Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1066 The building has collapsed?

Chapter 1066 The building has collapsed?
"Boom..." How strong is the bell?

Everything within ten thousand miles cannot be hidden. Chen Xinghe is very far away, but he is not so far away.

So, naturally, he fell into the eyes of the eminent monk.

"There is actually someone in the Styx River? It's half a Buddhist disciple, come here."

When the eminent monk waved his hands, Chen Xinghe's eyes flashed, and he was already standing in front of the monk.

"Senior." He hurriedly saluted.

"This old man is about to pass away. To make a long story short, you will sit here for ten years! You can leave after ten years."

"Ten years?" Chen Xinghe felt dizzy.

"Don't worry, I will help you with my cultivation base. You have three chances to use the Myriad Realms Clock. Blood Shura usually gathers once every five years."

The monk suddenly shouted: "Buddhist disciples from all worlds obey the order and strangle the devil with all their strength."

"Yes!" The sound of chanting quickly became an ocean, and began to suppress the blood Shura and clean up the black atmosphere of the temple.

These scenes seemed majestic, but in Chen Xinghe's eyes, there was a layer of hidden worry.

There is no one in Buddhism who is amazingly talented and brilliant to lead a group of cultivators. After the old monk in front of him passes away, no one will be able to organize such a grand occasion.

"Follow the senior's decree." Chen Xinghe accepted the order with all his heart, it's only been ten years, and being able to use the way to return to the present world is more important than anything else. Although guarding this place is not small, it is hundreds of times better than running around by yourself.

"Thank you!" The old monk smiled knowingly, and the huge golden body immediately dispersed, forming a golden rainstorm inside and outside the Buddhist temple.

The Buddhist scriptures on the temple walls bloomed with Buddha light again, and the island became a place of auspiciousness, and the shadows were seriously injured by the gathering of angry thoughts, like gods sitting in the temple and waiting for the future.

Chen Xinghe sat down slowly, outside him was a phantom in the shape of a bell, if a blood Shura came to attack, he could use the sound of the bell to launch an attack.

With the help of dragon veins in practice, ten years is equivalent to 810 years. I don't know if I can improve my cultivation to reach the middle stage of transformation.

It's boring to be alone, so I invited Fat Baihu, Fourth Elder, and Immortal Luo out, set out good wine and dishes, and chatted while eating.

"Congratulations, my lord is really out of trouble this time."

"Ha, I have been guarding this place for ten years, and I dare not take it lightly during this period." Chen Xinghe shook his head straight. He has always been aware of risks, and he would not think that everything will be safe if he sits in the barrier built by an expert.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as a blood Shura breaks through the barrier, he will die.

Compared with these terrifying existences, cultivators in the transformation stage are extremely fragile. If they really fall into that situation, they don't want anything else but a quick death.

"Come on, little brother." Daoist Luo is fond of wine, and he has not had a good meal for so many years, so he finally breaks his fast today.

Chen Xinghe made full preparations before entering the Immortal Corpse Cave, the four of them ate with their bellies open, and it would not be a problem to last ten years.

"Yin Shang, the two seniors have advanced cultivation, and I have a lot of things to ask for advice." Chen Xinghe's own cultivation is one aspect, and mutual verification with others is even more important.Threesome must have my teacher!Counting Fat White Tiger's brainstorming, many detours can be avoided.

In this way, the four supported each other and practiced slowly inside the clock wall.

Chen Xinghe occasionally opened the furnace to refine alchemy, and as his cultivation level deepened, he could easily obtain the treasured pills of the Nascent Soul Stage, and even refined a few pills of the Divine Transformation Stage.

It's a pity that due to the limitation of spiritual materials, there is nothing to refine in less than a year and a half.

This kind of life is really good. I practice alchemy in my spare time, practice daily with the help of dragon veins, and eat and drink a lot every once in a while. I am so happy!

It's just that Xue Shura didn't come, and an acquaintance unexpectedly ran over.

Sitting here for one year and eight months, Chen Xinghe suddenly had a feeling that something in the distance seemed to be calling him.

After half an hour, there was a bang above the head, and a translucent figure fell down.

"Huh? Foreign monk, Da Kuishan Yu Tienan?"

To be precise, it is Yu Tienan's Nascent Soul.

Relying on the connection between Bihai Shengyan Conch and Chen Xinghe, she escaped here through countless obstacles.

"Sure enough, you're still alive! Fellow Daoist Chen, please help me..." As soon as the words fell, Yu Tienan collapsed. Obviously, he had encountered a big enemy, and Yuan Ying couldn't avoid being broken even after fleeing here.

"So that's how it is. Using the smoked snails from the blue sea as a guide, I don't know what other means were used to penetrate nothingness."

Chen Xinghe took out a elixir and crushed it, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, gathering the scattered Nascent Soul into a ball.

Ask for a stream of dragon energy from Longmai, and send in aura to help Yu Tienan recover.

After half a month passed like this, Yu Tienan finally regained his senses, and said with great gratitude: "Thank you for the rescue, fellow Taoist, I really don't know who to go to, so I escaped here with the help of the blue sea conch."

Chen Xinghe became interested, and hurriedly asked: "Calculating the time, we have been separated from fellow Taoists for three or four years. Are you still in the Clean Clothes Sect?"

Yu Tienan sighed: "Our entire army was wiped out. The Clean Clothes Sect is too busy to take care of itself now. It's nothing more than an invasion by the demon army, but many corpses came out, causing a terrible corpse disaster! We just fell into the tide of corpses and suffered heavy losses. We didn't lose our lives in the first place. Followers of Zhimo Cult suddenly appeared and cooperated with the army of the Demon Realm, expanding the scope of the war zone by five times."

"Followers of the Demon Cult?" Chen Xinghe took a breath, and hurriedly asked, "Where's the Qingtian Sect?"

"Qingtianzong collapsed across the board. It is said that several churches could not bear the loss and declared independence. There are also rumors that Qingtianzong split into dozens of forces as early as a year ago, and it has existed in name only."

Chen Xinghe was stunned. The Qingtian Sect is so huge, why did it split like this?

He once imagined that the Zongmen Building would collapse, but it was estimated that the time would be at least a few hundred years later, who would have thought that it would collapse now, and felt disappointed.

"It was the invasion of the demon world that accelerated the collapse of the sect."

"Hey! So I, the young emperor of the Qingtian Sect, is dead in name only! I hope Brother Xiao and the others will make preparations in advance to deal with this crisis."

After a moment of dejection, Chen Xinghe came back to his senses and asked Yu Tienan: "What is the plan, friend Daoist?"

Yu Tienan smiled wryly: "This seems to be the Styx River. Even if I have some plans, I'm afraid it will not be easy to realize."

"That's right, it's Styx. I have an appointment with a virtuous and eminent monk. I will guard this place for ten years, so I can't escort fellow Taoists away."

At this time, Chen Xinghe led out the fourth elder and Luo Zhenren to say: "The two fellow Taoists have recovered eighty percent of their strength, why don't you go up and escort my friend away! I have an appointment with the eminent monk, so you don't need to pay attention to it, after so many years It disappeared, and I definitely want to go home and have a look.”

"This?" The Fourth Elder and Master Luo really wanted to return home and wanted to go back to see their relatives and friends.

"Fate will gather, and fate will disperse. The return journey is not peaceful, and I hope the three of you will be careful. It is a pity that Yu Daoyou was so rare to see the Taoist body, and it is not easy to restore his strength. When we part, I will give it to the three of you." Talk about some pills to show your heart." Chen Xinghe is very optimistic about Yu Tienan, who doesn't have three disasters and six disasters?As long as you get through it, you will be another female man.

"Thank you." The four said goodbye solemnly.

Sure enough, as Chen Xinghe thought, the Fourth Elder and Master Luo were not restricted by the clock wall, they had advanced skills and quickly found the exit of Minghe.

When the three of them left, Chen Xinghe was in a trance, and said to himself: "The Qingtian Sect is about to collapse? I haven't had time to fight the enemy yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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