Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1060 Three Great Tribulations

Chapter 1060 Three Great Tribulations
Zixu and the others didn't notice that Chen Xinghe was rising rapidly, because Guizangjian and Yuanying had extraordinary concealment abilities, and this ability became stronger and stronger as their cultivation level improved.

The dragon veins breed dragon energy all the time, as long as they don't enter the barrier ahead, they can stick to their life force without any loss.

On the other hand, Zixu and others also have a way to stick to their origin, but the life force they displayed is too strong, and the Immortal Corpse Cave has been fully locked. If they have a book of life and death, they will know how dangerous they are now.

Chen Xinghe's strategy of delaying time was very successful. On the fifth day, a group of powerful monsters came to feed the barrier, and the range of the barrier shrank slightly.

Zixu and the others also noticed this phenomenon, and couldn't help but treat Chen Xinghe differently.

As long as the monsters keep coming in, they can climb out by stepping on these monsters.

The Immortal Corpse Cave is too frightening. It is not the place where they should come. Luckily, the demons are going to wreak havoc in the Jingyi faction. As long as the army of demons appears, there will be as many demons as they want, and it will definitely help everyone get out of trouble. .

Who would have thought that the curse of the real devil would become a life-saving straw, although this kind of thing is a bit ridiculous, it is the only hope that can be seen right now.

As Chen Xinghe's hope, he will naturally not be disturbed. Before these people shouted and shouted to kill, now they use him as their ancestor.

In this way, counting the time, it has been nearly three months since he entered the Immortal Corpse Cave. Under the promotion of more than 6000 times the speed of cultivation, Chen Xinghe finally polished it to perfection, restrained his energy to the extreme, and looked like an ordinary person.

At this moment, he knew that he had achieved great Nascent Soul.

After practicing for this period of time, his cultivation base has successfully reached the realm of Nascent Soul Stage Dzogchen, and every detail of his body is extremely perfect. At present, he only needs to go through three stages of catastrophe before he can enter the realm of transformation.

Compared with the early days of Yuanying, the mana has increased by an unknown number of times now, and it seems that he can overcome the calamity and improve within a single thought.

Why is it triple calamity?
The first calamity is that he has to break through the speed limit and cause the Heavenly Dao to fight and kill. If he doesn't trigger it now, he will lose his meaning when he reaches the stage of transforming gods, so what should come will come anyway, and we can't delay it.

This second calamity is the ninth calamity of the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue. If you want to experience the subsequent changes, you must survive the ninth calamity.With these masters around and the sickle tentacles of the Immortal Corpse Cave to share the pressure, it shouldn't turn into ashes in an instant. I feel that this place is very suitable for crossing the tribulation.

This third stage of catastrophe is the catastrophe of the god transformation stage. Considering the attitude of heaven towards heresy, it is a routine operation to call in the gods and thunders of the heavens to weave all kinds of weird things to come.

Maybe there will be a new trick, let the fairy corpse cave cheat the corpse if he has the guts, then Chen Xinghe will write a big letter and pay for his life, after all, it is worth seeing the fairy trail before he dies.

Of course, if it is not necessary, it is better to continue to sit in seclusion.

The body array is a big project, which has been put aside in recent years, and I have not been able to practice it with all my strength, so I just use this opportunity to perfect it.

Just like that, another half month passed in the blink of an eye, and a group of devils came to "sacrifice" in the middle, and after that, they never replaced the dead ghosts again.

Chen Xinghe knew that this situation would happen. There were almost so many monsters lurking in the north of the Jingyi faction. Really thought that the war zone could be shifted to this point immediately?Just kidding, the Jingyi Sect is not a vegetarian, and the overall strength of the sect is thriving, only stronger than the Qingtian Sect.

Therefore, it may be possible to survive for ten years, but it is absolutely impossible to come up with a result in three months.

These monks are very patient, and they expected to set up camp for a long time, but the enchantment of the Immortal Corpse Cave has begun to advance a little bit. If you want to curb this trend, you have to sacrifice something.

Who will be sacrificed?

Chen Xinghe is now an indispensable person, so he can only sacrifice those Nascent Soul stage monks.

What a bother!The Nascent Soul cultivator who got the death lottery cursed, but it was useless!In the eyes of these cultivators at the transformation stage, they are a group of pawns that can be discarded at any time. As long as there is hope to save their lives, it doesn't matter how many monks die.

The cruelty of the cultivation world is undoubtedly revealed, high-level monks can decide the life and death of low-level monks at any time.

After throwing in four Nascent Soul cultivators, the barrier did stop, but some people were getting impatient.

Suddenly, a cultivator who transformed himself into a god sneered and said, "I have struggled for so long! It seems that it is very difficult to recover the fairy stone, and there is nothing to get from this fairy corpse cave, so you all go to die!"

Chen Xinghe's heart sank. He never expected that the giant clam's lingering spirit would actually control a cultivator who transformed himself into a god.

The cold wind howled and shook endlessly, and everyone backed up in an instant, and when they came back to their senses, they were already standing in the barrier.

At this moment, no one was spared, and the sickle tentacles came from various tricky angles.

Chen Xinghe drew out his sword to block, and there were a few "dang, dang, clang" sounds from behind him, and he knew that the attack power of these scythe tentacles was comparable to that of Lingbao-level flying swords, even if it was slightly inferior, it was almost the same.

The key is that there are a large number and the speed is fast enough, and all of them are like facing dozens of terrifying sword arrays.

"Everyone, go all out! Don't try to be alone." Zixu yelled angrily, he should not be in charge of this operation, he has been in such a mess until now, and he must bring that kid with him when he dies.

Chen Xinghe gave up his attack and swam away at full speed.

He is breaking through the previous speed limit again and again, looking for the feeling of breaking through the shackles of heaven.

"Boom boom boom..." The sickle tentacles were faster, which caught people off guard!
Chen Xinghe's body was covered in bruises after just a few quick accelerations. This is the current level of body training, and he would have burped a long time ago.

"No, I want to go deep, go deep!"

Chen Xinghe knew that the deeper he went into the Immortal Corpse Cave, the more terrifying the danger would be, but only in this way could he increase his speed.

The arrow has to be shot on the string, since it is going to survive the triple catastrophe, then put it to death and survive.

Under the astonished gazes of all the monks, the young emperor of Qingtianzong went deep into the cave of immortal corpses with a "buzz", his courage was beyond bounds!
"Ahem, vitality is draining too fast, fellow Taoists, let's go all out!" Zixu knew that if he didn't try his best, the chance of escaping from the sky would become extremely slim.

"Tai Sui Golden Diamond!" Someone erupted with a dazzling light. These monks have lived their lives, which one has not used unexpected methods?

"100,000 years lightning strikes the wood!" The thunder spread out, and the tentacles of the sickle began to shatter.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe finally broke free from the shackles of heaven, causing a catastrophe against the heavens.

If you want to do it, you will do it to the end, without hesitation, together with the Heavenly Tribulation of the Transformation Stage and the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue and the Ninth Tribulation, the three Tribulations will occur together.

Immediately there was a change above the fairy corpse cave, with multiple stars, multiple thunderbolts, and multiple lights and shadows, as if they were forced to spend money.

Such a scene can be seen thousands of miles away, so naturally someone from the Jingyi Sect went to report it.

The old giant clam frowned slightly, smelling an unusual smell, so he shook his body and left first, abandoning this place for the time being.

An indescribable catastrophe descended, bombarding Chen Xinghe within ten breaths, forcibly cutting a wide tunnel in the immortal corpse cave.

(End of this chapter)

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