Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1064 trembling

Chapter 1064 trembling
The moment the ice layer split, Chen Xinghe finally regained consciousness.

In the past two years, he has been severely frozen.

The magic power in the body is surging, and the imprisonment has disappeared?

In an instant, Chen Xinghe understood, it was the dragon veins!

He has been cultivating with the help of Longmai, two years is equivalent to 160 years of cultivation, and the state of the initial stage of transforming gods has been extremely solid.

After working hard for more than 160 years, no matter how severe the confinement is, he will break through the cracks, not to mention that he is now the body of the evil beast fairy armor, and his vitality is extremely strong.

Suddenly, a gust of cold air filled the air, quickly repairing the cracks, unexpectedly trying to freeze Chen Xinghe back.

Chen Xinghe suddenly found a fist-sized black pearl floating behind him. He must have been in a coma for two years because of this thing.

"Come here!" A pocket secret door suddenly opened beside him, Chen Xinghe reached in, and Black Pearl was caught just as he was about to escape, and he withdrew his right hand from the secret door.

"Buzz buzz..." Black Pearl made a buzzing sound, trying to freeze Chen Xinghe, but his right hand was not a vegetarian, and immediately peeled off a trace of aura, and devoured it to make the object no longer spiritual.

"Oh? This is a one-time spirit treasure? Now it can only be used as a powerful thunder." Chen Xinghe put away the black pearl and began to investigate the outside situation.

With such a big movement, you can tell with your ears that there is a serious confrontation.

Chen Xinghe captured a ray of star power, and shouted: "Backtrack!"

He wants to see what happened in the past two years.

It’s better not to look at it, but it’s scary enough to see it, because there is a cave created by the black smoke column just across the wall, every time you want to see the real body of the smoke column, the picture immediately becomes blurred.

It shows that the black smoke column is enough to distort its own cause and effect. It is not in the five elements and jumps out of the three realms. It is a very tyrannical existence.

"Just right! Take advantage of the two pillars of smoke and fight, hurry up and run away, if you don't run now, when will you wait?"

"But Minghe doesn't have a village in front of it, and a shop behind it, so where are you going?"

"Is Lao Bai here?" Chen Xinghe called Fat Baihu. This guy is much better than Suzaku in terms of spells, but the price is not small.

"Yes! I calculated a few days ago, and you should have woken up too! Sure enough, today you will have to escape a catastrophe."

"I haven't escaped yet! Where is it safe to go, give me a reliable direction."

The fat white tiger sighed: "My lord! The little one is not a god, but this is the Styx River. If I counted it right, I would have been reborn as the child of destiny."

"Can't figure it out? In this way, there is only one way to go to the dark." Chen Xinghe knew that he was sure that he was in a difficult position.

"Wait, I can't figure it out, but there are two old seniors here, one is the Fourth Elder of the Clean Clothes Sect, and the other is the once-famous Daoist San Shura. These two have extraordinary experience, and they may know something about Styx. matter."

"Oh?" Chen Xinghe remembered at this moment that he casually picked up two old men in the fairy corpse cave, but he didn't expect it to be a big deal.

"Meet fellow daoist!" The two old men spoke, and they could tell from a little feeling that they had regained some vitality, but they had been sitting in the death penalty in the fairy corpse cave for too long, and they couldn't come back after ten or eight years of recuperation.

"I also hope that the two seniors will not hesitate to enlighten me."

"Don't dare, fellow daoist has already been crowned as a god, and has saved us two bad old men. Naturally, we should talk about friends of the same generation, thank you fellow daoist."

The two sides politely went straight to the point.

"Speaking of the Styx River, it has always been mysterious, because exploring the Styx River requires the spirit of death. Few monks can come back alive after entering the Styx River! It is said that the Styx River is connected to the sea of ​​blood of all living beings. The land, because there are very scary groups of people in it. The two of us only know this, and one scale and claw are not enough to describe the Styx, but before entering the fairy corpse cave, we must be prepared."

Suddenly, Chen Xinghe had two more treasures in his hand.

This first treasure is shaped like an ark, and it is made of a large number of leaves glued together. If you read it correctly, the leaves come from a very high-level linden tree.

The second treasure is a scroll of bamboo slips, each font on it is brilliant and immeasurable, and the subtle meaning is unfathomable. It should be the calligraphy left by the literati, which has a very powerful effect of killing evil and suppressing demons.

"The Ark of Ferrying Evil? Wen Sheng Mo Bao? Okay, thank you both for your help." Chen Xinghe was overjoyed. With these two treasures and the black pearl, it was enough for him to walk a long way in the Styx River. As for whether he could find the exit , this really requires luck.

The two black smoke columns were still fighting, fighting for the ownership of the iceberg. They didn't notice that the battle caused the iceberg to break, and the core that attracted the monsters "run away".

The moment Chen Xinghe stepped into the Styx River, he felt that his soul was greatly impacted, and every drop of water in the river was filled with wailing and pain.

It is no exaggeration to say that ordinary cultivators in the stage of transformation into gods could not bear the shock if they fell into the Styx.If it hadn't been for the fact that Longmai had been helping Chen Xinghe deepen his cultivation for the past two years, he would not be able to bear it after a long time.

At present, it is barely supported, and the mind light escape method is attached to the sword shadow, and it has gone three hundred miles away in an instant.

Chen Xinghe was a little dazed, so don't say anything, he didn't even see a decent "river bank", but Jumenxing was extremely active.

Styx has gathered quite a lot of dark star power, and the giant star is like a fish in water in this environment.

Not long after, a black door appeared in front of the sword shadow.

The flying sword crossed the six thousand li boundary directly through the door, which was just a trivial attempt, and then black doors appeared frequently.

There is a saying that if you often walk by the river, how can you not get your shoes wet?
I don't know how far the summoning gate flew away, Chen Xinghe was shocked to find that the star power was not summoned, and a circle of kelp-like plants appeared around him, and the number increased sharply in a blink of an eye.

This is the Styx River, where will there be plants?Once plants appear, it means there must be strangeness.

The space was blocked, and he entered this trap and couldn't get out.

The saint Chongtong couldn't see how powerful these seaweeds were, but suddenly a voice came from the Buddhist Chongbao obtained from Dadong Temple: "Quickly freeze this place and escape."

"Oops, my voice." Chen Xinghe was horrified. This was the second time he had received a future warning, indicating that the crisis was so terrible that his life was already in danger.

"Go!" The black pearl shot immediately, shattering and freezing everything around it.

The Ark of Ferry fell under his feet, and Chen Xinghe hurriedly stepped onto the boat.

I saw thousands of brilliance sprinkled from the leaves of the Bodhi tree, paving a golden road in front of me.

"Crack..." The Ark started at a high speed and took Chen Xinghe away.

However, at this moment, a column of black smoke appeared, and the big bloody hand grabbed it from the air.

"Not good!" Chen Xinghe was terrified, he quickly released the saint Mobao, and saw Guanghua soaring into the sky, blocking the bloody hand for a moment.

The opportunity must not be missed, and if it is lost, it will never come again. The Ark of Crossing Evil burned at a high speed, leading Chen Xinghe out of danger.

After escaping from the dangerous area, Chen Xinghe opened the black secret doors to escape one after another, and he didn't regain his mood until he ran a hundred thousand miles away.

Counting the losses, the Black Pearl, the Ark of Crossing Evil, and Wen Sheng's ink treasures have been completely used up in this crisis alone. The Buddhist canopy will not be able to communicate with the future in a short period of time, and a warning has been issued.

Chen Xinghe was a little dumbfounded, what should he do next?If you encounter similar risks again, can you still escape your life?
(End of this chapter)

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