he should fight against King Sha.

Yinchuan doesn't need losers, someone has to stand up and take the blame. Even if he is a core member, he can't be abandoned when necessary.

Zixu was shocked, as if a basin of cold water was poured from the top of his head to his feet. At this moment, he was completely awake, knowing that he had done something stupid.

Killing Wang stared at him with his eyes, and there were four big characters you are an idiot written in his eyes.

The cultivators on both sides reached a very rare agreement, forcing Zi Xu and King Kill to attack Chen Xinghe.

Feeling full of malice, Chen Xinghe glanced at the enemy and sneered: "Finally can't hold back? Actually, I am your only hope to leave this place."

"How do you say that?" Zi Xu immediately stopped in his tracks, he really didn't want to die with this little ghost, it's not worthwhile to be buried with Yuan Yingqi in the stage of transforming into a god.

So when Chen Xinghe said this, he immediately paid attention to it.

"Hahaha, I slaughtered two real demons, and when they were about to die, they cast a curse, so that I will be hunted down by the demon world for the rest of my life, and those demons below the middle stage of the Nascent Soul will lose their minds and come to me, the source of the curse. As long as those monsters in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul are not qualified, they will rush over in a hurry, otherwise, how do you think these magic dogs came here? Right now, the army of the demon world is attacking the Jingyi faction. Just wait for a while, maybe Hundreds of millions of demons will fill this place, and when we step on these demons to walk back, the chances of survival will be much higher than now! If I die like this, where will you find the demons to fill the big hole? "

"Hiss!" Everyone was stunned, they didn't expect this kid to have such a move.

"Verify immediately!" These experts naturally have a way to identify the curse.

Chen Xinghe knew that his plan had succeeded, and gave people hope in times of despair. They had no choice but to grasp at this life-saving straw.

As long as there are another [-] days, he can polish it to perfection and cross the catastrophe towards the stage of transforming into a god!
It doesn't matter whether he survives the calamity or not, the key is that this is like a talisman to him, plus the ninth calamity of the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue, it should be able to blow up those sickle tentacles, right?
(End of this chapter)

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