Chapter 1067
The vast river of Styx knows no bounds.

Yu Tienan brought an important piece of news to Chen Xinghe, the Qingtian Sect seems to have existed in name only!
When the Zongmen existed, I didn't feel much. After the Zongmen's house collapsed, I suddenly felt that I had become a lonely family with no support behind me.

As Qingtianzong's number one troublemaker, Chen Xinghe knew with his toes that Jintianzong and other enemies had no scruples and would do everything in their power to settle accounts with him, take revenge, and avenge their hatred.

The key is that he can't do without now, if he can return to the sect as soon as possible, relying on the strength of the transformation stage, he will definitely be able to eat a few pieces of fat.

There is a saying that there are still three catties of nails in a broken ship, let alone such a huge sect as Qingtianzong?There must be countless family properties accumulated over the years. It is estimated that all parties are fighting frantically. It is a loss not to grab at this time.

"Ah! The prospect is bleak. We disciples who have emerged from the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood are supposed to belong to an important legacy. However, I have always acted too prominently, and it is difficult to be accepted by other sects."

When Chen Xinghe was thinking about the way out for the future, the jade pattern on his forehead suddenly glowed, and a voice came: "Boy, the sect has encountered difficulties, and your cheap master is about to take office as the new lord of the Qingtian Sect. Haha, congratulations , your position as the ancestral reserve is stable, and you can walk sideways in the future."

"Could it be that the Qingtian Sect is still there?"

The voice continued: "You seem to have gone to an extremely distant place. Listen carefully, the Yingluo pattern is about to collapse and dissipate, and the identity of a disciple of the Qingtian Sect will not be recognized in the future. Your master specially made a talisman for you, you can take advantage of it." When the Yingluo pattern dissipates, peel off the useful parts to form a dharma! As long as you don’t go to a few major sects in the future, you can walk with this dharma. The sect will no longer have deterrent power from today, and those who want to kill Your master has no scruples! So avoid as much as you can, and it won't be too late to come out when you really grow up."

Chen Xinghe gasped, knowing that Qingtian Sect had completely collapsed.

Now it is no longer just a name, but removed from the name in Chihuangtian.

Tan Tiantong was ordered to take up the post when he was in danger, but some forces huddled together to keep warm, and it wasn't even considered lingering, and Zong Chu was even more nonsense.

The only thing Shimen can do for him is to condense the law, so that it will not be difficult to enter the city in the future.

"Is this the end of the big sect? I had a little fantasy before, thinking that the sect deliberately let the demon sect come in to attack the Jingyi faction. Now it seems that the sect is not so bottomless, but really defeated. Can't stop the demon world from invading."

The voice stopped here, and there was no more sound.

Three days later, Chen Xinghe ushered in that moment.

The Yingluo pattern representing the identity of the disciple of the Qingtian Sect emerged, dissipated towards the outside of the forehead like a cocoon, and finally shattered and dissipated.

At this moment, a light and shadow emerged, gathered a little light, and turned into a slap in the face, floating down.

Chen Xinghe opened the letter to watch, and couldn't help sighing.

This decree is quite satisfactory, but the young emperor of Qingtianzong became a foreign monk living in Chihuangtian, what a disparity is there?In response to that sentence, a phoenix in distress is not as good as a chicken.

Now we must say goodbye to fantasy, and the only way to go is to improve quickly.

The early stage of the transformation of the gods has been extremely strong, and it is expected to enter the middle stage of the transformation of the gods within seven years.

You must know that this is the stage of transforming gods, not the stage of nascent souls. Even with the assistance of 81 times the cultivation speed of the dragon veins, it still takes more than ten years of polishing before it can make great progress.

It is even more difficult to go from the mid-stage of Transformation to the late stage of Transformation, purely relying on time to pile up, and you can't make it through 50 years. If you want to improve faster, you must use the treasures of heaven, material and earth.

After that, relying solely on the dragon veins, it may take a hundred years to reach the peak of the god transformation stage.This kind of entry is already very fast, but Chen Xinghe really has no sense of security, he wants to do everything possible to climb to the fusion stage as quickly as possible.

Once you enter the fusion period, not to mention invincible, it is difficult to find an opponent in the world!
Only then will the reversal of fate begin, and all hostile forces and hostile individuals will be destroyed if they do not surrender.

So what if the world is an enemy?As long as you climb high enough, all problems will be solved!Otherwise, why would so many powerful monks go through fire and water and take huge risks to be promoted?

The higher you go, the more important your level is. The middle stage of transformation is the final watershed, where the top people and those with great luck gather.

Therefore, it is more difficult to fight in the early stage of Huashen than in the early stage of Yuanying to destroy the late stage of Yuanying, and it is basically hopeless to challenge the late stage of Huashen in the middle stage of Transformation.

Chen Xinghe is now focused on getting closer to the middle stage of the transformation of the gods, in order to gain the power to protect himself in front of the monks of the late stage of the transformation of the gods.

Since that is the watershed, he must at least stand on the watershed, so that he can live longer and go further.

The collapse of the Qingtian Sect is a major event that can affect many people for a hundred years or even a thousand years, and there will be even bloodshed over the sect's legacy.

However, no matter how greedy he is, he can't go back right now.

So practice honestly!Blood Shura gathers once every five years, and I don't know if the skills left by the old monk are enough.

In this way, the five-year gathering period is getting closer and closer.

Trembling in Tian Tian's arms, the sect's law unexpectedly jumped out by itself, showing a map.

"Huh?" Chen Xinghe was very surprised, and saw eight characters written on the edge of the map: "The relic of the sect, save it for fate."

"Wow, there are still five years, and there are still five years before I can go back, and the cucumber dishes will be cold by then." Chen Xinghe was very depressed.

What he didn't expect was that the map would be changed three months later.

It is indicated on the map that the relics have been retrieved, and the second treasure location is reserved for fate.

I dare to say that this is a batch of hidden treasures. I don't know if there are any heavenly and earthly treasures needed by monks in the transformation stage, even if they get one or two, it would be good.

Chen Xinghe couldn't take care of these for the time being, because Blood Shura arrived as scheduled.

The old monk didn't lie, and said five years would be five years, but why is the number so much more than last time?

These blood Shuras are 37 or [-] if they are not forty, and their ranks are probably in the late stage or even the peak of the gods.

Chen Xinghe's recognition of high-ranking monks has become much stronger. This is the credit of the Fourth Elder and Master Luo. They have helped him a few times from breath to mind and mana fluctuations. With the double-pupil observation of the saint, basically there will be no mistakes.

"It's hard for me to deal with any of these guys, 37 and eight together, if there is no Myriad Realms Clock, they will definitely die." Chen Xinghe shook the outer wall of the clock decisively, and the sound of the bell sounded like fireworks.

Such a sight is so spectacular, thousands of Buddhist scriptures turned into ripples and rushed towards the blood Shura, forcibly lowering the cultivation base of these terrifying existences.

Chen Xinghe understood that the old monk hoped to suppress Blood Shura through the Wanjie Clock, so that he could kill him.

"Press Shura another layer, hurry up."

The second ringing of the bell spread out, and as expected, most of the Blood Shuras were suppressed to the early stages of God Transformation, only a few blood Shuras barely stayed in the middle stage of Transformation Gods.

What are you waiting for?Proving the way by killing is at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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