Chapter 1063
If you talk about opportunities and look at yourself repeatedly, there is only one Xingjun skull that you just snatched, maybe it can bring some help?
This Xingjun skull is not simple. It is a star power cultivator who once emptied out a piece of Xingyu, gathered a large cultivation base and successfully stepped on the Xingjun ladder.

However, monks all over the world are afraid of King Xing, and they attack him in groups.

Right now, a dead horse can only be treated as a living horse doctor.

Chen Xinghe put his skull between his eyebrows, feeling the aura in it silently.

All of a sudden, it was as if a floodgate opened in his mind, and huge star power rushed in frantically, trying to engulf him.

At the critical moment, he guarded the altar with his mind. Fortunately, he has now been promoted to Huashen, and his mind and Yuanying are in perfect harmony.

This situation lasted for about fifty breaths, and when Chen Xinghe calmed down, he was surprised to find that there was an extra star in his mind.

"My natal star?"

"What does Xingjun's skull mean? You passed me a natal star?"

"Huh? This is the giant star, a star whose nature is biased towards the dark side."

Chen Xinghe sensed it carefully, and found that Jumen star directly has the ability to teleport.

As long as it is those dark places, it can be located and teleported in an instant, which is perfect for escape and concealment.

The problem is that this star king died with such abilities, so there must be a huge loophole in the giant star's ability, and it is necessary to strengthen the induction to find out the reason.

After half an hour, Chen Xinghe was a little stunned. The giant door star was opened with the help of Styx star power teleportation. The more times he used it, the closer he was to Styx, which meant the closer he was to death.

To this day, as long as the giant door star is opened, it will penetrate into the river of Styx, which is tantamount to seeking a dead end.

Chen Xinghe opened his eyes and looked at Xingjun's skull, which had been shattered into slag, and couldn't help but smiled wryly: "You are so dead, you have activated your natal star too many times, and if you open it again, you will fall into the Styx, so there is no escape. , I knew I was going to die, and An Xiang went! I thought I could rely on you to find a way out, but it turned out to be a dead end that has come to an end."


"Wait, isn't there an entrance to the Styx under the Motian Ridge in my hometown? It's not difficult to locate it, but the difficulty is that the two sides are too far away. What kind of good fortune can complete the passage?"

"No, it's not necessary to go back. If you can find another entrance, it may be feasible to walk ashore."

"Anyway, it is a death. Now I am afraid that this is the only way to survive. Whether you succeed or not, you have to try it. It is better than staying here.

Chen Xinghe has always been decisive, secretly ignited the acupuncture points all over his body, causing the dragon veins to send spiritual energy to open the body formation.

This teleportation is very far away, so it will take a lot of time to prepare.

Right now, I can only hope that I have three days to accumulate strength, otherwise, relying on a natal star that comes along alone is not enough to support the leap.

Time flies!

Chen Xinghe had to bear enormous psychological pressure all the time, because the giant clam sealed the air machine tightly and didn't know what was going on outside.

If you don't understand the situation, you will think wildly, and once you guess, you will easily get upset, so this period of time is the most difficult.

If it weren't for the great Zen skills, someone else would have been frizzy and tossing to death.

Chen Xinghe sat cross-legged safely, always ready to deal with emergencies.

After three days like this, a voice came from the top of my head: "Boy, you are quiet, do you know you are going to die? Have you given up resistance?"

"How much do seniors know about Styx?"

"Styx? Why do you ask this when you are dying? Don't worry, there is no chance of your soul entering the Styx. If you offend me, you don't have to think about reincarnation." Before the words finished, the big hand reached into the sleeve.

"Open, Jumen Xing!" Chen Xinghe roared, deep ripples appeared under his feet, although his magic power was imprisoned and his body became weaker and weaker, his star power was not affected.

"The power of the stars? Hmph, that's a good idea." The white-robed Taoist displayed his supernatural power, and Chen Xinghe only felt the cold, and his body froze instantly.

However, the power that the Xingjun had accumulated all his life began to backfire, and the breath of the Styx rushed out, and even snatched the ice sculpture from the white robe.

"How unreasonable!" The white robe was furious, and threw out a black pearl the size of a fist, and followed Chen Xinghe into Styx.

When everything calmed down, a giant clam appeared on the spot, stirred up the shell and said, "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, the fairy corpse is about to be born!"

This is the troubled season, how did the Clean Clothes School know that when the evil plague broke out, it would also be accompanied by the disaster of immortal corpses. From now on, 1000 years from now on, they will not have to think about replacing Qingtianzong. Even smooth strokes are powerful.

Besides, Chen Xinghe became an ice sculpture and fell into the Styx River. The river water slapped the ice layer to form a large area of ​​hoarfrost, which turned into an iceberg after a while.

This iceberg was getting bigger and bigger, and within half an hour it was already ten miles wide and a thousand feet high, and it was drifting towards the unknown area along the endless river.

Suddenly, a devil's claw climbed up the iceberg, its eyes were red, and it rushed towards the center of the iceberg.

Then, more and more ugly monsters set foot on the iceberg, wielding crude weapons and attacking non-stop.

After another hour, the huge figure jumped onto the ice layer, and opened its mouth to devour these monsters that usually like to go alone, feasting on them.

As time passed, the four Sky Swallowing Toads lay on the ice, squinting their eyes and waiting.

This is really a treasure land of geomantic omens, monsters come here uninvited, as long as you stick out your tongue and sweep it around at will every once in a while, you will be sure to eat fat and strong.

I have to sigh, the survivability of monsters is really strong, even the Styx can penetrate, and there are quite a few of them.

However, Chen Xinghe is freezing hard now, he originally wanted to rely on monsters to "rescue", but whoever wanted to attract monsters also attracted four sky-swallowing toads, they are the tyrants of Styx.

With these four overlords guarding, the monster jumping onto the ice is equivalent to delivering food, alas, it can only continue to wander, and I don't know when it will be unsealed.

In fact, breaking out of the ice was more difficult than Chen Xinghe thought, because "just before leaving", the giant clam sent a black pearl.

This pearl is not simple, it is enough to seal off the cultivators of the transformation stage for thousands of years, and basically has no way out, so let's be an ice sculpture in this life!

But here is the Styx River, and the risk is extremely high.

Just half a month later, four sky-swallowing toads were suddenly so frightened that they lay down on the ice, and were eaten one by one by even more terrifying beings.

After eating four fat toads, black smoke appeared over the iceberg. Looking around, he thought this place was good, and planned to use this iceberg as a nest.

In this way, the ferocious force dug into the mountainside, opening up a vast cave, and the black smoke settled in, waiting for the prey to come to the door by itself.

Soon, the monster boarded the iceberg again, trying to dig out Chen Xinghe and kill it.

The sky-swallowing toads who like to devour monsters gathered again, and this time there were five of them.

They lazily lie on the ice to enjoy the food delivery service, but they don't know the horror behind them, and they are patiently waiting for them to become fat.

Repeatedly, in the blink of an eye in the past two years, the scope of the iceberg has become even larger.

On this day, another column of black smoke floated in, and the two big predators began to compete for this treasure land, causing cracks to appear on the ice...

(End of this chapter)

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