Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1062 Imprisonment

Chapter 1062 Imprisonment
Jieli was pouring down like rain, Chen Xinghe raised his arms to embrace with all his strength.

The Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue has been rapidly improved, and the control of the power of the robbery has reached the limit that can be achieved so far!

Jielong emerged from the right arm, devouring the heavenly power of robbery, and grew stronger at an incredible speed.

Immortal One Finger appeared again, this time it was not pointed at Tianjie, but at the center of Chen Xinghe's eyebrows, the killing intent was strong to a level that he had never touched before.

This is killing, killing soul, killing soul, killing god, killing life, killing thought, killing intent, killing existence, killing everything.

"So strong!"

At the critical moment, Jielong flew out.

"Ang..." Long Yin frightened the soul, and the moment all kinds of calamity turned into a vortex and collided with this finger, Chen Xinghe seized the opportunity to move it out.

Between lightning and flint, Jielong collapsed, Jieli collapsed, and space collapsed.

How far is the level difference between the two parties?This gap is already immeasurable, it is simply a miracle that Chen Xinghe survived.

Although he was intact, the robbery dragon was shattered. Fortunately, this robbery dragon was just the incarnation of robbery power. As long as the robbery power was sufficient, it could re-condense on the arm at any time.

Even so, if the opponent points again, Chen Xinghe doesn't know what to resist.

Fortunately, at this time, the Heavenly Tribulation reached its peak, and the ancient Tiangong reappeared amidst the surge of lightning. The Immortal Emperor sat condescendingly, flanked by many glorious figures.

The immortals who can stand on this hall are the most sacred existences, and they will immediately suppress the breath of the immortal corpse cave to the minimum.

However, no matter how real this scene was, it was still a cloud of light and shadow. The killing intent suddenly overwhelmed the river, and the invincible finger appeared again.

"Duh..." This time it was the tip of the needle facing the wheat awn. The two extreme forces stayed in place for three breaths before collapsing.

But it wasn't the Heavenly Tribulation that collapsed, but this finger collapsed.

It can be seen how tyrannical the triple catastrophe caused by Chen Xinghe is.

Immediately, Tian Jie caught up with Chen Xinghe, crushed him, and trampled on him crazily.

"Fight!" The right fist strikes, one punch, two punches, three punches, waving like a mountain of fist shadows in an instant, facing the triple catastrophe face to face.

Booming sound exploded round after round, Chen Xinghe was enjoying the fight, he moved away suddenly, and saw the immortal finger again in a flash.

"Boom..." The triple heavenly tribulation completely collapsed, and the tribulation force disintegrated into tiny electric arcs. Chen Xinghe opened his arms to accept it with all his strength, and suddenly felt his heart beat faster, and thousands of tribulation force traces flashed in his mind.


"This is the chapter of the Dao. The Eternal Calamity includes the Three Tribulations of Heaven, Earth and Man, the Thunder Tribulation, the Demon Tribulation, and the God Tribulation.

"Those who have obtained this miraculous skill can be called the robbers of the Dao, hahaha, it feels like they have robbed the Dao."

"Who cares! This exercise has been cultivated for so long, and it can finally be displayed in the open."

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, it's better to leave as soon as possible."

Suddenly, killing intent spurted out, the longing for life ran through the years, and the black as ink palm patted it.

Chen Xinghe's eyes widened, and he shouted sharply: "Come on!"

All of a sudden, the tribulation force collapsed and rolled like a tide, forming a dazzling ball of light in the blink of an eye, and the pitch-black palm hesitated for a moment before realizing that it had been tricked by the opponent.

The light has no real power, but the air mechanism gives people a terrifying feeling!
Chen Xinghe ran away, his speed increased by more than ten times, and he saw Zixu and others within three breaths, thinking: "These guys are still alive, their lives are really hard!"

"Chen Xinghe!" Killing King was furious, he is now extremely embarrassed, the way out has been opened by Heavenly Tribulation, and he doesn't have to spoil this kid anymore.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xinghe punched King Kill until he vomited blood, his hands suddenly became empty, and Xingjun's skull disappeared.

"You..." Sha Wang wanted to say how did you become so powerful?It was only after you finished writing that you realized that the brat had already disappeared without a trace.

"Not good!" Zixu knew it was not good when he saw Chen Xinghe running away, but a moment of delay was the difference between life and death.

A finger as white as jade appeared, obviously only one finger, but it seemed to be wearing candied haws, and it threaded the monks present into a string.

"Pfft..." Blood spattered, and Zixu looked down at his chest.

He couldn't believe it!After such a powerful catastrophe, why did he die under one finger?
He was not the only one who died, King Sha also lowered his head and looked at his chest. At the moment he was seriously injured, he wanted to escape from the Nascent Soul and escape, but the terrifying suction swept through him, and he lost consciousness the next moment.

These few monks died cleanly, and they were really unwilling when they were dying. They were about to leave this place, but they died in the blink of an eye. The key is that the little bastard is still alive, and they are even more unwilling.

The scourge lives for thousands of years!
Chen Xinghe still can't figure out, when did he become a scourge in the eyes of others?But when it comes to life-saving ability, it does have a little bit of experience after being honed.

Is this a little bit of experience?Searching all over the world, there are only a handful of people who can surpass him.

As soon as he left the Immortal Corpse Cave, without any hesitation, Chen Xinghe stepped on a ripple and teleported it out in an instant.

Regardless of whether the owner of that finger can rush out of the fairy corpse cave, he has already made up his mind to turn back to the war zone to take refuge immediately.

Right now, no battlefield is safe anywhere!

When necessary, you only need to activate the "curse" given by the real demon, and hundreds of thousands of demons will rush forward and tear them apart forcibly. No matter how terrible the enemy is, with so many demons as a buffer, you can always find a chance to save your life.

Chen Xinghe knew that Zixu and Killing the King were finished, he had already become a cultivator at the stage of transforming gods, and cultivators of the same rank did not have the slightest pressure on him.

The key is that he can always provoke high-level beings, even the giant clam demon and the one from the Immortal Corpse Cave, he can't afford to offend them!Don't run and wait to die?
However, the invincible magic of escape also has a day of failure.

The coordinates suddenly shifted, and it was obviously teleporting towards the city, but when the feet landed, they were standing in a wilderness.

"Oops!" Chen Xinghe's heart skipped a beat, he was caught with a "bang" sound, and someone behind him sneered, "I finally got caught as I wished, let's see where are you going this time?"

The Taoist priest in white robe is holding a dust whisk, it is the Taoist man transformed by the giant clam.

Chen Xinghe sneered: "Senior, you really have great powers. I can't escape your old palm by running so fast. I admit it."

"Hmph, it's okay if you don't admit it." The white-robed Taoist suddenly changed his expression, waved his sleeves and put Chen Xinghe away, turned around and left.

However, a pitch-black palm appeared, like the sky, covering it down.

"Trouble!" The white-robed Taoist raised his hand and shook it hard. There was a strange noise in the sky and the earth, and then a five-six-mile wide pit was exploded.

Chen Xinghe was imprisoned, unable to use a trace of mana, and even his physical strength was deteriorating, becoming weaker and weaker.

At this time, he could only ask Fat White Tiger for advice.

"Brother, we are now grasshoppers on a rope, plan to make it out?"

Fat White Tiger said via voice transmission: "Under the nose of such a tall person, I am a fart! I will find a way out within three days, and I will die after three days."

"Three days?"

"Yes, just three days, look for yourself, there is a chance."

"Opportunity?" Chen Xinghe was thoughtful.

(End of this chapter)

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