Chapter 1071
In a short while, Song Tianbao got rid of the impurities and dirt from his body, stepped into the middle stage of foundation establishment, and walked lightly through the bottleneck. No one would believe this kind of thing.

Of course, he definitely couldn't do it himself, all thanks to Chen Xinghe's miraculous methods, standing in the mid-stage of transformation to play with a foundation cultivator, it was indescribably easy.

After all, this body now carries Chen Xinghe's primordial spirit, too weak can't do it.

It is now settled in the middle stage of foundation establishment, and it may not be the case after a while, because the middle stage of foundation establishment is still weak, at least it needs to work hard towards the golden core stage.

An angry shout came from the roof: "Well, you Song Gong, it turns out that you have hidden a hand for so many years. Proficient in pharmacology and medicine, can make medicine and can poison."

Chen Xinghe floated up, looked down at this guy who was pretending to be calm, didn't even bother to say a word, and a thunderbolt appeared while waving his hands.

"Thunderstorm?" The prince turned pale with shock, a mysterious and yellow energy surged from his body, but the thunder and lightning were just appearances, the thing that really killed him was in the thunder and lightning, it was a touch of sword intent that could overwhelm the sky.

"Gululu..." The head rolled down the eaves and fell into the courtyard, scaring the female relatives to cover their mouths and cry.

Where have those minions seen such magical skills?The aloof prince is dead.

The other party didn't even say a word, just waved his hand and his head fell off. The people around the prince boasted about the body of ten thousand gold, immortality, there is a way to put his head back for a fight!

Song Tianbao is really a man like a god. No wonder the crown prince trusted him so much, and his prestige among the people was terribly high.

At this moment, the minion knelt down on the ground, letting him be disposed of, hoping to save his life.

Chen Xinghe suddenly looked to the north and said, "Just watch, why don't you come out and make some gestures?"

"Eh?" A suspicious voice came from the north, and asked in disbelief, "You actually managed to find me?"

Chen Xinghe smiled lightly and said, "There is a demonic energy around me, how blind am I to not be able to see it? Are you a half-devil? Make yourself into a demon and a human. It seems that the demon world is still studying how to infuse it." Human monks seem to have entered a dead end, have not made progress for many years, but are turning back?"

"What? How much do you know about us?" Following the voice, a terrifying monster with a dark face appeared.

Someone on the street saw the monster screaming, followed by the sound of knocking things over while running.

Chen Xinghe had already come in front of the other party, looked carefully for a moment and said: "I take back what I just said, the demon world has made great progress in dyeing and transforming ordinary people. Originally, they could only attack monks, but now they have raised ordinary people to the peak level of foundation building. , It’s simply unimaginable, if this method is popularized, the world will immediately turn into purgatory.”

"Hahaha!" The devil laughed wildly: "This world is originally a purgatory. Only when the devil world comes, we lonely people can gain strength! Song Tianbao, Song Tianbao, speaking of it, I admired you very much in the past, because you had no background, and the second No resources, born with a disability, it’s really not easy to reach today’s level with your own efforts! But God still treats you kindly, because you have spiritual roots, you can practice, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t enter That door."

Chen Xinghe looked the devil up and down, nodded and said: "I admit this, Song Tianbao only found the opportunity at the age of 25 or [-], and at this age, even if he had spiritual roots, he would have been closed long ago, but Song Tianbao overcame all obstacles, with momentum like a rainbow People in the world don’t know what his reason is, but God really treats him kindly, he has no spiritual root! If it weren’t for this kind of talent, how could he be able to embark on the road of cultivation when he was just enlightened at such an age? So you can Get more resentful, God is so unfair, don't you think?"

The devil backed away with a frown, and asked in a low voice, "Who are you? Your tone is not Song Tianbao."

"So smart? It seems that you are definitely not an ordinary person." Chen Xinghe spread his hands and said: "Don't be nervous, in fact, Song Tianbao really got off to a bad start, and he even had trouble walking! This kind of experience has long been experienced by others. He gave up on himself, and he never gave up!"

Chen Xinghe's complexion suddenly became serious, his eyes seemed to have the ability to capture souls, and he asked sharply: "The reason why Song Tianbao has come to this point is not because he has the root of heaven, but because he has not given up on himself, and has never given up on himself. Willing to be depraved! Look at you again. Is it bad to have a pair of legs that are congenitally disabled? You are willing to degenerate and complain about others. This is the crux of the problem and the biggest difference between you. God never helps those who complain about others, only those with strong will , A strong man who doesn't know what to give up! Do you still think it's good for you to pray to the devil world for this body? If you haven't repented yet, when will you wait?"

"Boom..." The demon trembled all over, tears streaming down his face.

His conscience was awakening, and these words were like enlightenment, making him suddenly understand many truths that he had never thought of before, and each word sounded like a bell, torturing his soul.

"Master, do I still have a chance?" The demon trembled, bearing the whip of the demon energy.

"Don't give up, just treat yourself as a limp, and find a way to stand up again. By the way, who is behind the scenes, making the world so weak today."

The demon endured great pain and said: "Yes, it is three demonic monks. They...they are loyal to the half-devil Curry. Junchali World has been named the seventh leader of Curry by the demon world. The three of them took the Three Kingdoms as a chessboard, Taking some characters as chess pieces, I'm playing a game of pleasing Curry, and I... I usually don't make a move, I'm just responsible for observing and delivering information, so that the game can present the whole picture."

"Oh?" Chen Xinghe suddenly realized that the Ganqing Junchali world had already fallen, and this Curry was idle and free, using the human world as a chessboard.

Suddenly, the devil foamed at the mouth, his eyes turned purple, stared fixedly at Chen Xinghe, and said with a strange yin and yang: "I thought that some eminent monk came and forcibly reversed the devil's heart, and almost turned against the wind. Hehehe, very It's rare to meet a chess piece that jumps out of the chess path, and the young master can finally relieve his boredom. Wait, soon other chess pieces will surround you..."

"Pa..." Chen Xinghe slapped the demon's forehead like lightning, knocking him unconscious.

However, white smoke appeared from the demon's body, and he died in an unconscious convulsion.

Chen Xinghe's face was serious. With his medical skills, not to mention the living dead, there were almost few bones, but he was helpless against this kind of evil energy that invaded the spinal cord.

What he didn't even expect was that the demon was burned instantly, and there was no trace left by the wind blowing, and he was not even given the opportunity to collect the corpse for autopsy and research.

"Hey! The demonization is irreversible, and there is no remnant soul left, which shows that this person has sold himself extremely thoroughly."

After a little emotion, Chen Xinghe went back home to prepare, the trouble had just begun, someone wanted to play a game, and he happened to have time, so he would compare the amount to see whose method was better.

(End of this chapter)

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