Chapter 1069
It's been a whole year since the war ended.

Chen Xinghe cultivated for nine months, relying on dragon veins and a few potions of elixirs, he managed to get better. Without these help, it may take a whole century to heal his injuries.

Blood Shura reunites once every five years, and there is only one beep left by the Wanjie clock. The next time they face these guys, they can only suppress them one layer.

If there is Shura with the peak blood of the God Transformation, it may not be able to suppress the middle stage of the God Transformation, which will be troublesome.

Chen Xinghe had to raise his cultivation to reach the middle stage of transformation, and he had to stabilize his cultivation, so that he would be able to fight.

As for using Heavenly Tribulation as a helper, all the spiritual weapons around you have become magic weapons. It takes a great opportunity to become a spiritual treasure. There may be a chance for the race bag, because Zhenyu Tianzhu was originally of a very high level, Boshan Furnace and Ashes Dawang Don't even think about it, they can't reach it even if they are exhausted.

However, when it comes to triggering a catastrophe, the right hand is the most vicious existence in the sky and on the ground, and a little leak of breath can attract the catastrophe of the heavens.

Such calamities are probably not able to be sustained by the current attainment of the Nine Tribulations of Huangquan Jue.The key lies in the Seal of Enlightenment. If mana is hoarded crazily, can it survive the catastrophe?So as to use the Dao Jie to destroy the enemy?
Unless it was absolutely necessary, Chen Xinghe didn't dare to do this.

It's just that there is only one bell on the top of the head. If there are too many blood Shuras, and there are many powerful guys, they are forced to go this way.

The most urgent thing to do now is to improve your cultivation, if you can't step into the mid-stage of transformation, everything is a delusion.

Just like that, Chen Xinghe practiced with his head down.

During the period, four treasure maps were generated by the Zongmen Fashu. According to the notes that emerged from the corners of the treasure maps, the specifications of the treasures became more and more powerful each time.

I don't know what the top leaders of the sect want to do. Is it to use competition to inherit the treasure?
According to the development of this situation, maybe there will be a treasure map four years later, and the level will just extend to the stage of transformation.

Chen Xinghe continued to temper his mind.

Suddenly one day, his Nascent Soul took a step forward, and after stretching his body, it was much taller than the main body.

After stretching his waist, Chen Xinghe finally realized that he had entered the mid-stage of transformation, the Nascent Soul had formally grown up, and his mind had turned into a Primordial Spirit, making him even more extraordinary.

The Nascent Soul is nine feet tall, and it should be able to reach one foot when the cultivation base is stable.

However, this is just the beginning. When the Nascent Soul reaches six feet, and can shrink its body at will, and even change everything. Only when it reaches that level can it travel the world!

The Liuzhang Nascent Soul needs to enter the late stage of transformation, and any change needs to reach the peak of transformation, which is the only way for human monks.

Chen Xinghe's foundation is already extremely solid, now he only needs to thicken his head and build up his cultivation base.

Hard work pays off. After half a year of hard work after being promoted, the Nascent Soul has grown to a height of one foot. This stage means that the middle stage of the transformation of the gods has been stabilized, and one can move on to the late stage of the transformation of the gods.

The effect of dragon veins is weakening, if you want to reach the late stage of transforming gods, you will not be able to survive for seven or eighty years.

If one refines the elixir that will help monks in the stage of transforming gods improve, then they can maintain an unimaginable promotion speed on the basis of dragon veins.

After killing so many masters and blood Shura, the bottleneck in the book of life and death has been broken and ascended to the position of heaven and man, corresponding to the period of crossing the catastrophe.

This means that before the tribulation period, there is no bottleneck here in Chen Xinghe.So if you should be crazy, you should be crazy, and push yourself to the fit stage as soon as possible, so that it is safe enough, and you won't become a little shrimp that everyone shouts and kills.

The stage of transforming gods can be regarded as a master in Chihuangtian, while the stage of fusion is outstanding, enough to stand at the top of the entire cultivation world and overlook the earth.

On this day, Chen Xinghe suddenly had a whim, and a passage to seize the house suddenly formed in his mind.


When the sound of prayer came, it turned out to be the sacred carpet he had left in Junchali World. Someone prayed to the divine carpet for divine grace.

Chen Xinghe thought silently: "Letting the world take the initiative to call me to accept the loss is indeed a shortcut to advancement. With the improvement of my cultivation base, my potential is weakening, and my thoughts are beginning to solidify. I need to have a broad enough vision to offset all kinds of disadvantages. bondage."

"Alright, there's still some time before the Blood Asura's attack, let's go to Junchali World to see what the world has become."

After making up his mind, he separated a wisp of Yuanshen and entered the Duoshe passage.

Because the distance between the two sides is very far, I just feel that the world is spinning, and it took a long time to regain consciousness.

In a daze, Chen Xinghe sat up.

It was like a revolving lantern in my mind, turning into the foundation-building monk Song Tianbao, who trudged through the first half of his life.

"What an arduous process of seeking the Tao! Song Tianbao of the Great Yi Dynasty was born with disabled legs. He embarked on the road of practice neither to show his holiness in front of others, nor to envy longevity, but to stand up and walk."

"When many people are laughing, teasing and scolding, walking like flying, Song Tianbao just wants to walk around like ordinary people! However, his family is in poverty and can only live with a room full of random books left by his grandfather."

"Those collections of classics and history, all ancient books were sold out by the Song family, leaving only some miscellaneous notes and travel notes. Even so, Song Tianbao also read them with great interest, and found some clues to cultivation from them."

"At the age of 22, his father and brother died unfortunately outside. Song Tianbao, who was as thin as a stick, kept his filial piety for a year and a half and sold his property. He decided to go out of the house to have a look outside when the afterglow of his life was still shining on him."

"Of course he didn't choose places to travel at random, because the money was very limited, so he went to the Jianglinwan ruins mentioned in the miscellaneous notes."

"This place was once prominent, and I don't know who offended it, but it collapsed overnight, leaving behind some legends."

Chen Xinghe suddenly looked strange and said: "Jiang Linwan? Isn't this the place where Yuanjun, Shencha, and Qingluo lived? It's just that they didn't call it that name back then, and the time flow in the military world is faster. It was seven, 800 years ago that I spent some time at home.”

"Has it been so long? I don't know if Yuanjun has recovered. The road to ghosts and immortals is not easy, let alone the burden of rebuilding the underworld?"

Thinking of this, Chen Xinghe continued to experience the life of this Song Tianbao, and found that this person has outstanding shining points, and he is a guy who can study deeply.

I don't know how many people visited Jiang Linwan's old site without any clue, but Song Tianbao insisted on digging out three methods.

The first is the method of spiritual planting, the second is the method of freezing and keeping fresh, and the third is the Yuemei pile that is widely spread by the Moon Moth Sect.

The so-called Yuemei Pillar is to attract the power of the moonlight by standing on the post when the moon is strong. The basic skills of the gods are solid thanks to this kind of method, but Jiang Linwan only left a few traces. Chen Xinghe was surprised to be able to dig out the practice method For heaven and man.

"What a meticulous little monk, he has been struggling for more than a hundred years in the Qi refining period, and will step on the limit of his lifespan and enter the foundation building period. However, the demon world invaded, and the military tea world was tortured. In these years, he was divided into three major kingdoms. , Daxi, Dachuan, let go of your prejudices and act as one."

"It was a joyous thing, but..."

"Some people are willing to degenerate and serve demons with their bodies..."

(End of this chapter)

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