Chapter 1068
The peerless sword shadow swept across.

Swish Swish Swish three swords, six Blood Shuras with different heads.

However, these guys have strong vitality. Even if their heads are lost, they will be a good man if they reach out to catch the head and put it back.

Chen Xinghe glanced around, his figure suddenly accelerated, the blades of his swords were like silk wherever he went, weaving into millions of bright feathers with a "puff" sound, turning into a tornado and sweeping across.

The roar was heart-stopping, and the sixteen blood Shuras turned into minced meat, scattered and scattered on the ground.

Chen Xinghe panted violently, secretly thinking that these guys' bodies are so hard.

In order to complete the kill in one fell swoop, his pure mana has been exhausted, so he can only rely on the dragon veins to recover as soon as possible.

Blood Shura is angry!

If it wasn't for the two ringings of the Wanjie clock, which lowered them by two realms, how would the mere monks in the early stage of transformation of gods dare to make mistakes in front of them?

Today, 38 blood Shuras gathered together. This lineup is enough to slaughter the human monks in front of them thousands of times, and it is absolutely impossible to be slaughtered in turn.

It was all the fault of that old monk, who had already passed away and still had to hang on for a few more years.

"Roar..." Blood Shura, the most powerful in the team, drew a bloodstain, shattered the oncoming flying sword, and opened his mouth to spit out a ball of black fire.

Chen Xinghe was taken aback. The moment the black fire appeared, his soul felt burning pain, so that his body was slowed down for a moment.

"Boom boom boom..." At this very moment, fists blasted from all directions. Poor Chen Xinghe was the only one who flew out immediately. Fortunately, a phantom of the gate of heaven appeared, blocking [-]% of his strength.

Even so, Chen Xinghe was also injured, spitting out a bloody arrow from his mouth.

The phantom of Tianmen guarding him is Kaiming Yin. In the past few years, whenever he has free time, he has sent mana to Yinzhong, in order to save his life at critical moments.

The daily hard work was not in vain, so many blood Shura hit him from different directions, and it was nothing serious to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. This is simply a miracle.

The Seal of Enlightenment seals the gate of the Immortal Palace. Although it looks extremely dilapidated, the layers are there!It is very difficult to find such fairy traces in today's world. Even if Jintianzong has mastered several fairyland ruins, he has never got the gate of Zheng'er Bajing fairy palace.

It is no exaggeration to say that the mediocre little seal is comparable to a defensive spirit treasure. As long as you pay attention to storing mana, it can really save lives in times of crisis.

Chen Xinghe took a deep breath, and charged up again with 27 flying swords.

At the same time, a vast robbery cloud suddenly appeared above the head, and Bo Shanlu embarked on a journey of promotion at this moment, aiming to become a top-grade magic weapon in one fell swoop.

Only in this way can the robbery power be supplied, otherwise Chen Xinghe really doesn't know how to face these vicious and vicious enemies.

"Ang!" The moment the thunder fell, the dragon roared loudly.

The Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue controls the power of thousands of kalpas, and the 27 flying swords pull out dazzling lightning, which is so fast that it is lawless.

"Puff puff puff..." All the blood Shuras were pierced by the sword shadow at this moment, but they could pick up their heads if they lost their heads, and such injuries were completely ignored.

Chen Xinghe naturally knew that it was better to cut off one finger than to hurt his ten fingers, so he brought the black Jielong with his fists to kill the strongest enemy.

"Boom..." The two sides punched head-on. Fortunately, his right hand and right arm were covered with fairy scale armor, otherwise he would be useless.

His body retreated a hundred feet, his viscera were under the shock of the force, and he spewed two mouthfuls of blood, and his complexion improved slightly.

The injury was serious, but luckily the opponent was even worse, Chen Xinghe took out the pill "Ton Ton Ton" and swallowed it madly, suppressing the injury by force and rushed forward.

"Jielai." Tianjie is indeed very strong, but in this level of battle, it can only play a supporting role.

"Human race bag, let's get promoted together!" Chen Xinghe had no choice but to inform Master Zhenyu to trigger the Heavenly Tribulation. The Nine Tribulations of Huangquan is really powerful, but you must have a calamity to overcome, if you only rely on the little calamity you have accumulated on weekdays Even the blood Shura's skin couldn't be broken.

"Okay, let's start a robbery." The spirit of Zhenyu Tianzhu quickly pushed the race bag to a higher level.

The catastrophe cloud grew rapidly, and the temple was covered with thunder. This is the Buddha's treasure crossing the catastrophe, and with the participation of Zhenyu Tianzhu artifact spirit, it is ten times more powerful than the catastrophe attracted by the Boshan furnace.

Chen Xinghe raised his head and looked up, his heart suddenly gained confidence, he let out a loud roar to activate Jie Li to strengthen Feijian, his figure was so fast that only an afterimage remained.

These blood Shuras are not vegetarians, they spew out black fire one after another to disturb the soul.

However, Chen Xinghe couldn't play the same trick a second time.

I saw dense light spots on his body, and each light spot is an acupoint, and at the same time, it is also a spiritual lock to lock the mind, suppress abnormalities, and not be affected by the outside world.

"Kill!" In this double catastrophe, Chen Xinghe felt like a fish in water, the thunder of the catastrophe hit him and immediately turned into the power of Yujian, which was much more enjoyable than when the magic power was at its full potential.

As a result, sword threads were densely covered, Fei Yu shot and killed, and it was another feast of slaughter.

This time, he killed eleven Blood Shuras in one go, leaving eleven remaining.

"Come on! Heavenly Tribulation, unleash your strongest power."

The rest of these blood Shuras are all men of terrifying strength.

However, the more this happened, the more excited Chen Xinghe felt. Cultivating on weekdays was too boring. He was used to life-and-death contests, and he felt satisfied every time he was beaten until his liver and gallbladder were torn apart.

"Hahaha, at the same rank, so what if you are half a chip higher than me? You will still be defeated." The voice was shaken, and several blood Shuras lost their minds in anger, and immediately rushed up and tore crazily.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang..." Flying swords danced together, and golden lightning and purple lightning fell from the heights, like giant beasts opening their mouths to swallow them.

With a soft "boom", the 27 flying swords merged into one body, measuring one foot and three in length and two feet and six in width, crushing the surroundings with dazzling light.

The five blood Shuras were broken at the waist, and then Dian Guang and Jian Guang rushed out of their bodies, and did not stop venting until the breath completely disappeared.

Chen Xinghe took a few steps back, panting and looking at the remaining blood Shura, he was almost reaching the limit in such a high-intensity battle.

"Cough, mana is almost recovered, let's die." Chen Xinghe suddenly raised his eyes, and the Lingbao Feijian exploded with all its strength.

The sword came out like a tide, screaming at the sky, and Xuan Zhi's mysterious aura swept across.

Blood Shura doesn't have a tacit understanding of cooperation, and they will tear each other down at critical moments. This is where Chen Xinghe's chances lie.

When Jian Guang rose, the two blood Shura retreated in fear, and the other guys staggered, trying to use their own kind as shields to cover themselves.

To be honest, if these blood Shuras were united, ten Chen Xinghes would be useless, but now there is no such concern.

The sharpness of the kendo became stronger and stronger, and the physique of the evil beast could hardly bear it. At this time, an amazing scene was displayed.

Gui Zangjian opened the secret door and teleported directly into Blood Shura's body.

Thus, the sword lotus bloomed, one, two, three...

The Blood Shura blossomed and died, witnessing a miracle. Without exception, they fell into the dust and were devastated by the aftermath of the catastrophe.

Chen Xinghe immediately collapsed. These blood Shuras launched a powerful attack when they were about to die. Even if they didn't really land on him, and the Enlightenment Seal offset most of the power, they were still injured and began to weaken.

(End of this chapter)

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