Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1065 Blood Shura

Chapter 1065 Blood Shura
How glorious is it to be promoted to the stage of transformation into a god?However, this level travels in the Styx, and it may die at any time.

The Styx River is too dangerous. Since ancient times, few monks fell into the Styx River and returned alive.

Chen Xinghe had used up all his life-saving items after only one dangerous encounter, so he had to stop for repairs at this moment.

At this time, I can only search the previous loot carefully to see if there is any treasure that can help me get out of trouble at a critical moment.

After looking around, I did find a few items that could be used, but none of them reached the level of the Ferry Ark and the Wensheng Mobao.

There is no way, the quality is not good, the quantity is combined, and it takes a long time to prepare before trembling on the road.

For several days in a row, it was considered safe. I saw a few strange places from a distance, and immediately avoided them, but did not encounter any danger.

I just ran a long way, but still haven't found the exit. Is it because I moved too fast and missed it?
Chen Xinghe slowed down to conduct a blanket search, and finally found that he was not running too fast, but running too slow.

The width and breadth of the River Styx is immeasurable, and it seems to run through the entire universe. These days, he feels that he has traveled a long way, but in fact, the small environment has not changed, and he is still dawdling in the same area.

If you want to find an exit to escape from the Styx, you need a faster speed and a more magical teleportation. Without this ability, you may have to spend your entire life in the Styx.

Coming to this conclusion, Chen Xinghe could only pluck up the courage to speed up and speed up, and summon the portal to teleport at any time, consuming countless mana every day. If it wasn't for the strong support of the dragon veins, he would have to rest for half a day in the Styx River.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Xinghe ran away for half a year.

This day, the blue-yellow river water suddenly became clear, and it was the first time he saw such a clear-cut spectacle.

When it fell into the clear river, I suddenly felt a wave of Buddha power spreading, and the sound of chanting sutras echoed in my ears.

Chen Xinghe was overjoyed, did he enter the realm of the Buddhist kingdom?Does this mean there are exits around?

However, a shadow approached, with a tide of energy and blood, and a mountain of evil thoughts, and suddenly stretched out its arms to grab it.

Chen Xinghe was so frightened that he ran away quickly, and casually released twenty of the battle puppets that Jingyi sent to the battlefield.

Each puppet has a large number of talismans attached to its body, and holds a talisman treasure in its hand. This is an escort made by putting yourself in the position for half a year.

They don't need to go into battle to kill the enemy, just intercept the enemy and hold on for a while, allowing him to summon star power to open the teleportation gate.

There was a roaring tsunami behind the mountains, and so many puppets would collapse at the touch of a touch.

Fortunately, many talisman treasures are working, Chen Xinghe has already opened the secret door and walked in.

When he reappeared, he was stunned to find himself on an island.

The feet are full of blood condensed into bloodstones, and a black temple stands in the center of the island.Various Buddhist scriptures are engraved on the wall, which seems to suppress something.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew over the island, the blood was like a tide, and the evil thoughts were like a mountain, and a huge shadow ruled over this area.

No, it's not King's Landing, he seems to belong here, and the breath is similar.

Thousands of Buddhist scriptures lit up, trying to drag the shadow into the temple, but hundreds of millions of evil thoughts trembled, and the Buddhist scriptures collapsed immediately.

Chen Xinghe has already opened the door to stay away from this place, and by the way, ask the ethnographic bag what is going on in this situation.

Master Zhenyu quickly gave the answer.

"That's the resentment that Buddhist monks have suppressed for thousands of years. Everyone in the world has greed, hatred and ignorance. If you get rid of these minds, will greed, hatred and ignorance really disappear? In fact, it is not the case. You can only surrender and suppress. In the dark Gather together and transform into a monster. So Haiqingheyan is an illusion, and the separation of yin and yang is the truth, but there may be an exit nearby."

"So that's the case. That huge shadow is a collection of angry thoughts. If you are really infected by it, you may fall into the devil's way."

Chen Xinghe speeded up his walk. He wanted to find out the general situation of this area. Although danger was on the side, there was still a chance of escape.

He searched for half a month, but unfortunately he didn't find anything.

Since this area is relatively clear, you can zoom out as far as you can see, and your speed will increase. There is a faint feeling of breaking through the barrier.

On this day, Chen Xinghe was greatly surprised. While searching for the exit, he saw four pillars of smoke from afar.

You must know that these smoke pillars are so powerful that you have suffered a lot before, so you must be careful and dormant, not daring to leak half of your breath.

What surprised Chen Xinghe even more was that when the four pillars of smoke entered the Buddha's place, his body immediately became refreshed, the black smoke disappeared, and his true face was gradually revealed.

I saw that it was a man with four heads and six arms, and his whole body was covered with muscles and blood.

"Blood man?"

"Is this the thing that rules the river Styx?"

A voice came from the human race bag: "Be careful, this is blood Shura. The monsters evolved from the Asura Dao in the Six Paths of Reincarnation are very rare in my era. How could four of them appear all at once?"

"Rare?" Chen Xinghe knew that Master Zhenyu didn't lie, and if he said it was rare, it was really rare. However, he encountered black smoke pillars several times on the road. If it was all this kind of blood Shura, it would not be rare.

"Look at the direction, they are really heading for that island." Chen Xinghe was very careful and followed far behind.

They never thought that blood Shura would appear from other directions, and they didn't know what day it was, but they rushed to that island in unison.

Facts have proved that today's blood Shura is definitely not rare. If more than twenty statues appear at the same time, can it be called rare?

What really made Chen Xinghe curious was, why did they gather on the island, and what did they want to do?
Soon, there was a shock on the island, and more than [-] blood Shuras besieged Huge Shadow, and the human race said in surprise: "They want to pollute this area."

Chen Xinghe could see that these blood Shuras were trying to dismember the main body of the anger, and they saw black streams of water tumbling.

The temple below emits Buddhist scriptures and absorbs the black water flow. No wonder the whole temple is so black. It turned out to be so black.

Master Zhenyu said sullenly: "These blood Shuras are full of demonic energy, and most of them are reincarnated from void demons, and they are creating difficulties."

Hearing this, Chen Xinghe couldn't help but gasped, suddenly realized.

The Void Demon's aggression to the world is divided into many levels. The Styx is very mysterious to the human race, and the devil world may have already figured out the root cause.

Blood Shura may have been rare a long time ago, but after years of exploration, the demon world has mastered the method of reincarnating a demon into a blood Shura.

Therefore, Styx has a bias, and Buddhism is being attacked. I am afraid that after a long time, many virtuous and eminent monks will have resentful thoughts, and even have evil thoughts to cause harm to the world.

At this moment, Buddha's light suddenly bloomed, and a golden body appeared in the center of the island.

"You all Asuras disturbing Buddhism, all deserve to die!"

Such a strong killing intent, suddenly the Buddha's light shone, and the bells rang together.

Chen Xinghe shouted in his heart: "The Clock of Myriad Realms? This eminent Buddhist monk actually borrowed the Clock of Myriad Realms to kill the Blood Shura."

You must know that at the end of the millennium trial of the five major sects, the clock of the myriad worlds was rung to announce to the heavens. It is said that this clock is an innate spiritual treasure.

To what extent is this eminent monk capable of borrowing such treasures?
Blood Shura formed an formation to fight, these were all secondary, Chen Xinghe found that the exit was in the black temple.

(End of this chapter)

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