Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1061 Keep Going Deeper

Chapter 1061 Keep Going Deeper
Wherever the power of the catastrophe went, everything was destroyed, and the sickle tentacles and the masters of Yinchuan became the first obstacles to resist the catastrophe.

Immediately, several Nascent Soul cultivators couldn't stand it anymore, and suffered heavy casualties, and the loss of the cultivators in the Transformation Stage was not small.

If only this is the case, the triple calamity is not terrible!
Unexpectedly, this is just the first wave, and there will be waves after waves, as if there is no end to it.

Chen Xinghe couldn't move at this moment, his front, back, left, and right were covered with stone-grown hairs, clumps, clumps, gently disturbing with a special rhythm.

These stone-born hairs are so amazing that they can turn upside down, front to back, left to right, and make people fall into illusion without warning.

Right now, hallucinations abound in his mind, Chen Xinghe has returned to the world of Immortal Sword, and has become the character he once settled in, the half-demon Li Yan.

It's just that the half-demon Li Yan at the moment is weak and helpless, everyone is yelling at him, fleeing wildly like a mouse crossing the street, looking extremely miserable, maybe he will die in the next moment.

At the critical moment, Heavenly Tribulation arrived.

"Boom..." There was a loud bang, and the illusion began to shatter.

Chen Xinghe's heart was shaken, he quickly recited the meditation mantra, and used the supreme Zen skills to distinguish reality from illusion, and his body suddenly became able to move again.

"Phew, these stone-born hairs are terrifying. Is it something produced by the corpse after the death of the immortal? It cannot be described in specific words."

"Crack..." Thunder was dazzling, Shi Sheng's hair was burning, and the black smoke instantly condensed into a large number of figures, killing towards Thunder.

Afterwards, the roar was endless, Chen Xinghe was terrified, it was hard to imagine that these white hairs could strangle such a powerful Heavenly Tribulation.

Chen Xinghe suddenly rushed into the depths of Shi Sheng's hair, because he had an ominous premonition that the three heavenly catastrophes overlapped each other, as if a mutation was taking place.Just like Jielong appeared in Dujie last time, his strangulation must rise to the extreme.

"Om..." The golden halo fell into the fairy corpse cave, and when Chen Xinghe approached, the scythes and tentacles on the road were all gone.

The stone-grown hairs are like white snow on the stove, quickly evaporating and disappearing.

Chen Xinghe had already gone deeper and saw a huge corpse.

There is no way to verify the origin of this corpse, but there is a monk sitting in each of the two eye sockets of the corpse.

Although the two of them were skinny and looked like mummies, it was only the sage Chongtong who saw a glimmer of life, which meant that they were still alive.

"Take it!" Chen Xinghe took the two of them away, and then hid in the huge corpse.

"Om..." The three heavenly tribulations superimposed their prestige, and everywhere they went was shattered like a tide.

Those sickle tentacles and stone hairs will be wiped out as soon as they grow out, repeated many times without making a sound.

Soon it was the turn of this corpse, and the bright lights and shadows shot together, as if the army of the fairy world had come to the world.

"Dong dong dong" three times, the huge corpse began to burn, and the things that could not be digested in the fairy corpse cave for tens of thousands of years fell apart in such a world-shattering catastrophe, only supporting thirty breaths.

Sensing the threat, Immortal Corpse Cave began to strengthen the power of the barrier, but the power of the triple calamity was endless, and once the barrier was strengthened, it would blow through once.

Chen Xinghe received a blow, almost knocked out of his wits, but fortunately his body is strong enough, the electric shock continued to penetrate.

Behind him was a pile of ashes, the huge corpse that had not been digested in the Immortal Corpse Cave for so long, the triple tribulation force helped him digest it, and there was nothing else in this place.

At this moment, Chen Xinghe's speed was extremely fast, and he broke through the two barriers to see a wonderful scene.

In the depths of the Immortal Corpse Cave, there is such a place, full of all kinds of exotic flowers and plants, like a fairy garden, it is so beautiful, but this kind of scenery falls in the double pupil of the saint, it always feels a bit weird.

Having no time to observe, Chen Xinghe stepped into the garden and saw a few figures standing in front of him.

Suddenly, these figures turned around, and saw that they were haggard, with blood and tears streaming from their eyes.

Chen Xinghe wasn't surprised at all, it's strange to meet a big living person in this kind of place!Meeting a few old ghosts made him feel at ease.

He couldn't move anymore, and these figures were like octopuses in the water, swimming towards him quickly.

At the same time, Heavenly Tribulation arrived.

"Boom..." The collapse of the sky is not enough to describe this kind of power, the fairy garden is full of brilliance to try to stop it, but the next moment the flowers and plants turn black, revealing the original shape of the place.

Where is this fairy garden?It is clearly a place of death.

The flowers and plants radiated death intent, their thirst for life reached its limit, and he wished to involve all the monks in the world to fill his emptiness.

"Roar..." The old corpses nearby were disturbed and tried to stay away from Chen Xinghe, but it was too late.

The bright light is fully covered, like a glorious palace appearing out of thin air.

The figure on the throne made the old corpses fall to their knees, whimpering, as if to say, "Heavenly Emperor, my humble minister kowtows."

Chen Xinghe couldn't believe it, could it be that these old corpses were once immortals?

Soon, he overturned this idea, because two of them were dressed in clothes of the clean clothes school, and it was obvious that outside monks entered and came here to encounter misfortune.

So it was the Immortal Corpse Cave itself that was bowing down to the Immortal Emperor, and hearing him call himself a humble minister, which meant that he had been in the Immortal Class a long time ago, not an idle Immortal.

"People who are among the immortals, this is amazing." Chen Xinghe was amazed and released 27 flying swords to form a sword array to contend with the overwhelming power.

The ensuing bombing was unprecedented, and the sword array was ended in just three breaths, and none of the old corpses remained nearby, and the wax torches in the fairy garden were turned into ashes.

The power is so huge, it has far exceeded the calamity that the world of Chihuangtian can bring down.

This is a cosmic catastrophe, and Chen Xinghe is being judged with the highest standards of all heavens and myriad worlds.

Note that this is no longer a test, but the most brutal trial.

Chen Xinghe chose a good place to cross the catastrophe here, all the ominousness turned into obstacles, and on the contrary helped him relieve the pressure.

Zixu and other monks are not dead, they are hugging together, exerting all their strengths to resist the tribulation force from passing through, they are not pessimistic, but ecstatic.

Without him!Because Jieli broke through the barrier and let them see the way back to the original way, as long as they survive this wave of difficulties, I believe they can escape.

After all, the main target of Heavenly Tribulation is Chen Xinghe, and the range of power will be around him. As long as the other monks are not too close, they will not die.

Of course, no one cares about those Nascent Soul monks who have died. During this period, if they die, they will die, and their names will not be remembered.

Let's talk about Chen Xinghe, he joined his sword, and was sent into the deepest part of the Immortal Corpse Cave under the lightning strike.

I saw balls of black oil floating up and down, and felt the invasion of foreign objects, and immediately raised black faces one by one.

"Boom..." The sky thunder hit the ground, and the robbery power instantly ignited the place, and hundreds of millions of faces were blazing.

Next, Chen Xinghe felt the whole space shake for a moment, and then a finger appeared, gently pointing towards Tianjie, and the power of hundreds of millions of calamities collapsed instantly.

"Fake corpse?" These scenes made him terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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