Beginning to win the big elder

Chapter 1072 Two people's war

Chapter 1072 One person's war

"Pack up the gold and silver, and leave them all alone! Come back when everything is safe." Chen Xinghe stood in the Song family courtyard and told the Song family to leave quickly.

Before leaving, everyone distributed a few talismans, which he made in a hurry. Due to the limited raw materials, they could only be crudely made, but they could save their lives at critical moments. After all, there are not many Jindan monks in this world.

After handling the Song family's housework, Chen Xinghe flew up.

He wanted to rush to the mansion where Master Tan Tiantong stayed in this realm, to see if the talisman spirit snake was still there.

When he got to the place, he couldn't help but sigh.

The mansion has long been razed to the ground, not even the broken walls and ruins remain, which shows that a very powerful force has intervened, and the world has really changed, and the Tan family has lost their greatest support.

While sighing in his heart, Chen Xinghe took out a cloud of heaven and earth black and yellow energy, it was the treasure of the chess piece prince, and it was because of this treasure that he had the courage to speak out.

Authentic Tiandi Xuanhuang Qi is very rare, this ball is obviously not genuine, but the quality is not bad, it can have [-]% of the real power.

Chen Xinghe waited intently for a moment, only to see a stream of black magic smoke suddenly released from the heaven and earth mysterious yellow energy, the quality of which had increased by more than [-]%.

After dealing with this, he punched and bombarded.

One punch, two punches, three punches, hundreds of punches, thousands of punches.

This group of heaven and earth mysterious yellow gas was originally only the size of a human head, but under the bombardment of fists, it became extremely thin and wide, floating in the air.

Seen from afar, the heaven and earth's mysterious yellow energy became translucent, and at this moment it turned into a huge funnel floating above Chen Xinghe's head, and suddenly a faint light shone.

At this moment, it is at You time in the afternoon, the sun is about to set, and the moonlight is gathering.

Chen Xinghe looked up, his eyes were dotted with stars, as if the word Muxing was written.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, the moonlight gathered more and more, surpassing the afterglow of the setting sun, and it looked a little gorgeous.

At this time, the moonlight fell down, just pouring water on Song Tianbao.

At this point, the aura boiled and grew wildly, and it was pulled up step by step, and soon broke through the limit and was promoted to the late stage of foundation establishment.

Then, the sky darkened, and the moonlight gathered more.

Thousands of streaks of moonlight appeared in the sky, and they fled to this place with eternal coldness and aloofness, making Song Tianbao firmly in the late stage of foundation establishment and marching towards the peak and perfection.

Chen Xinghe left a voice message and said: "You spent a lot of energy to lure me here, and your soul has not recovered at all. Now that you have this opportunity, use the memory I gave you to practice hard in the future!"

After leaving this sentence, I added another sentence in my heart: "Of course, the premise is that you can survive. This world has fallen, and I can only do my best. I hope to wipe out the evil troubles and buy some time for the residents of this world."

Suddenly, someone rushed over quickly, stopped in the distance and was shocked by the big scene Song Tianbao had created, and raised his voice: "Song Gongfeng, is this your reliance? Use strange methods to quickly attract Yuehua to come, regardless of the cost. Cultivation."

"Regardless of the cost?" Chen Xinghe said comprehensibly, "Do you think there will be serious sequelae if I improve like this? Hahaha, don't use your knowledge to speculate that you don't know the field at all. This kind of thinking is very ridiculous."

"Hmph, regardless of whether there are sequelae or not, you dare to kill the Thirteenth Emperor Uncle, today is your death day."

Chen Xinghe suddenly said: "Thinking about it, you are the eighth prince of this dynasty. It is said that you have gone to the mountains to study art for many years, so you can't be thrown into the foot of the magic sect, right?"

"Open your mouth and keep your mouth shut, you monks always like to pretend to be righteous. How do you know the greatness of demons? In the future, there will only be one kind of breath that can circulate between heaven and earth, and that is the eternal demonic energy."

Chen Xinghe said impatiently: "Wow, wow, talk to yourself, what are you doing here? Can you have a better time?"

"Hmph, my Highness naturally came here to take your life, but I never fight uncertain battles, they are coming soon."

As soon as the words fell, I saw flying boats galloping, one, two, three, and more behind.

A total of seven flying boats appeared, and the united will said: "I will come as soon as the monk of the anti-magic department receives the order, and assist the Eighth Prince to clean up the undercover demons who have been undercover for many years."

Chen Xinghe didn't have the slightest fear, nodded and said: "It's quite interesting, the black becomes white, and then the white becomes black, anyway, you are a member of the royal family, how can you say it makes sense."

"Don't listen to Song Tianbao's charming words, hook out and block it." The eighth prince's words were really good, and the seven flying boats immediately released their hooks and locks to set up a net to block off this area.

Chen Xinghe glanced around and said, "Don't you fellow Daoists of the Anti-Magic Division have the ability to discern? Many of you monks have cooperated with me, and I, Song Tianbao, have a second post in the Anti-Magic Division, so we are all colleagues. You are so eager Do you want to kill me to please the Eighth Prince?"

A few people stood up in the flying boat, condescendingly contemptuously said to Song Tianbao: "You devil, don't come here to confuse us, it's a shame to be with you. If the Eighth Prince didn't expose you, we would still be kept in the dark."

"That's all! I figured it out today. Righteousness and evil depend entirely on one's mouth. In the end, whoever has the biggest fist has the final say, and whoever has the background has the final say. How can there be a clean stream in the world? Especially for those who are cultivators, who are more powerful than ordinary reality." A hundred times higher, so the realm of comprehension is truly ordinary."

As soon as the words fell, the mysterious yellow air of heaven and earth floating in the sky suddenly spun, and suddenly gathered all the moonlight within a range of [-] miles, and the gathering area became wider and wider.

When Chen Xinghe raised his hand, a vision appeared, hundreds of miles of clouds surged in the sky, and dazzling lightning flashed in the clouds.

"What? He wants to cross the catastrophe and become a pill?"

"how can that be?"

Chen Xinghe answered them directly: "Cheng Dan is a real pill, and crossing the catastrophe is also a true crossing the catastrophe, but the catastrophe is a bit huge, and you all need to help me bear [-]% of the power."

As soon as the words fell, the thunder fell into the world. It was too terrible to use the hook lock to seal off this area. The hook lock turned red and bright instantly when it encountered the electric light.

Jie Lei ran wildly, passed, and sputtered.

The eighth prince didn't have time to exclaim, a flash of lightning flashed across his neck, exactly like his uncle, his head rolled into the dust.

Chen Xinghe didn't even look at the Eighth Prince, and the seven flying boats around him, since he decided to be the enemy, he must be ready to be destroyed at any time.

Jie Lei continued to expand its range, blasting out five monsters, and they were a little surprised.

They usually hide their bodies, and no one can find them. Today is really a ghost.

"Death!" Such a firm belief, Lei Jie was actually driven by this person, and the devils didn't even have a chance to make a second expression.

The flying boat shattered, all the monks on the flying boat were wiped out, and there were no enemies within ten miles.

Chen Xinghe felt that he was making a fuss over a molehill, so he hurriedly withdrew his tribulation power and reserved it for the next battle, but it was too early for him to think so.

A blue flying sword turned into a dazzling light and killed him. If he hadn't reacted quickly and raised his hand to shoot out ten arcs, Song Tianbao would have been decapitated.

An old man in white clothes came up in the air, burst into a rare glimpse of Jian Yu, and said coldly: "Qingtian sect evildoer, who allowed you to practice such a taboo technique?"

"Oh? You are a cultivator of the Fifth Sword Sect? Since you are in this world, why do you allow the demons to act recklessly?" Chen Xinghe began to maliciously speculate that the Fifth Sword Sect has taken refuge in the Demon Realm?

(End of this chapter)

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